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Emergency Department

November is Falls Prevention Month

November is also one month until Christmas! Do you have difficulty knowing what to buy loved ones for Christmas? Do you have people on your Christmas list who have everything already!? This holiday season, give your loved ones gifts that help promote safety and prevent injury. 

In an article for The Citizen, Marguerite Thomas lists great gift ideas from the Fall Prevention Community.

For those travelers in your family, consider;

  • Emergency kit for the car
  • Car blankets and extra warm clothing such as mitts and toques
  • Cellular phone or calling card
  • Taxi vouchers
  • Non-alcoholic beverages for holiday celebrations when away
  • Subscription for a travel protection plan
  • Extra night lights/flashlights for when staying at hotels or bedrooms away from home

Gift ideas which help prevent unintentional falls:

  • Cordless telephones
  • Personal protection alarm
  • Walking/trekking poles
  • Grip bars for bathtub and toilet
  • Small clothes baskets or carriers which avoid awkwardness and overbalance
  • Non-alcoholic beverages for holiday celebrations at home
  • Specialty safety items from your pharmacy or therapy retailer (ex. Reacher for reaching high places or items on the floor)
  • Assistive devices ranging from canes to wheelchairs
  • Flip down ice picks for canes
  • Gift of snow removal service
  • Boots with a good grip on the soles. Or ice grippers to use with the boots you already have
  • Gift certificates for sturdy walking shoes and snowshoes
  • Warm outer clothing
  • Housecoats short enough to prevent tripping
  • Firm slippers with a non-slip sole
  • No slip socks
  • Bag of salt/sand mixture, kitty litter or special de-icer friendly to shrubs and sidewalk
  • Nightlights in home bathrooms and bedrooms
  • Smartwatch that has fall detection
  • Smart lighting for the home that can turn off/on with your smartphone app

Items that protect everyone in the home include:

  • Smoke detectors or batteries for the smoke detector
  • Safety items for the stove, fireplace or BBQ, including oven mitts
  • Safe and sturdy step stools or ladders
  • Renovation of unsafe stairs or any other hazards in the home
  • Repair of any wobbly furniture
  • Bath mats or adhesives to avoid slipping in the tub
  • Floor mats with non-slip backing/suction for inside or outside the tub to absorb moisture and prevent falling
  • Bright light bulbs
  • Replacement of any electrical appliances that need a new cord or plug
  • Welcome mats and large indoor mats or trays to absorb moisture from wet boots
  • Motion sensor lights for outside

Did you know Prairie Mountain Health has various resources and information on fall prevention, including videos, Fall Risk Checklists, How to Prepare for a Hospital Stay and exercises to help reduce your risk of falling? Visit our website for resources.

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Canadian Patient Safety Week | October 23-27, 2023

Every year Prairie Mountain Health (PMH) participates in the national campaign Canadian Patient Safety Week.

Join PMH October 23 – 27 to explore a new approach to safer care and how we can all make an even bigger difference every day.

You are part of the Health Care Team. Support your health care needs and know your wishes are supported when you cannot speak up.

Get an Emergency Response Information Kit (E.R.I.K) available from Support Services to Seniors. Support Services to Seniors is a community-based program for seniors, and individuals living with disabilities that supports health and well-being providing support and assistance to maintain your independence in the community.

Add the following items to your E.R.I.K.

Advance Care Planning – Advance care planning is a way to help you think about, talk about and share your thoughts and wishes about future health care. It gives you a “voice” in decision making, helps you determine who would communicate for you if you are unable to communicate for yourself and should include conversations with your health-care team.

My Patient Passport – A communication tool for patients and family members to keep track of health information and share with health care providers. Prairie Mountain Health strives to create tools and resources to help patients and families engage with their health care provider.

Safe to Ask Medication Card – Patients and families are vital partners in providing accurate and detailed information about the medications they take and how they are taking them. The purpose of the card is to:

  1. Promote safe use of medications,
  2. Encourage people to ask questions about their medications, and
  3. Help healthcare providers and emergency responders know patients’ current medications.

Patient Advocate Agreement – When you receive health services, you may enlist the help of a trusted friend or family member to support you and/or act on your behalf. This person is your patient/resident/client advocate and can be present during your interactions with a healthcare provider.

