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Emergency Department

Shopping Canadian

Shopping Canadian is on many people’s minds these days. However, food labels can be confusing and hard to understand which products are domestic (Canadian) or imported from other countries. There are rules that food producers need to follow when labeling their products.

For a product to be labeled “Product of Canada”, over 98% of the major ingredients need to be from Canada, with the labour and processing also taking place in Canada. Some “Product of Canada” vegetables and fruits that you may be able to find in your local grocery store include: tomatoes, cucumbers, mushrooms, spaghetti squash, onions, apples, cabbages, and potatoes. Be sure to double check that they say “Product of Canada”.

For a product to be labeled as “Canadian” the same rules apply as the “Product of Canada” label. Some food products that may use this “Canadian” label include: Peak of the Market produce, chicken, beef, honey, flour, milk, eggs, and grains like barley.

Some products are labeled as “Made in Canada”, and this label can be used if the last major processing step took place in Canada. It must also state where the ingredients came from. For example, “Made in Canada with domestic and imported ingredients” means that the food product had its last major processing step (for example: baking) in Canada with some Canadian ingredients and some ingredients from other countries.  Some examples you may find in your local grocery store include certain brands of: canned beans or legumes, salad dressing, frozen foods, tomato paste, cheeses, cookies, etc.

Labels like “Product of Canada” and “Made in Canada” are optional, so some food products may be all Canadian but may not include these labels. If a food product does not include one of those labels, they may just have a Canadian address on the label. The tricky thing is that some products have Canadian addresses on the label but may also say in another spot “product of …” another country. They may also say “Imported for/Imported by” next to the Canadian address. This means the Canadian company brought this food product to Canada to sell in Canada. There are many Canadian foods with no extra label besides the Canadian address, some examples include: Dempster’s bread products, Danone yogurt, Armstrong and Cracker Barrel cheeses, Becel and Imperial margarine, and many more.

There are front-of-package labels that many products use that indicate the ingredients were grown or raised in Canada and/or processed in Canada. Here are some examples of these labels:

Canadian Dairy Farmer Logo, Canadian Beef Logo, Canadian Pork Logo, Canadian Chicken Farmer Logo, Canadian Egg Quality Logo

Foods that were made outside of Canada are considered imported and have to be labeled according to the country where it came from. Some ways to tell if a food product is imported is if it says “Imported for/Imported by” next to a Canadian address, the address provided is an address outside of Canada, or it is labeled as “Product of…” another country.

Many of Canada’s vegetables and fruits are imported from other countries. Some examples include: avocadoes, lemons, limes, oranges, grapefruits, grapes, bell peppers, garlic, pineapple, kiwis, strawberries, blackberries, raspberries, blueberries, bananas, pears, asparagus, lettuce, carrots, and snap peas. During the summer months more local vegetables and fruits may be available than in the winter.

Another label that can be confusing is the “…in Canada” label. This means that a step of the process was done in Canada. This may mean that the product itself, its ingredients, or other processing steps may or may not be from or done in Canada. Some examples of this label include: Wow Butter “processed in Canada”, Kraft salad dressing “prepared in Canada”, Premium Plus crackers “baked in Canada”, Green Giant frozen peas “grown and packaged in Canada”.

Some grocery stores have tried to help people find Canadian foods on the shelf by including extra labels. For example, Co-op and No Frills have taken to including a maple leaf on the price tag of Canadian food products. Giant Tiger has introduced some “Product of Canada” signs as well as “Made in Canada with domestic and imported ingredients” signs.

Grocery store tags with maple leaf symbol

Check out these recipes that include Canadian foods:

Chicken and bean quesadillas – Canada’s Food Guide

Turkey and lentil shepherd’s pie – Canada’s Food Guide

Moose stew – Canada’s Food Guide

Three Sisters soup (corn, bean and squash) – Canada’s Food Guide

Egg and veggie scramble – Canada’s Food Guide

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PMH making physician recruitment gains: 32 doctors recruited in last year

Through proactiveness, persistence and partnerships, Prairie Mountain Health (PMH) has made gains in filling physician vacancies over the last year. Dr. Adrian Fung, PMH Chief Medical Officer, says the vacancy picture is improving, with 32 doctors recruited to work within PMH communities since last April. He says this is a credit to the region’s recruitment team and continued collaboration with health-care partners and stakeholders.

