All clinics listed below are for 1st or 2nd dose eligible Manitobans.
- NEW Pfizer clinics 1st dose eligibility is anyone born on or before Dec. 31, 2009, is eligible for the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine.
- Moderna clinics 1st dose eligibility is 18 years and older.
Anyone who received a first dose of AstraZeneca/Covishield is eligible to receive a second dose of any mRNA vaccine (Pfizer or Moderna), provided they meet provincial eligibility criteria for their second dose (see below).
Consent forms are needed for both 1st and 2nd dose appointments.
- Click here to download a consent form.
Vaccine Clinic Locations and Hours of Operation
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***Please note the above dates are subject to change based on vaccine availability.
For young people aged 12 to 15
When attending a Pfizer vaccine clinic, to make the visit as easy as possible, they can either attend the appointment with a parent, guardian or caregiver or bring a signed consent form at the time of their appointment. If the youth attends without a guardian and without a signed consent form, they will go through an informed consent process with a clinical lead to assess their ability to consent on their own and proceed with the vaccine. Young people aged 16 and 17 can sign their own consent form. Please bring an MB Health Card or piece of ID.
Booking an Appointment
- If you meet the eligibility criteria, book your appointment by calling (toll-free) 1-844-626-8222 for all locations.
- Booking online is also available for Dauphin and Brandon Supersites only at https://protectmb.ca/.
- Individuals can book for other people but require the client’s Manitoba Health card number.
Criteria for 2nd dose changes frequently please visit https://protectmb.ca/ for most up to date information.
Second-dose vaccine appointments can be booked if you meet eligibility and the minimum period of time between doses which is 28 days for all vaccines.
- All Indigenous people ages 12 and up
- People with priority health conditions (i.e. receiving hemodialysis, liver cirrhosis, severe heart failure, received or to receive solid organ transplant, receiving chemotherapy etc.)
To view the list of health conditions, visit: https://www.gov.mb.ca/covid19/vaccine/eligibility-criteria.html
Consent Forms
A consent form is required for both doses.
It’s important to bring your completed consent form with you for a faster process.
- To download the consent form, visit https://www.gov.mb.ca/covid19/vaccine/resources.html
- Copies of the consent forms are also available at PMH Health Care facilities and PMH community town & RM offices for pick up.
A reminder to those attending Vaccine Clinics:
- Arrive only 10 minutes before your appointment. If you arrive earlier, please stay in your vehicle until 10 minutes before your appointment to prevent long lineups.
- Wear a short-sleeve shirt and mask
- Do not attend if you are experiencing any flu or cold-like symptoms. If you are sick, please call 1-844-626-8222 to cancel your appointment.
- Do not attend if you have been out of the province in the last 14 days.
Before your appointment:
- Read this fact sheet for information about the vaccine.
- Read this fact sheet about possible adverse reactions to the vaccine.
- Print, fill out and sign the consent form before you go and bring it with you.
- Read this checklist of what to bring with you and how to be prepared.

Brandon Keystone Centre Supersite
Location: 1175 18th Street
- located on the east side of the Keystone Centre building.
- Enter off of 13th street. Use the outside Manitoba Room doors to access the vaccine site.
- There is also a pick-up and drop-off area directly in front of the vaccine entrance doors, along with a wheelchair ramp.
- **Please DO NOT CALL the Keystone Centre to book or discuss appointments. The Keystone staff do not have the information required.
Health Care Providers
Manitoba has finalized additional guidance for health-care providers to help them answer questions from their patients and determine whether individuals with certain conditions should receive the COVID-19 vaccine when eligible. This includes people who have suppressed immune systems, have autoimmune conditions, or are pregnant or breastfeeding.
This guidance is posted at https://manitoba.ca/covid19/vaccine/healthcare-professionals.html.