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Emergency Department

During Veteran’s Week we pause to remember

We pause to remember the sacrifices and efforts of those who have supported and protected our families, friends, neighbours and our nation.

Indigenous Veteran’s Day

November 8th is National Indigenous Veterans Day. The First Nations, Inuit and Métis of Canada have a long and proud tradition of military service to our country. Learn more.

Remembrance Day

On November 11th, it is important to take time to remember, honour and thank all veterans – At home, around the world and across generations. Read more.

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Prairie Mountain Health held its Annual General Meeting November 1st

Prairie Mountain Health (PMH) held its 2022-2023 Annual General Meeting (AGM) on Wednesday, November 1st. The AGM was hosted by Chief Executive Officer Brian Schoonbaert and Board of Directors Chairperson Lon Cullen. Board Finance Committee Chairperson Shep Kaastra and PMH Regional Lead Corporate Services and CFO Dan McGregor also participated to deliver the 2022/23 finance report.

PMH staff, community representatives, organizational members and area residents joined the online interactive meeting held via Zoom.   

Schoonbaert recapped strategies and actions related to recruitment, capital planning, and other organizational priorities related to the last operational year (April 1, 2022-March 31, 2023). He also took the opportunity to recognize, acknowledge and appreciate the tremendous efforts of health care staff, physicians and volunteers who have and continue to provide care.

The meeting ended with a question period for attendees to ask their own questions on PMH’s current operations, challenges and initiatives underway within the region.

The detailed 2022/2023 PMH Annual Report and audited financial statements are available on the PMH website here.

Watch the full recording of the annual general meeting:

Watch the 2022/23 Year Recap Video

This video was played during the annual general meeting and is included in the full meeting recording above.

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Information updates regarding critical motor vehicle incident


Prairie Mountain Health CRISIS ASSISTANCE

If you are within the Prairie Mountain Health Region and in need of mental health support please call 1-888-379-7699.

Shared Health and Prairie Mountain Health responded to a serious motor vehicle incident which occurred near Carberry on June 15.

Prairie Mountain Health offers our deepest condolences to all those affected by this tragedy.

We want to thank all first responders including members of Shared Health Emergency Response Services team, for your remarkable response to today’s tragic events. Work is underway to ensure supports are available to all who responded today with the utmost of skill and professionalism.

Brandon Regional Health Centre as well as Health Sciences Centre Winnipeg and the Winnipeg Health Region received patients related to this event, and/or had patients relocated in order to create capacity at Manitoba’s tertiary centre (HSC).

The Code Orange called earlier in the day triggered an all-system response to the incident. Response teams  transported patients and emergency department, surgical and critical care teams at HSC and Brandon Regional Health Centre (BRHC) supported the care needs of incoming patients.

June 16 Updated statement from Shared Health

Message from Brian Schoonbaert, CEO, on behalf of Prairie Mountain Health

Yesterday, our region and some of our communities were thrust into the most tragic and surreal circumstances that one could never imagine possible, or be fully prepared for. There are no words to cover the enormity of the tragedy in the critical accident near Carberry.

On behalf of our staff, Board, communities and stakeholders, our hearts ache, and our deepest sympathies and condolences go out to the families and loved ones of all involved with this unbelievable tragedy.

From the bottom of our hearts, we sincerely appreciate the outpouring of support we have received from throughout the country.

We thank the emergency personnel who answered the call to deal with this major critical incident—coordinating response to a mass casualty event is complex, difficult and physically and emotionally taxing.

We want to take this opportunity to acknowledge and recognize the significant contribution staff at Brandon Regional Health Centre made yesterday as the initial primary site managing the majority of accident victims who were sent to hospital.

The response of ALL of our health teams was extraordinary! It was an incident unlike we have ever managed in our facility or region. It was truly an ‘all hands on deck’ response, with every department stepping up and doing their part. Quite simply, it’s another example of our “healthcare heroes” in action, and as always, it’s awe-inspiring and never in question!