PMH Chief Medical Officer Dr. Adrian Fung
PMH Chief Medical Officer Dr. Adrian Fung

“About a year ago, we were short about 87 doctors, which, at the time, made some headlines. Since then, we’ve worked hard to recruit and retain physicians here. In the last year, we’ve recruited 32 new physicians, which is about a 30 percent improvement in our physician shortage rate. We are making headway, but we’ll continue to push ahead as there is much more work to do,” Fung stated.

Since last April, PMH has successfully recruited 17 doctors within Brandon who are either specialists, hospitalists or both. The region has also recruited 15 family physicians to Brandon, Dauphin, Deloraine, Grandview, Hamiota, Killarney, Neepawa, Ste. Rose and  Virden.

PMH hired an additional physician recruitment coordinator about a year ago and now has two full-time staff dedicated to recruitment and retention. They are supported by other medical services team administration staff. The team works closely with the provincial health care recruitment and retention office.

Dr. Fung acknowledges that the challenges in recruiting exist across the country and even globally. Like other health regions, PMH went through staff retention challenges during the peak and immediate aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic. Doctors, like all health-care professionals, went through extreme stressors including burnout. At the moment, physician retention is impacted by those reaching retirement age.

 “It’s not a secret, we have to work extremely hard to sell ourselves. What makes this a better place to live and work is what we have to offer collectively within communities, our lower costs of living, and our natural attractions. We will always be willing to explore new ideas, because we will always be in a position where we need health-care professionals.”

There’s been a lot of work on recruitment provincially, regionally, and locally. Community engagement continues to push success.

“We recently did a presentation to Brandon City Council through their Economic Development Board to partner on new physician recruitment support initiatives. We continue to have communities involved with our medical student workshops (Rural Week in May and Student Rural Interest Group in January). If communities have ideas, we want to listen,” he stated.

Dr. Fung says health care recruitment, including physician recruitment, is everybody’s business. The region often recruits a person for a health care position and, in some cases, needs to connect a person’s spouse to another job in a community. Additional family questions about schools, extra-curricular activities, and other support also exist.

“We’re very proud of our community partnerships. One of our strengths is showing off our lifestyle opportunities and what we offer within our diverse region. No matter where a physician is from, connecting them with communities is key. We will continue to build on these connections in the future. We’ll continue to emphasize that people should come and enjoy our good nature!”

What else is the region doing in physician recruitment?

The Parkland Family Medicine Residency Unit in Dauphin holds an annual ‘Farm Day’.
The Parkland Family Medicine Residency Unit in Dauphin holds an annual ‘Farm Day’.
  • PMH has strong partnerships with the University of Manitoba and well-established Residency Programs (Brandon Satellite Campus and Parkland Family Medicine Residency Unit, based in Dauphin), which have provided exceptional opportunities for physicians to train in rural settings and have further increased the number of physicians who remain to practice in rural and more remote communities. The Brandon program has been training physicians for rural opportunities for 12 years, and Dauphin’s site recently celebrated its 30th year of training in 2023.

