Race, Ethnicity & Indigenous Identity Data
Let’s achieve health equity together.
We are gathering information from patients to help us understand and close existing gaps in health care access, experience and outcomes.

- Race
- Ethnicity
- Indigenous Identity
Earlier this year, Manitoba became the first Canadian Province to collect Race, Ethnicity and Indigenous identity data as part of the admission process at all hospitals and at CancerCare Manitoba’s BreastCheck Program.
These questions are voluntary and your participation will not impact your care. Your answers are protected under the Personal Health Information Act (PHIA). The data will further help identify gaps that exist and actions to address them.
Q: What are you using my information for?
A: This data helps us make sure we can respond to the specific needs of our community by identifying and addressing any gaps in the services we provide.
Q: Who can see my answers?
A: Your answers are protected like any other personal health information. Your information will stay in your Electronic Patient Records and be accessible to members of the health care team taking care of you. Your responses will not negatively impact your care. In the future, researchers may also want to use this information. In such cases, anything that would identify you as an individual will be removed.
Q: Who is being asked these questions?
A: We ask everyone the same questions to make sure our data accurately reflects the people we serve.
Q: Do I have to answer these questions?
A: These questions are voluntary. Your participation will not impact your care.
Q: What if I have concerns about the way I am being treated because of my race or ethnicity?
A: Every service delivery organization has a Client Relations or complaint process you can contact to report any concerns about the way you are being treated in health care. If you need support in deciding whether or not to report something, or help in navigating the process, you can reach out to someone you know or a community organization you trust.
Click here to read a letter from Dr. Marcia Anderson, Vice-dean Indigenous health, social justice and anti-racism Project Lead, on behalf of Shared Health.
To learn more visit sharedhealthmb.ca/rei