The Emergency Medical Services response to this tragic event was well-coordinated, patient-centred and highly efficient. We thank Shared Health and STARS Ambulance for all of their assistance.

Mental Health and Wellness

Witnessing and responding to such a tragedy is, of course, unexplainably difficult. We realize that people must support each other and make no hesitation in reaching out for support. It’s okay, to not be okay.

We have mental health teams of professionals working with and supporting the communities of Dauphin, Carberry, Brandon and Neepawa. Mental health support for those impacted by yesterday’s tragedy can contact the general mental health crisis support line at 1-888-379-7699.

An update regarding community support in Dauphin:

In collaboration with our partners at the City and RM of Dauphin, we are providing support at Credit Union Place (Curling Rink), which is now the area for overall community support. The support centre commenced operation today (June 16) at Noon. Please watch for more information about the centre and hours of operation, which right now are Noon to 10 pm. PMH is also collaborating with officials in Carberry, and we currently have mental health support present there now.

Individuals in the health region who are struggling with their mental health are encouraged to call 1-888-379-7699 to access support.

We know the days to come for members of our communities will be unquestionably difficult and filled with sorrow and grief. We urge those impacted or affected not to hesitate to seek health supports, which are readily available.

Thank you.

More Help is Available

Tragedies such as the incident near Carberry can have a significant impact on our mental health and well-being.

If you, or someone you know, is struggling with this news and is in need of support, please know help is available.

  • Wellness Together Canada counsellors are available 24/7 to speak with anyone in need of assistance by calling 1-866-585-0445. Help is also available by reaching out to one of the resources listed below or by visiting
  • Crisis Response Centre: 204-940-1781 or toll free 1-877-499-8770
  • Klinic Suicide Prevention & Crisis Support Line: 204-786-8686 or toll free 1-888-322-3019
  • Kids Help Phone: 1-800-668-6868 or text CONNECT to 686868
  • Manitoba Farm, Rural & Northern Support Services: 204-571-4182 or toll free 1-866-367-3276
  • First Nations & Inuit Hope for Wellness Help Line: 1-855-242-3310
  • For any members of Shared Health ERS team seeking immediate support please contact our Employee Assistance Plan at 204-786-8880 or 1-800-590-5553.

Other Resources

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St. Paul’s Personal Care Home will be undergoing a maintenance update over the span of two weeks, beginning May 29th, with the installation a back-up generator.

St. Paul’s PCH is located at 703 Jackson Street in Dauphin.

Timeline of Project

Staff parking lot located off of Pioneer Ave will be temporarily closed.
  • May 29Preparation of job site, including barricading/closing of staff parking lot located on the south side of the personal care home, on Pioneer Avenue.
    • Staff will be advised of parking options when available.
  • May 30Arrival of heavy equipment. This may temporarily affect traffic on Pioneer Avenue and Jackson Street, however, major delays or a full blocking of the street are not anticipated.
  • May 31 – June 7 – Construction on site for installation of generator.
  • June 8A planned power outage will occur within the facility for the hookup of the generator. Staff and management will have contingency plans in place for meals, laundry, washroom facilities, cooling areas and more. The exact length of time during which there will be no power within the facility is unknown, however it could be as long as 12 hours.
    • Manitoba Hydro will be on site to assist.
    • No other homes/buildings within the area will be affected by the power outage. Power will only be disconnected within St. Paul’s Personal Care Home.

Please note, the above timeline/dates may be subject to change due to unforeseen circumstances. Please check back regularly for the most up to date information.


If you have any questions, please email [email protected].

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When passion meets opportunity.

By Alexandra Wenger, Winnipeg Free Press

As a rural nurse, you’re so much more than your job title. There’s a certain kind of flexibility in rural nursing that allows you to develop your skills in different ways.

Chandel Bailey-Morrison

When Chandel Bailey-Morrison’s kindergarten teacher asked what she wanted to be when she grew up, Chandel already knew her answer. She wanted to become a nurse.