    In Neepawa, a two-year medical residency training program commenced in July 2024. The U of M Residency Program, based within the Beautiful Plains Medical Clinic, started with two Year 1 Residents, who will graduate in 2026.
A new two-year residency program commenced in Neepawa in 2024.
A new two-year residency program commenced in Neepawa in 2024.
  • PMH participates in two annual medical student recruitment initiatives for first- and second-year U of M medical students. The Student Rural Interest Group workshop is held at the end of January and  Rural Week takes place at the end of May. These student-led initiatives promote the career and lifestyle opportunities that rural healthcare centres and communities offer. We held two separate rural interest group weekends for the first time this year. In late January, RIG workshops were held in Brandon and Killarney. It featured 75 students, the most ever. In early February, we held a separate workshop in Swan River, in partnership with the local recruitment and retention committee in Swan River, which drew the interest of 19 students.
  • PMH continues to sponsor physicians through the provincial Medical Licensure Program for International Medical Graduates (MLPIMG). The ‘IMG Program’ assists foreign-trained doctors in obtaining their medical licenses to be able to practice as primary care (family) physicians in Manitoba. IMG physicians agree to practice in their respective communities for four years in return for regional sponsorship. The Program is supported by the University of Manitoba —Max Rady College of Medicine, the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Manitoba and Manitoba Health. In 2023/2024, these communities included Swan River, Russell, Virden, Hamiota, and Glenboro. All of the physicians commenced work in September/October 2023. In 2024-2025, eight physicians are going through the Program and will be placed in PMH communities later this fall. These include Swan River (3), Roblin (2), Virden, Neepawa and Souris.
Swan River hosted 19 medical students in February 2025
Swan River hosted 19 medical students in February 2025
  • Continuing to recruit and retain Physician and Clinical Assistants (PAs) (CAs) in the region. Currently, we utilize these positions in the BRHC Hospitalist Program, PMH Surgical Program, BRHC Anesthesia Program, BRHC Renal Program, and Acute Care Medicine (rural) Program.
  • PMH continues to attend special recruitment events throughout the year, including the annual Provincial Family Medicine Residents’ Retreat. In the fall of 2025, the region will play host to the event in Brandon. The interactive job fair affords many recruiters, including Regional Health Authorities and physician clinics throughout the province, to showcase their respective areas to prospective doctors. PMH makes great connections and stays in touch with those interested in rural medicine.
PMH attends special recruitment events throughout the year. The region will host the provincial Family Medicine Residents’ Retreat this fall.
PMH attends special recruitment events throughout the year. The region will host the provincial Family Medicine Residents’ Retreat this fall.
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National Immunization Awareness Week | April 22-30, 2024

Don’t let history repeat itself.  Protect your future.  Get immunized.

Not that many decades ago, there was no way to protect yourself from devastating diseases such as polio, tetanus, diphtheria, and meningitis – or wildly contagious infections such as measles.  Outcomes were inescapably tragic.  Lifelong paralysis.  Stillbirth.  Neurogenerative disease.  Encephalitis.  Even death.

Immunization Awareness  Week Logo, red, blue yellow person figurine under an umbrella

Vaccines changed this landscape.  As time progressed, more and more diseases became preventable by vaccination, and health outcomes greatly improved.

We don’t want to turn the clock back to former times.

Immunize Canada champions everyone staying up to date on all recommended vaccinations, so that they can live healthier lives protected against preventable diseases. 

Don’t let history repeat itself. Protect your future. Get immunized.

Vaccine recommendations are updated over time as new evidence and findings come forward, and as new vaccines become available. This can sometimes make it difficult for people to know which vaccines they need and which vaccines they are eligible for. Some people might not realize that they need to get caught up on their vaccines. For example, adults and pregnant people may not know that they need to get immunized against certain diseases. Some people may think that vaccines are just for kids – but, in fact, immunizations are needed throughout the lifespan.

Please see the Manitoba Health website for information on Routine Immunization Schedules including:

Some vaccines are offered free-of-charge to individuals who are registered with Manitoba Health and for those who are part-way through an immunization series started in another province or territory as part of a publicly-funded program.   See the vaccine eligibility criteria for publicly funded vaccines offered in Manitoba. 

 In Prairie Mountain Health, you can receive immunizations by contacting:

  1. Your local Public Health Office
  2. Your local Nurse Practitioner
  3. Your local medical clinic
  4. Your local pharmacist

See Immunize Canada for further information on immunizations

Measles is one of the most highly contagious diseases characterized by a red, blotchy rash. The measles virus spreads through close personal contact with an infected person and through the air when an infected person coughs or sneezes. The virus can be spread by droplets that can stay in the air for several hours. Infection can result in serious illness or death. Read more.