In partnership with Shared Health and Healthcare Excellence Canada

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A day in the life of a Respiratory Therapist

A day in the life of… Taylor. Taylor has an important, life-saving job, but their profession is one that most people would not be able to describe. They are a registered respiratory therapist (RRT). Here is a snapshot of how Taylor spends their day.

Their shift starts in the hospital report room at 7:30 AM – coffee in hand, they are prepared for the 12-hour shift ahead of them. With their ever-present stethoscope around their neck and a pen in their pocket, Taylor learns from their co-worker, who is finishing the night shift, about the patient requirements for the day – six ventilated patients in ICU need assessments; two patients with tracheostomy tubes need care; three patients on the ward are on heated high flow oxygen devices; a breathing test has been ordered for a patient; and arterial blood gas needs to be drawn before a patient is sent home on oxygen.

At 7:45 AM, just as the report is finished, a “Code Blue” is called in the emergency department. Taylor rushes to the ED. They proceed to intubate and ventilate the patient to keep her airway open. They help the team administer life-saving respirations during the resuscitation. After 40 minutes of constant efforts to resuscitate the patient, the team is unsuccessful. Her grieving family arrives and as Taylor holds back tears they say “thank you for trying to save her”.

It’s now 8:35 AM. Taylor heads off to begin assessments of their patients and attend interdisciplinary rounds with the team in ICU. As they are about to enter the ICU, their pager goes off. They are needed in the NICU for a premature infant. The baby is born at just 32 weeks but is moaning and grunting and showing signs of increased work of breathing. Taylor starts the baby on nasal CPAP to open up his tiny lungs. Although the baby is small, he is in good health and his lungs begin working well. Mom, Dad and Grandparents cry with joy at this tiny miracle.

Throughout the rest of Taylor’s shift, they educate a patient with COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease) about his inhaled medications and discusses smoking cessation options. They take an arterial blood gas and set up a woman for oxygen at home to improve her shortness of breath with activities of daily living. Taylor assesses and manages patients in the intensive care unit on mechanical ventilators. Taylor discusses a plan for the tracheostomy patients with the physician to downsize or decannulate as part of the weaning process. They educate patients and other health care professionals about oxygen delivery devices.

You may wonder what type of health care professional gets to work in a variety of settings like Taylor. Taylor is a registered respiratory therapist. Not every respiratory therapist has a shift like Taylor’s. Among others, some work in the operating room as anesthesia assistants, others perform pulmonary function testing, research, work in home care or educate students. Respiratory therapists are important members of teams that provide care in hospitals, in clinics, in the community and in patients’ homes. The cycle of life and death is one of the profound and amazing things that a respiratory therapist gets to impact in the course of a day’s work. Whether it is in acute care, health prevention and promotion or diagnostic testing, the message is the same – respiratory therapists are dedicated to better breathing.

How does someone become a Respiratory Therapist?

Respiratory therapists graduate from three- or four-year programs (or equivalent) that include theory, lab and clinical components. In most jurisdictions, passing a credentialling exam and/or a license to practice is required following graduation.  Learn more about the Respiratory Therapy (BRT) program offered at the University of Manitoba.

Data from the federal government and the Canadian Society of Respiratory Therapists indicate a strong need for RTs in the next few years!  RTs can move from one province and work in another, but a provincial license to practice is required in most provinces.

For more information, contact the Canadian Society of Respiratory Therapists:
[email protected]

October 22-28, 2023 is Respiratory Therapist Week

See some of the Respiratory Therapists from around Prairie Mountain Health.

Hi, my name is Tina Szewczyk and my colleague is Erin Forsyth. We are the Registered Respiratory Therapists at the Dauphin Regional Health Centre. I have been an RRT for 27 years, and worked with PMH at the DRHC in acute care for 18 years. I was born and raised in McCreary. Erin Forsyth is standing with the ventilator. Erin has been an RRT since 2002. Previously working in the OR at Seven Oaks in Winnipeg, she relocated with her children and spouse, who also works at DRHC. She began here at DRHC in the Respiratory Clinic in Nov 2020, and has recently begun a permanent position at the DRHC in acute care. We are thrilled to have her join our Team at DRHC. Working to support the Respiratory Health of our friends, family and the north PMH  communities at large brings great satisfaction to us both.