“I always knew nursing was my calling,” Bailey-Morrison said. “As a kid I was always helping people. To this day, when I care for people, it reminds me of my purpose on this earth and it makes me feel whole.”

Bailey-Morrison’s health-care career started early, with those kindergarten dreams, and continued on into high school when she became a health-care aide and worked in both hospice and palliative care environments.

“Palliative care was the most rewarding job I’ve ever had. It’s such an honour to care for people in their final stages of life,” she said. “I have some truly heartwarming memories, including a patient who asked me to give her a bath while listening to Louis Armstrong’s ‘What a Wonderful World.’ She got me to dance around the room singing at the top of my lungs. We laughed until we cried. It was the best day — and literally her very last day on earth.”

Originally published in the Winnipeg Free Press as part of a National Nursing Week special feature

Her goal of becoming a nurse was realized when Bailey-Morrison graduated with a nursing degree in 2014. From a dream planned out and pursued from the early age of five, Bailey-Morrison’s career path has taken her to some unexpected places, including to Dauphin, where she is care team manager at the Dauphin Regional Health Centre (DRHC).

“While I was in college, I met the love of my life,” Bailey-Morrison explained. “She was in school for paramedicine and when she got a job in Dauphin, I took the leap with her. We were engaged nine months later.”

Together, the couple started their new careers in Dauphin with the intention of staying for two years to gain experience before returning to Winnipeg. Years later, they haven’t left and no longer have plans to.

“I never thought I’d live outside the city borders far from family. At first, Dauphin was a big culture shock and rural medicine had a significant learning curve,” Bailey-Morrison said. “Out here, our scope is a bit broader so I’ve had more opportunities than I would have in the city. Where Winnipeg sites might have specific IV or code teams, here in Dauphin we are those teams.”

During her five years working at the DRHC, Bailey-Morrison has explored many different opportunities and worked in a variety of specialties, including medicine, surgery and maternity while using her experience to help both new and existing staff expand their education in her current leadership role.      

“As a rural nurse, you’re so much more than your job title. There’s a certain kind of flexibility in rural nursing that allows you to develop your skills in different ways. You have the ability to jump in and get orientated on different units and if you show interest and want to learn, you can try it,” she added. “All your career goals can be made possible here. There’s just so much room to grow.”

As care team manager, Bailey-Morrison is responsible for half the Dauphin facility, including three of its largest units, overseeing everything from staffing, hiring, recruitment, finances and budgeting to patient safety and operations.

“I’ve been given great opportunities to climb the ladder in my career. I think my journey would have looked a lot different if I had stayed in Winnipeg,” Bailey-Morrison said, crediting the mentors she had along the way for inspiring both her interest in leadership and her approach to her current role.

“When I was a health-care aide, Monika Warren (now chief nursing officer for Shared Health) was one of the people who encouraged me to become a nurse. I’ve always said if I was ever in a leadership role, I would want to be like her. The way she speaks to people and her calmness during crisis is just so remarkable. It really stuck with me and inspires me to this day to be a great leader.”

These days, Bailey-Morrison’s everyday tasks are quite different from those she was responsible for in a direct care nursing role, but she has found her calling in leadership and is known around the facility for her commitment to staff, ability to bring teams together to succeed and willingness to be an extra set of hands whenever they are needed.

While Dauphin wasn’t in the original kindergarten dreams, it has become home for Bailey-Morrison and her family, offering small-town charm and big opportunities.

“Living in rural Manitoba offers the best of both worlds. Dauphin is beautiful and economical, my commute is convenient, and there are tons of outdoor activities and a diverse and supportive community. My definition of family has changed, and it’s here. Dauphin is home.”

This article was originally published in the Winnipeg Free Press as part of a National Nursing Week special feature. Click here for the full feature to read about more nurses and their careers throughout Manitoba.