Information for National Immunization Awareness Week (NIAW) found on: National Immunization Awareness Week website and Manitoba Health website Immunization (Vaccination) | Health | Province of Manitoba

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Volunteers make waves within Prairie Mountain Health

Red Volunteer Canada Logo. National Volunteer Week 2025 Volunteers Make Waves

National Volunteer Week is celebrated this year from April 27- May 3, 2025. Volunteers undoubtedly make a difference in the health and well-being of the residents, patients, and clients within the Prairie Mountain Health (PMH) region. The theme for National Volunteer Week 2025 is “Volunteers Make Waves”. It highlights the power, impact and importance of individual and collective volunteer efforts across Canada. Like a wave, volunteering is ‘movement building’.

“PMH sincerely values contributions made by our communities and stakeholders to our healthcare system not only during this national recognition week, but year-round,” says PMH CEO Treena Slate. “Volunteers and volunteer organizations continue to play a significant role as part of our PMH team. Like the lapping waves that ripple across the many lakes in our region, each volunteer contribution creates momentum, which inspires strength and resilience to the people we serve”

Within PMH region, volunteers support  personal care homes, hospitals, and community health programs across the region. Over the last year, PMH healthcare volunteers have put in a collective total of over 40,000 hours! Some notable examples include:

  • Volunteers serve every personal care home within PMH, providing residents companionship, entertainment and assistance.
  • Dedicated volunteers support the Palliative Care Program.
  • Pet Therapy Dogs/handlers (PATDogs Team) who take time from their day to bring smiles to the patients and residents in hospitals and Personal Care Homes. The PATDogs program has grown from three Therapy dog teams to 45 teams in the last three years.
  • Volunteers participate on local boards, foundations, auxiliary organizations and health care action committees, many of which raise funds that are put towards much-needed equipment purchases.
  • Dedicated volunteers assist the Meals on Wheels program and harm reduction initiatives throughout the region.
  • Volunteers assist with the Community Volunteer Income Tax Program.

“On behalf of our board, staff and physicians, we very much appreciate and acknowledge all of our volunteers who selflessly share their time, knowledge, empathy and creativity which remains vital to inclusivity, intensity and the well-being of our communities,” Slate stated.

To apply to volunteer within PMH please visit our website Volunteer Services – Prairie Mountain Health.

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Milestones Preschool Wellness Fair

The Milestones Preschool Wellness Fair is an annual, multi-agency event that helps to prepare children ages three and four for kindergarten. The planning committee has organized this free event for over twenty years in Brandon, Manitoba. 

Black and White Milestones Logo. Child pulling wagon with two children in it.

At the fair, health care providers screen children, identify areas of concern, and provide a follow up plan prior to entering school. Public health nurses screen the preschoolers for general development. Speech and language, hearing, dental, and vision screening are also provided. Pre – Kindergarten immunizations will be offered.

The Get Your Benefits screening station asks questions about your child’s ID such as birth certificate and Social Insurance Number (SIN). Your child’s birth certificate is required to register for school. A birth certificate is also needed to apply for a SIN.

 Service Canada will be there to answer questions about federal benefits such as the new Canadian Dental Care Plan (CDCP) that your family and you may be eligible for.

Service Canada can also issue a SIN for your child. In order to apply for a SIN for your child you will need to bring the child’s birth certificate, parent’s SIN, and ID.

There will be community resource displays with a play area for children.  A free nutritious snack and book are provided for the children. And there will be prizes to be won!  

This year the Milestones Preschool Wellness Fair will be held on Tuesday, April 29th, 2025 at the Keystone Centre from 9:00 am to 6:00 pm. Registrations for screening will be accepted until 5:00 pm. This allows time for the last children registered to go to all the screening stations.   

For more information, visit their social media accounts on FACEBOOK and INSTAGRAM.

Check out the poster here.

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Curling for a Cure

The 6th annual Curling for a Cure Funspiel was held in Minnedosa on February 14th to 16th. Curling for a Cure started in 2018 by Nick Melynk. Nick was  a strong supporter of raising funds towards cancer research and programs.  Sadly, Nick passed away three days after the first year’s event.  The family has continued the annual event in memory of Nick.  Curling for a Cure 2025 consisted of 24 curling teams coming together to support two amazing causes: The Candlelighters Childhood Cancer program and Neepawa Cancer Care Unit.  This event raised $40,060.00 which is being split between the two organizations. 