Happy RT Week from the Respiratory Therapists at Brandon Rregional Health Centre!

Pictured L-R: Teresa Chapin, Kelley Fingas, Jennifer Sambrook, Alyssa Elliott and Kortney Blosha
Missing from Photo: Stephanie Nicholls, Teagan Kinsley, Rachel Veitch, Makenzie Riess, Lana Minuk, and Leah Sumner

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National Breastfeeding Week 2023

In Canada we celebrate National Breastfeeding Week from October 1-8.**  National Breastfeeding Week is a time to celebrate the role breastfeeding plays in providing children with the healthiest start in life.

Breast milk has just the right amount of fat, vitamins, protein, carbohydrates and minerals for optimal growth of the infant.  Breast milk also contains antibodies and other immune factors to help protect against infections and disease.  Breastfeeding benefits mothers short- and long-term health and will strengthen the special relationship between mother and baby.

This year’s theme is “Enabling Breastfeeding: Making a difference for working parents”.   This theme shines a light on how parents should not have to choose between breastfeeding their children and their work.  Making breastfeeding at work, work makes societies work!  Here in Canada families are blessed with paid maternity leave.  This is not the case in many countries. 

Breastfeeding support is possible regardless of workplace, sector or contract type.  Effective maternity policies improve children’s and women’s health and protect breastfeeding.  Despite this, currently more than half a billion working women lack access to vital maternity policies; many more find themselves unsupported when they return to work.  All women everywhere no matter their work should have at least 18 weeks, preferably more than 6 months, paid maternity leave; paid time off for breastfeeding or expressing milk upon returning to work; and flexible return to work options. (World Health Organization)

Ways to make a difference for working parents:

  1. Encourage parents to learn about national maternity leave benefits.
  2. Advocate in your workplace for flexible back to work schedules for breastfeeding parents.
  3. Advocate in your workplace to provide a place to breastfeed or express breastmilk while at work.
  4. Lobby local governments to improve maternity benefits/access to breastfeeding support.
  5. Encourage and support families on maternity leave.

Brandon Manitoba has many resources to help families during their breastfeeding journey.  These include the following:

  1. La Leche League Canada This is an international organization that is dedicated to helping mothers reach their breastfeeding goals.
  2. Local Public Health Nurse.  Find your local area nurse at Public Health – Prairie Mountain Health
  3. Western  Medical Clinic Family Physicians can assist with breastfeeding concerns.
  4. The Wellness Clinic Family Physician can assist with breastfeeding concerns.
  5.  The Baby Bump for prenatal classes.
  6. Lactation Consultant at Brandon Regional Health Centre – 204-578-4268.

Find additional resources at

**Canada celebrates World Breastfeeding Week in October.

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Mental Illness Awareness Week is October 1-7th 2023

Each Year the first week of October is Canada’s National Campaign to enhance the awareness of mental Illness. The Canadian Alliance on Mental Illness and Mental Health set out the theme this year as Awareness, Access and Parity for Mental Health and Substance use Care in Canada. It is important to take time this week to educate yourself on mental illness. With greater understanding we strive to reduce stigma related to mental illness and substance use, along with breaking down barriers to seeking support around these issues. We want to encourage individuals with lived experiences or for those who have been affected to share their stories to break down barriers so people don’t feel alone in their struggles and to identify gaps in the need for services.

A mental illness is characterized by a clinically significant disturbance in an individual’s cognition, emotional regulation or behavior. It is usually associated with distress or impairment in important areas of functioning. It should be stated that because you have a mental illness does not mean you have poor mental health, and vice versa, you may not have a mental illness but you can still have poor mental health. It is important for each one of us to look after our mental health as we would care for our physical health.

At any one time many factors such as stress, family, community, or environmental factors can combine to protect or undermines one’s mental health. The World Who Organization states that although many people are resilient to life’s adversities, there are circumstances that could put individuals at higher risk such as poverty, violence, disability and inequality. Protective factors and risk factors can include individual psychological and biological factors such as emotional skills and coping and as well as genetics.  Many of the risk and protective factors are influence through changes in brain structure or function.