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Project Reset logo. Finding Digital Balance

Project Reset Creative Project Contest Winners 2023

The Project Reset committee is pleased to share the winners of the creative project contest.  The creative project contest encouraged middle years students in the pilot schools of both Rolling River and Brandon School Divisions to create awareness and build messaging around the issues of unbalanced media use, meaningful vs. passive screen use and the impacts these have on our health and well-being.

Rolling River School Division – Grade 6

In Rolling River School Division, all students in grade 6 at Tanner’s Crossing School in Minnedosa participated in the contest. There were a variety of posters, infographics and video projects submitted and the top 3 projects can be viewed here. The grade 6 classes are going to enjoy a field trip to Clear Lake as a way to celebrate their hard work!

1st Place: Sara-Lynn

Thumbnail image 1 of hand drawn poster

2nd Place: Georgia & Brooklyn

Thumbnail image 2 of poster

Third Place: Mannat, Payton, Avani, Summer, Adayna & Daisha

Thumbnail image 3 of poster

Other Finalists

Reign, Elise & Ian

Thumbnail image 4 of poster

Willow & Milan

Thumbnail image of video player 1

Garret & Zack

Thumbnail image 5 of poster

Brandon School Division – Grades 6 & 7

In Brandon School Division, Kirkcaldy Heights School and Linden Lanes School participated in the Project Reset pilot project and contest. The winning projects come from grade 7 at Kirkaldy Heights and grade 6 at Linden Lanes. The winning projects can be viewed here.

Video Category

1st Place: Lucy Ridgen, Quinn Poole, Luca Chae (Linden James)

Thumbnail image of video player 2

2nd Place: Mila Lang, Danica Lesy (Linden James)

Thumbnail image of video player 3

Poster Category

1st Place: Kirkcaldy Heights Grade 7 Students

Poster 1

Poster 2

Poster 3

Poster 4

Poster 5

Poster 6

2nd Place: Avalon Belke (Linden Lanes)

Thumbnail image of poster 6

About Project Reset

Project Reset is an initiative focused on engaging with the school community and parents to create awareness about digital well-being and how to build skills to create screen time balance, digital literacy and strong digital citizenship both in the classroom and with families at home. Visit our webpage to learn more about Project Reset.

Moving forward in a digital world has exciting possibilities and challenges. By working together, we can influence when, where and how often digital media is used, help ensure safety on-line, reinforce the need for sleep and physical activity, and create device-free interactions/zones to positively impact health and development in a digital world. A big thank you to all of the students, staff and families that participated in the Project Reset- Finding Digital Balance pilot project.

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Mobile Addictions Clinic Pilot Project Underway in PMH

March 15, 2023

In partnership with Health Canada and Shared Health, Prairie Mountain Health has commenced a pilot project to further enhance access to addictions services within the health region. With the support of $897,416 from Health Canada’s Substance Use and Addictions Program (SUAP), and in collaboration with local health partners and stakeholders, PMH is offering mobile Rapid Access to Addiction Medicine (RAAM) clinic days in three communities: Wuskwi Siphik (weekly) and Russell and Virden (bi-weekly).

The Mobile RAAM Clinic is a crucial step in addressing addiction, the stigma surrounding substance use disorders, and trying to eliminate barriers to access services and support. I am privileged to be a part of this program, and allow for change within Indigenous communities burdened by this epidemic. – Colton Roback, Nursing staff, Mobile RAAM Clinic – Wuskwi Sipihk First Nation

Mobile RAAM Clinics feature a staffing complement consisting of a physician, nursing staff, rehabilitation counsellors, and administration support. On clinic days, nursing staff and rehabilitation counsellors, with experience in harm reduction, will travel to the local health care clinic to provide services. A physician will be present (in-person or by virtual means) on the first day of each clinic in each community.

The team clinic approach supports ‘in-community’ services and builds capacity for local primary health-care providers to manage ongoing treatment of all substance use disorders, including the use of Opioid Agonist Therapy (OAT).