This is the first year for the event where funds are being dedicated to the Neepawa Cancer Care Unit and the organizers have set out that for the next nine years, where half of the proceeds will continue to benefit the Neepawa Community Cancer Program. Over the past six years, close to $135 thousand has been raised for cancer care in the region.

The Dream Ride, skipped by Grant Babcock with team members Gary Forgue, third, second Michelle Babcock and lead Marsha Forgue captured this year’s event. Next year’s event has already sold out and organizers are reviewing ways to expand it to more teams in 2026.

The Dream Ride, skipped by Grant Babcock with team members Gary Forgue, third, second Michelle Babcock and lead Marsha Forgue captured this year’s event.
Grant Babcock with team members Gary Forgue, third, second Michelle Babcock and lead Marsha Forgue
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March is Nutrition Month

Nourish to Flourish, Nutrition and food is an important part of our lives and wellbeing. This March Dietitians of Canada highlights the powerful role nutrition plays in helping individuals and communities thrive.

Nutrition is important for good health across the lifespan: Eating a variety of foods provides the necessary vitamins, minerals, essential fatty acids, amino acids, and antioxidants needed by our bodies for growth and repair, physical health and performance, and disease prevention and management. Nutrition is important for supporting health across the lifespan, including pregnancy, infant, child and maternal health. It helps prevent malnutrition and is needed for a strong immune system, and lowers the risk of chronic health conditions such as type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease.

Nourish to Flourish slogan with fish and salad meal

Nutrition could be the missing piece of the puzzles for your mental health: Mental symptoms such as brain fog or lack of focus may be linked to medical conditions that need nutritional management, such as long COVID or ADHA. A balanced diet can also help improve mental function throughout the life cycle, such as helping kids perform better at school or reducing effects of perimenopause. Some nutritional strategies have even been found to improve mental health disorders such as anxiety and depression. Although dietary strategies are often overlooked, they can lead to big improvements in mental wellbeing.

Food connects families, communities and cultures: How we eat reflects who we are. From family traditions to cultural and religious practices, food is more than just nutrients – it connects us to our families and communities and helps shape our identities. Work schedules, cooking skills, lifestyle, and family dynamics influence food choice, not to mention access to food and budget constraints. Knowing about and doing something about these influences is important for designing strategies that empower individuals to develop healthy, fulfilling ways of eating that are aligned with people’s values and circumstances.

Taking control of our emotional connections with food can support healthier eating. Emotional eating is part of everyday life. Eating can bring happiness, ease tension and create distraction. People also have positive or negative memories linked with specific food choices that influence their preferences. Sometimes when we start to rely only on food for comfort this can lead to eating problems. It is important to learn many ways to cope with emotions. Remember “to be an emotional eater is to be human” (Pixie Turner).

Are you struggling to manage a busy lifestyle and eat right? Menu planning may be the answer. You’ll find it easier to eat healthy, save money and get tasty meals to the table faster. Try these steps to help you to plan better.

To connect with an outpatient or facility Dietitian in PMH you can phone toll free 1-877-509-7852. If you want to connect with one of our community dietitians you can email [email protected]

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Thrive Conference open to all health care workers

woman speaking to audience at conference

The Thrive Conference, brought to you by the Brandon Regional Health Centre Foundation, is a revitalizing half-day event dedicated to supporting and inspiring our regional public and private healthcare workers. Join us for an enriching afternoon featuring dynamic keynote speakers who will share insights on overcoming the obstacles faced in healthcare, rediscovering your professional passion, and fostering a positive and resilient work culture within your team. Our resource booths will offer valuable tools and information, while ample networking opportunities will allow you to connect with peers and build a supportive community.

In addition to benefiting from expert advice and networking, your participation helps a greater cause. All proceeds from Thrive will support our current capital campaign for the new critical care building. Funds raised will be directed towards essential equipment and infrastructure needs, ensuring that our healthcare facilities continue to provide top-notch care to those in need.