  • Each year 1 out of 5 Canadians experience a mental Health illness each year. – Mental Health Commission of Canada
  • More than 1 in 2 of struggling Canadians are not getting the mental health help they need. – Mental Health Research Canada
  • Untreated mental illness costs the Canadian economy around $50 billion every year. – Canadian Mental Health Association
  • Over 20% of Canadians in any given year will experience mental health concerns, only a third of those people will seek help or treatment. – Statistics Canada
  • In Canada, an average of 20 deaths per day are because of opioid overdose. – Statistics Canada

Please take time to educate yourself on mental health/illness. It is important we are all working together to raise awareness, fight stigma and provide support to those in need.

Should you or a loved one need support please do not hesitate to reach out for help. You can contact the Manitoba Suicide Prevention and Support Line at 1-877-435-7170, a crisis line available 24 hours per day. A trained crisis worker will listen to you and direct you to the resources you need. Locally you can contact Westman Crisis Services at 204-725-4411 or 1-888-379-7699 in Brandon Area, or 1-866-332-3030 for PMH-North- In an emergency call 911 or contact a local hospital or health office.

COMING SOON:   On Nov. 30 2023 the 988-suicide crisis line will be available to all Canadians in English and French, 24 hours a day and seven days a week. It will offer trauma-informed and culturally appropriate services by trained crisis responders by phone or text.

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Malnutrition Week October 2-6, 2023

Stronger together. The 1 in 3 older adults in the community at nutrition risk  and the 2 in 3 people in long term care with malnutrition are counting on their health care teams to work together to address malnutrition. This year, Malnutrition Week from October 2-6th is focused on making team based care even better for those at risk of and those living with malnutrition. Take a look at the ideas below to see how to help prevent and treat malnutrition.

Patients and residents

  • Tell your healthcare team if you have lost weight without trying or are eating less than usual or don’t feel like eating.

Health care aides

  • Help with meal set up and assist the person to eat as needed.
  • Measure patient/resident weights and talk with the team if you notice poor food intake or weight loss.


  • Avoid cleaning rooms on the unit when meals are being served.
  • Help patients and families keep beside tables clear for meals and uneaten food properly stored.

Food Services

  • Serve nutrient dense, appealing food that considers culture, likes and dislikes.
  • Ensure food is available during the day and after food service hours too.

Allied Health

  • Identify patients at nutrition risk such as those living with food insecurity or unable to do their own shopping or cooking.
  • Suggest least restrictive diets that are still safe for the patient or resident.
  • Use medications to help when intake is poor (to reduce nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, pain, etc.)
  • Develop plans that support best seating, position, support and tools at meal times.


  • Screen patients and residents for nutrition risk and work as a team to create a plan.
  • Encourage family and friends to bring in food and stay for meal time visit if patient/resident is not eating well.
  • Decrease mealtime interruptions.


  • Diagnose, document and treat malnutrition. Don’t forget nutrition as part of discharge plans.
  • Order diets with few restrictions and Medpass (high energy drink to take with medications) when appropriate.
  • Say No to NPO (nothing by mouth)

Family, friends and volunteers

  • Talk to the care team if you have concerns about your family member/friend’s weight loss or decreased food intake.
  • Assist your family member/friend with setting up at meals and help them to eat as much as possible from what is served.
  • Provide company during meals

For more ideas in how we can be Stronger Together against malnutrition, check out: Involving Everyone in Nutrition Care or


Public Health Agency of Canada PHAC. (2010). The chief public health officer’s report on the state of public health in Canada 2010 – Growing older: adding life to years. 

Keller H, Vucea V, Slaughter SE, Jager-Wittenaar H, Lengyel C, Ottery FD, Carrier N. Prevalence of Malnutrition or Risk in Residents in Long Term Care: Comparison of Four Tools. J Nutr Gerontol Geriatr. 2019 Oct-Dec;38(4):329-344. doi: 10.1080/21551197.2019.1640165. Epub 2019 Jul 23. PMID: 31335280.
Ramage-Morin et al. Health Reports 2013
Schuetz et al. Lancet 2019;
Howatson et al. J Prim Health Care 2015

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National Day for Truth and Reconciliation | September 30

Click on image to enlarge

Prairie Mountain Health is located on the original lands of Anishinaabeg, Cree, Oji-Cree, and Dakota peoples and the homeland of the Métis Nation.