The mobile clinic project is an extension of the RAAM model, first introduced to Manitoba in 2018. Service delivery is based on improving access to addiction medicine through low barrier walk-in clinics. People can visit to get help for substance use without an appointment or formal referral. There are currently six site-based clinics located in Manitoba, including one in Brandon at the 7th Street Health Access Centre.

To view the RAAM Clinic schedules within Prairie Mountain Health, visit the PMH website here.

Making a Difference in our Communities

I feel the Mobile RAAM Clinic pilot project in our community is truly a blessing!
With the assistance of PMH and the clinic staff we can help our community members to survive and possibly live a longer life. The mentoring that is being provided to our Nurse Practitioner will give her the ability to assist our members in the areas of harm reduction. She will also be able to manage ongoing treatment of the substance disorders for our clients. We are very grateful for this opportunity to help our community members in need. The PMH staff, doctors and nurses are very friendly and wonderful to work with. The community members are very grateful to have this health project in our own community.

Cynthia Munro – Health Director, Wuskwi Sipihk First Nation

As the physician on the ground for the project, I’m very glad to have the institutional backing to provide care directly to populations most affected by the stark economic realities of travelling for healthcare in rural Manitoba. I’m excited by the connections we’re forming with health-care providers in very small communities, which are increasing their ability and confidence to care for challenging and complicated patients. If we’re lucky and committed, we can create a robust integrated network of addictions care throughout the region appropriate for our geography and social circumstances.

Dr. James Rae, Mobile RAAM Clinic Physician, PMH

As someone who has worked in addictions for over eight years, I am most enjoying the medical support of the Mobile RAAM team. The mobile RAAM clinic offers an opportunity for people to reach out and receive support when they need it. There is no waiting weeks for appointments in order to start the process and people come in when ‘they’ are ready to explore or begin the process of change.
Having the opportunity to speak with a counsellor, nurse, and physician in one location on the same day helps to manage the significant transportation barriers we see in our rural communities.

Christine Little, Rehabilitation Counsellor, Mobile RAAM Clinic – Virden, Russell

Being able to reach people a little closer to home who aren’t able to get themselves to a larger center like Brandon on a regular basis due to distance. I’ve enjoyed being able to see this service expand into rural communities where services like this are nearly non-existent.

Lynsey Jensen, Nursing Staff, Mobile RAAM Clinic – Virden, Russell

In working collectively with the Mobile RAAM team, we’ve had the ability to harness our own unique knowledge and strengths, while providing a service that is fluid and supports the autonomy of each individual we work with. I continue to learn so much from my team, and am so grateful for the support I receive from each of them. We have also had the opportunities to collaborate with different agencies, which has supported our ability to increase substance use treatment education in the community, enhance service opportunities, and build opportunities to overcome barriers and bridge gaps in services for those accessing substance use treatment and care. In bridging gaps and building connections with our clients as we support them holistically in making positive, we ensure no one is lost within the gaps, providing greater access to increased levels of success for each individual. In a short time, I have already witnessed the positive changes our program has provided and look forward to the months to come as we continue to expand our program to an exceptional capacity!

Sesley Sloboda, Rehabilitation Counsellor, Mobile RAAM Clinic – Wuskwi Sipihk First Nation
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Prairie Mountain Health was excited to learn of the province’s investment in a one-time, 25-student cohort for its practical nursing diploma program in Neepawa. The Manitoba government is providing $2.1 million in combined capital and operating funding to Assiniboine Community College (ACC) to offer the practical nursing program in Neepawa.

Advanced Education and Training Minister Sarah Guillemard and Health Minister Audrey Gordon say the one-time offering in Neepawa will provide students with training close to home, allowing them to study, work and strengthen health care in the region.

“Nurses from rural communities are more likely to stay or return to rural health settings and graduates of this program will be eligible to fill positions at the new hospital under construction in Neepawa scheduled for completion in 2025, “ Gordon stated.