We are thrilled to welcome the following 3 nationally-recognized keynote speakers:

  • Amy Oliver, speaking on “Leading the Shift: Global Insights for Elevating Healthcare Delivery”
  • Deri Latimer, speaking on “The Resilient Mindset for Healthcare Professionals”
  • Jane Helbrecht, speaking on “Finding Play, Purpose, & Potential”

Tickets are on early bird pricing for $50, and our Brandon University and Assiniboine College receive 25% off (contact your institution to receive the discount code). Learn more on Thrive, the speakers, or purchase tickets at

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Swan River Meals on Wheels short of volunteers

Swan River’s Meals on Wheels is putting out another urgent call for volunteers. A shortage of program volunteers to deliver meals to eligible clients has led to several gaps in scheduling over the next few months.

Volunteers delivering Meals on Wheels in Swan River

“Starting this month (February), we currently have twelve weeks  with no volunteer drivers scheduled in the 2025 year,” stated Shantelle Rosteski, Nutrition Services Manager for Swan River. “We currently have 17 clients that are really dependent on receiving meals”

Program volunteers deliver meals to eligible clients who are generally unable to prepare food for themselves due to age, illness or disability, either on a temporary or permanent basis. Unfortunately, the program is struggling to maintain an adequate volunteer base. In Swan River, the meals are delivered three times a week- Monday, Wednesday and Friday (meals are picked up at 11:15 for lunch).

“We could sure use more volunteers especially for a week or two at a time, as some of these blocks of time throughout the year are still open and very much needed for scheduling purposes right now,” Rosteski said.

“Besides individuals, we urge organizations and groups to also consider participating for blocks of time.  But, we also could use casual back up drivers if we have any cancellations, so every bit of volunteer time will really help!”

Rosteski passed along a sincere thank you to all the past and present volunteers, as well as Services to Seniors, who have been involved with the program.

Meals on Wheels is a program that offers a full, warm nutritious meal delivered to a client, for a small fee, at their home. Prairie Mountain Health, Nutrition Services at Swan Valley Health Centre, partners with Services to Seniors in Swan River to coordinate the program. Nutrition services prepares the meals, and works together with Services to Seniors with the volunteer delivery schedule.

Further questions and answers:

Who can you contact to sign up volunteer to deliver meals? In Swan River, you can contact the Services to Seniors Program at (204) 734-5707.

What is required of volunteers to do the job? There are some application sheets to fill out for those volunteering for the program. If volunteers have any specific questions they can contact Services to Seniors at the number above.

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17th Annual Camp Bridges Weekend Set for Circle Square Ranch, Austin MB

I miss you Dad plaque

Prairie Mountain Health is organizing the 17th annual Camp Bridges, a weekend camp for bereaved children and teens. Camp Bridges will be held at Circle Square Ranch, Austin MB on May 23, 24 and 25, 2025. The goal of Camp Bridges is to support children and teens with their grief and bereavement. This is achieved through activities designed to help share grief and honour memories in a caring community environment.

Camp Bridges provides a safe, supportive and fun environment where grieving children and teens learn that they are not alone in their grief and are free to share their thoughts and feelings with peers who are going through a similar experience. The camp is intended to complement existing bereavement services for children and teens by providing a weekend of “caring, sharing and memories”.

Camp Bridges accepts up to 40 applicants each year.  Children and youth between the ages of 7-15 years of age, who reside in Manitoba, are welcome to apply. The application deadline is April 23, 2025.

Volunteers are needed for Camp Bridges 2024.  Volunteering is a rewarding experience that makes a difference in the lives of children and youth. .  The application deadline for volunteers is March 17th, 2025.

Children sitting in a circle on grass

Donations are being accepted to cover the cost of camp rental, meals and activities, so that campers may attend at no cost. If you wish to donate to Camp Bridges please contact Melissa Peters.

Camper and volunteer applications are available on our website.  For more information please contact committee members as listed below. Thank you.

Email: [email protected]

Melissa Peters, RN BN
Regional Palliative Care Coordinator
Phone: 204-578-2340

Charla Murray, RN
Palliative Clinical Resource Nurse
Phone: 204-764-4237

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