Prairie Mountain Health has committed to begin the work of reconciliation with the Indigenous people and communities in our region.

Many generations of First Nations, Métis and Inuit children were forcibly placed in more than 130 residential schools in a calculated effort to eradicate Indigenous languages and cultures from the 1870s to 1996.

On the northwest side of Brandon was the Brandon Residential School, which operated from 1895 to 1972. The legacy of the residential school era continues today and impacts us all.

In June 2021, the Government of Canada passed Bill C-5 to name September 30 the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation to recognize the past harms and wrongs inflicted on Indigenous children in residential schools by making it a federal statutory holiday.

September 30, also known as Orange Shirt Day, acknowledges Phyllis Webstad’s story that started the movement.

To commemorate the children who never returned home, survivors of residential schools, and those impacted by this legacy, WEAR ORANGE to show your commitment to reconciliation. 

Take a moment to reflect on what reconciliation means to you and how you can advance reconciliation in the workplace and in your community. 

Reconciliation is inevitable, though it is how we choose to make the relationship with Indigenous people that matters.  

Nellie KopitzRegional Manager of Indigenous Health, Prairie Mountain Health

Events Throughout Our Region

This is a small list of many events happening within within our region. We encourage you to participate in events in your community. If you are an event organizer, please email [email protected] to have your event added to this list.

  • Birdtail Sioux Dakota Nation – The 2023 Reconciliation Run will take place on September 30th. The run will start at 8:00am at the ruins of the original former Birtle Residential School, and conclude on Birdtail Sioux Dakota Nation. Once all participants have made it back to Birdtail Sioux Dakota Nation, community members, volunteers, and participants are invited to a community gathering/feast.  Learn more.
  • Brandon Urban Aboriginal Peoples’ Council – Tuesday, September 26 to Sunday, October 1.  All events will take place on the grounds of the Riverbank Discovery Centre in Brandon, except the flag raising ceremony will be held Tuesday morning at City Hall.  Visit the BUAPC Facebook page to stay up to date and see the full schedule.
  • Dauphin – September 30, 220 Whitmore Ave (Parkland Crossing) at 11:00 am.  Please join us as we take time on this day to commemorate the tragic and painful history as well as the ongoing impacts of residential schools. Cultural entertainment will follow. 
  • Swan River – Join in on September 30th for the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation walk.  Beginning at 11am, Elbert Chartrand Friendship Centre (1413 Main Street E)  Free lunch to follow.


National Day for Truth and Reconciliation – Government of

National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation

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World Suicide Prevention Day | September 10

World Suicide Prevention Day is September 10. Across the Prairie Mountain Health region, numerous activities are planned for the week of September 10 to recognize the importance of suicide prevention strategies and remember those lost by suicide. The theme for this year’s World Suicide Prevention Day is Creating Hope Through Action, as outlined by the International Association for Suicide Prevention.1

One in every 100 deaths worldwide is a result of suicide, and the impact of a person’s death by suicide can be devastating and felt deeply by their support network. World Suicide Prevention Day is a chance to talk about suicide and realize that each of us can play a valuable part in preventing suicide, whether our actions are big or small. 2. Suicide prevention is everyone’s business.

The power of coming together and reaching out is immeasurable. Often, we fear that intervening when someone else is struggling and asking about suicide will put the idea of suicide in someone’s head. This is a myth.

Talking about suicide is difficult, but there are things you can do. You can listen to people with a non-judgmental ear and remind the person you care for them. You can check in with people regularly to see how they are doing and listen supportively. You do not need to have all the answers. You can let others know they are not alone. You can be aware of resources in your area and introduce people to those resources.

Some activities you can participate in:

  • Light a candle in your window to remember someone lost by suicide at 8 pm on September 10.
  • Chalk your sidewalk with hopeful messages, walk down these sidewalks with someone, and talk about mental wellness.
  • Take part in an awareness walk in your area.
  • Attend mental wellness education that could help you learn more about preventing suicide.