“We are pleased to be able to contribute to training people for careers in health care throughout the province. Nursing is Assiniboine’s largest single program and our graduates have a track record of getting jobs and staying in Manitoba.” said Mark Frison, president, ACC. “This welcome investment by the Manitoba government allows us to respond to needs in Neepawa and we look forward to working with the community to expand access in this growing region of the province.”

At nearly four times the size of the existing Neepawa Health Centre, the new hospital will include:

  • 63 acute care inpatient beds, an increase from 38 at the current site;
  • an expanded emergency department designed to best practice standards that includes assessment and treatment rooms, a trauma room, stretcher bay and ambulance bay; and
  • enhanced space for a number of programs such as surgery, diagnostics and palliative care, as well as various outpatient services including chemotherapy, ambulatory care and an eight-station dialysis unit.

Prairie Mountain Health (PMH) CEO Brian Schoonbaert says the region continues collaborative efforts with the province and education institutions like Assiniboine to further strengthen the health-care workforce in the region.

“Training nurses close to home allows them to learn in a familiar environment and have the opportunity to learn about and apply for jobs in their community upon graduation,” said Brian Schoonbaert CEO of Prairie Mountain Health. “It also helps meet the high demand for nurses in PMH. We are pleased to work with Assiniboine and our stakeholders to offer learners in the health region this opportunity.”

The investment in Neepawa further aligns with the provincial Health Human Resource Action Plan, which launched in November 2022 with a commitment to add 2,000 health-care providers, invest $200 million to retain, train and recruit health-care staff across Manitoba, and eliminate mandated overtime.

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CancerCare Closing the Care Gap

World Cancer Day is recognized globally every February 4 to raise awareness about cancer, improve access to cancer education, and promote personal, collective and government action for cancer control. World Cancer Day is a worldwide positive movement for people to connect and come together in support of accessible and equitable cancer care for all (

In 2023, the World Cancer Day theme was “Closing the Care Gap”. Watch these videos, presented on World Cancer Day by CancerCare Manitoba, to learn about Nurse Navigators and what to expect on a cancer journey.

CancerCare Nurse Navigators

A video highlighting the role of Nurse Navigators, and a patient’s perspective on being supported by a Navigator.

Webinar: Closing the Care Gap – What to expect on your cancer journey

This webinar touches on cancer surgery, radiation and systemic therapy, what care looks like for pediatric patients, and psychosocial supports such as counselling which is available to patients and their loved ones.

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Cancer Unit expansion at Russell Health Centre nears

Construction on a $2.5 million building addition to Russell Health Centre for an expanded cancer care unit is set to begin this April. General Contractor Jacobson Commercial has been awarded the construction tender, and if all goes well, construction on the expanded facility should be completed by the end of 2023.

Through dedication, commitment and passion for the project, the Expanding Community Cancer Committee, represented by 15 area communities surrounding the Russell-Binscarth area, raised over $1.8 million of the $2.5 million needed to move ahead with construction. In May 2022, the province announced that it would contribute the remaining $700,000 so the expansion could proceed.

Once completed, the expanded cancer unit will be nearly four times the size of the current area, with a separate entrance to the facility, seven treatment bays, and a waiting room and physician’s office.

Prairie Mountain Health (PMH) CEO Brian Schoonbaert says the region has collaborated with health partners and stakeholders to plan for the necessary building parameters, construction costs and associated timelines for this important capital project. PMH will contribute annual operating costs for the expansion, including staffing and supplies.

“We are grateful for the hard work, dedication and commitment of the Expanding Community Cancer Committee and local support from the entire area,” said Brian Schoonbaert, CEO of PMH. “With the support of Manitoba Health, this much-needed new building addition will better serve patients in this part of our health region and provide a better physical environment for our staff to provide care.”

Expanding Community Care Committee President Gloria Tibbatts can’t wait for construction to begin, and adds that fundraising efforts will continue to contribute to additional equipment and other possibilities.

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