Events happening in some PMH rural and northern communities:

  • Chalk the Walk– happening in Ste. Rose, Swan River, Dauphin, and Roblin. Community members or businesses interested in participating can pick chalk up from their local HERO Club or Community Health office in Swan River, Roblin and Dauphin, and the Community Health office in Ste. Rose. Chalk the Walk does not have a set date and will run from September 4 to 11th in these communities.
  • Awareness Walks– happening in Swan River and Roblin. The Walk in Swan River will start and end at Co-op and occur between Noon – 1 pm on September 8. Roblin’s Awareness Walk will start and end at the Roblin HERO Club (146 Main Street West) and run from 1 pm – 2 pm on September 11.
  • SafeTalk-workshops – happening in Roblin, Ste. Rose and Swan River on September 11. SafeTalk workshops in Swan River and Ste. Rose are from 1 pm – 5 pm and in Roblin from 9 am – Noon. If you are interested in registering, contact Lana Parker at [email protected] or phone 204-638-2118 ext. 1713. The cost to participate is $20.

Events happening in the Brandon Area:

The Suicide Prevention Implementation Network (SPIN) will host several initiatives from September 4 to 11th. SPIN will acknowledge World Suicide Prevention Day on September 8, 2023. Please follow SPIN on social media for event updates.

  • Chalk the Walk – SPIN hopes businesses and support services around Brandon will partner with SPIN in this campaign. If interested in participating, SPIN will provide chalk and corresponding marketing materials. SPIN asks that each organization start the initiative on their sidewalk with their message of hope, tagging @spin_brandon and encouraging clients/individuals within your business to participate. SPIN will re-share your posts to recognize your support. Please contact [email protected]  to make arrangements to pick up chalk. 
  • Clothing fundraiser – new SPIN signature sweaters and a special World Suicide Prevention Day t-shirt will be available. Funds raised will go towards providing Suicide Alertness training for the community. Please email [email protected] for more information or check SPIN social media for details.
  • FREE 3-hour safeTALK training – Thursday, September 7, from 5 pm -8 pm. This educational opportunity will help you to be ready to reach out to someone thinking about suicide, overcome attitudes that act as barriers to help, talk openly about suicide and identify and connect people to resources in your area. SPACE is limited; register by emailing [email protected]
  • Community lunch/recognition event – Friday, September 8 at Princess Park, Brandon, from Noon- 1 pm. Tables and displays will be set up to acknowledge individuals and organizations working towards suicide prevention and life promotion in our community. You can also pick up chalk at this event.
  • Candlelight vigil – SPIN encourages people to participate in a candlelight vigil on Sunday, September 10, at 8 pm to honor loved ones who have died by suicide or been impacted by suicide. Pick up a candle and care package on September 8 at Princess Park between Noon-1 pm.

For more information on these or other regional events, please contact SPIN at 204-578-2599 or email [email protected].

If you are struggling or concerned about someone else’s suicidal thoughts, do not hesitate to reach out for help.

Contact the Manitoba Suicide Prevention and Support Line at 1-877-435-7170, a crisis line available 24 hours per day. A trained crisis worker will listen to you and direct you to the needed resources.

PMH Resources contact Westman Crisis Services at 204-725-4411 or 1-888-379-7699 in the Brandon Area or 1-866-332-3030 for PMH-North- Call 911 or contact a local hospital or health office.

COMING SOON:   On November 30, 2023, the 988-suicide crisis line will be available to all Canadians in English and French, 24 hours a day and seven days a week. It will offer trauma-informed and culturally appropriate services by trained crisis responders by phone or text.

Prairie Mountain Health- North Mental Wellness and Crisis Resources


Manitoba Suicide Line1-877-435-7170
Sexual Assault Crisis Line1-888-292-7565
Klinic Crisis Line1-866-367-3276
Manitoba Farm & Rural Stress Line1-888-322-3019
Manitoba Addictions Help Line1-855-662-6605
Kids Help Phone1-800-668-6868 or text CONNECT to 686868
First Nations & Inuit Hope for Wellness Help Line1-855-242-3310
Reason to

1 International Association for Suicide Prevention. (2023). World suicide prevention day 2023.

2 International Association for Suicide Prevention. (2023). Resources: World suicide prevention day banners.

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Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD) Day |September 9

Every year, on September 9th, International FASD Awareness Day is observed. People worldwide gather for events to raise awareness of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD). This is an opportunity to spread awareness of FASD, diagnosis, strategies, and prevention. Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) is a diagnostic term that describes the range of effects that may result when prenatal alcohol exposure occurs. These lifelong effects include physical, behavioural, and emotional difficulties and learning disabilities. It is estimated that 4% of Canadians have FASD. The Brandon and Area FASD Coalition will distribute 700 children’s books for FASD Day! These will be available to program participants at The Brandon Friendship Centre, Westman Christmas Cheer, Prairie Mountain Health and Westman Regional Library.

Prairie Mountain Health FASD Program

In Manitoba, all assessments for children/youth to diagnose FASD are done by the Manitoba FASD Centre in coordination with the Manitoba FASD Network. The Prairie Mountain Health FASD Diagnostic Coordinator in Brandon at 204-578-2487 or the FASD Diagnostic Coordinator in Dauphin at 204-622-6223.

There are a number of programs available that can support individuals with FASD.

SOS CAMP at Brandon Friendship Centre

Day respite camps for children 6-12 years of age with FASD. Camps run one Saturday each month, along with some weekday skill development. The SOS MB program is designed to provide children a fun, safe day to learn and practice social skills, self-regulation, and fine and large motor skills. Call 204- 571-0670 for more information about the Brandon Camp.

Life’s Journey Inc.

Life’s Journey is a not-for-profit agency supporting individuals with neurodevelopment and co-occurring disorders. Life’s Journey helps people with diverse abilities living in Manitoba. Life’s Journey includes traditional Indigenous healing as a significant component of their clinical services.

This agency strives to provide clinically informed, culturally relevant, wellness oriented, relationship and strengths-based services.

Westman Services

Westman Services is located in Brandon and provides services to individuals eligible for funding through Community Living Disability Services. Individualized services include:

  • outreach support and mentorship
  • family support
  • supported independent living
  • cluster housing
  • homeshare (foster)
  • shift-staffed residences
  • day program

Westman Services offers various clinical services, including psychology, occupational therapy, addiction support, and access to a Nurse Practitioner. All services are voluntary.

Rural Connections Program

The Rural Connections program provides individualized services for transitional youth and adults impacted by FASD and ineligible for other government support programs. Individuals must be ineligible for funding through Community Living Disability Services, Provincial Alternative Support Services and Community Mental Health. The program is available within the Brandon and Steinbach regions. Rural Connections offers outreach support and mentorship..

For more information on Life’s Journey, Westman Services or the Rural Connections Program call 204-772-1591.

If you are interested in joining the  Brandon and Area FASD Coalition, please call 204-578-2487.

For more information visit the Manitoba FASD Coalition

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August 31st marks International Overdose Awareness Day

Purple chairs from around the region in 2022

This annual worldwide campaign to end overdose aims to remember without stigma those who have died and acknowledge the grief of the family and friends left behind.

In 2022 some Prairie Mountain Health staff joined in the efforts to acknowledge and support people in their communities, raise awareness about the hidden impacts of overdose, and reduce stigma by creating purple chairs and placing them in visible locations with an explanation of their purpose. Community partners were invited to join in and bring this topic to light in our communities.

The 2023 theme for International Overdose Awareness Day is “Recognizing those people who go unseen,”: aiming to honour the people whose lives have been altered by overdose. They are the family and friends grieving the loss of a loved one, workers in healthcare and support services extending strength and compassion or spontaneous first responders who selflessly assume the role of a lifesaver.

Join us in continuing to be a part of the change. Get Involved – International Overdose Awareness Day ( has other options for getting involved, resources, and campaign materials available if you’d like to host an event in your community. Help bring awareness to the Purple Chair Campaign. Print this poster and display it in your community. If you decide to paint a purple chair or do another campaign, let us know; we would love to see all the efforts made. Email Ashley Vandepoele at [email protected] and let her know about it!

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