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Emergency Department

Canadian Patient Safety Week | Oct. 28- Nov. 1, 2024

What comes to mind when you think about healthcare harm?

Canadian Patient Safety Week Infographic

This year’s national theme is about recognizing and reducing all forms of health-care harm, to create safety for everyone.

Recent data shows that in 2022-2023, one in 17 hospital stays in Canada involved at least one harmful event.

In the past, patient safety efforts have been focused on potentially preventable physical harm.  But healthcare harm can come in other forms, such as psychological, spiritual and social harm.

Everyone is responsible for safety in our healthcare system.  During Canadian Patient Safety Week, let’s explore how healthcare harm is happening by starting the conversation, and taking action.

Prairie Mountain Health is collaborating with Shared Health, who is hosting a virtual safety conversation about harm, and also launching the Provincial Patient Safety Learning page during Patient Safety Week.  Patient Safety Week – Shared Health – Health Providers (

Staff and Patients/Families are invited to participate in the Virtual Safety Conversations Survey for a change to win a $20 gift card.

Fill out our Virtual Safety Conversations survey and be entered to win a $20 gift card. The survey is open to staff, patients and the general public, and closes Nov. 3, 2024.

Healthcare harm matters to those receiving and delivering care. Recognizing and reducing harm is all essential to creating safety for all.

Let’s broaden our understanding and reduce the impact of healthcare harm together.

Learn more at:

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Malnutrition Week October 7-11, 2024

October 7-11, 2024 is Canadian Malnutrition Awareness Week. This year’s theme is:

ACT – Advocate – Collaborate – Transform. This theme focuses on strategies to advocate for better nutrition care across healthcare settings.

Clinical Dietitians Emma Barr and Melanie Hart with the new metabolic cart.
Clinical Dietitians Emma Barr and Melanie Hart with the new metabolic cart.

 One example of how we can ACT and improve nutrition care is the recent purchase of a metabolic cart for patients at the Brandon Regional Health Center. The dietitians advocated purchasing this new equipment and collaborated with physicians and management to write a proposal. It was approved and purchased by the BRHC Foundation, transforming nutrition care for acute care patients. It gives the Dietitian an accurate measure of a patient’s nutrition needs. This allows the Dietitians to prescribe the best nutrition plan and plays a role in getting patients better and home sooner.

Another group that can benefit from ACT is older adults living in the community where 1 in 3 are at nutrition risk. Family and friends can Advocate if they notice weight or muscle loss, loss of appetite, frailty, or mental health issues. If these signs are present, Collaborate with health care providers such as Doctors, Nurses, and Dietitians.  With help addressing these issues, their life can be transformed by improved independence, immunity and decreasing the need to go to the hospital.

ACT is important with children, too. Up to 1 in 3 children admitted to hospital are malnourished.  If you have a child in hospital, advocate by asking if weight, height or length (and head circumference in children under two years old) have been checked. When you go home, collaborate with the healthcare team and ask for a nutrition plan. Ask to meet with a Dietitian if you need help or have questions. This can Transform your child’s experience by improving growth and recovery and possibly resulting in a shorter stay in hospital.

Nutrition is important at all stages of life; if you have a concern, remember to ACT!

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Mental Illness Awareness Week | October 6 – 12, 2024

Access for All: Time for Action, Time for Change

Illness, which arises from a mental health or addiction problem, can affect all aspects of a person’s life, from an overall experience of well-being to relationships, from employment opportunities to life expectancy. Let’s work together to create a culture of understanding and acceptance.

Mental health, refers to our overall well-being. It’s possible to experience poor mental health without having a mental illness, and conversely, individuals with a diagnosed mental illness can also have good mental health. Mental illness, on the other hand, refers to diagnoses that can significantly affect a person’s thinking, mood, or behavior. These conditions can vary in severity and include disorders such as anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder, and schizophrenia, among others.

Mental Illness Awareness Week Postcard

Twenty-six years ago, in 1999, the Brandon Mental Health Center closed its doors. This closure was a result of a “Deinstitutionalization Movement.” People recognized that long-term mental health facilities harmed the human right of freedom of the individual. Once admitted, patients could spend the rest of their lives in an institution, isolated from their communities and families, and subject to care that could be coercive or harmful. This practice also increased stigma in the community. People were treated differently or made to feel ashamed of their illness.

Stigma results in fewer opportunities for work, school, social activities, or housing. It can cause bullying or violence. It isolates people, and it may increase the risk of exploitation. Stigma reinforces a false belief that a person cannot or will not be successful in overcoming challenges or succeeding in their goals. Stigma, discrimination, and harmful experiences – particularly in childhood – can reduce mental wellness.

Mental illness is on the rise in Canada. For example, between 2012 and 2022, the prevalence of Generalized Anxiety Disorder doubled, from 2.6% to 5.2%. If you have not had personal experience with a mental illness, it is likely you know somebody who has. In 2022, 18% of Canadians 15 and over met the diagnostic criteria for a mood, anxiety, or substance use disorder in the prior 12 months (Mental disorders and access to mental health care (

People who live with mental illness may not have similar access to conditions that support health compared to someone who does not have a mental illness. Researchers have identified these conditions as the “social determinants of mental health.” Income, employment, education, food security and nutrition, social support and connections, and physical and psychological safety, particularly in childhood, are all essential factors that can promote – or harm – our mental health.

By improving access to life factors promoting health, we can increase the well-being of our communities, families, and ourselves. There are practical steps we can all take to improve the mental health of ourselves, our loved ones, and our communities:

Get Informed!

  • Listen to the people around you. Taking time to hear stories can provide valuable insight into the symptoms and challenges associated with mental illness or mental distress. You will hear about a variety of ways that people find support during challenging times, and you will hear about the barriers people are experiencing in real-time.
  • Stigma and discrimination cause harm. The Ontario Human Rights Commission has more information about the historical harms of mental health discrimination in Appendix A: Historical context | Ontario Human Rights Commission (
  • PMH and partners are committed to addressing access and equity for differing needs in our region.  We are in the process of, and have, shifted our system to improve access for those in highest need, and together with our provincial partners, are developing new access, intake, assessment and coordination systems.  PMH currently provides a robust number of Mental Health and Addictions services with a framework that spans Crisis & Emergency, Acute and Specialized and Community-Based Services, and continues to advocate for additional available services in the region for all citizens.  For a complete listing of services available, please visit

Get Connected!

  • Strong social connections increase well-being and can also increase life expectancy.

Get Active!

  • Self-care is an essential first step in improving wellness in our community. Consider your nutrition, activity, coping, and personal connections and develop a plan if there are areas you would like to improve. Reach out to your community for information or to share your journey!
  • Consider participating with local organizations and committees working to improve mental health and wellness in your community.
    • Mental Illness Awareness Week is October 6-12. The theme is “Access for All: Time for Action, Time for Change”. Consider participating in activities occurring during this week and into the Fall.

If you or a loved one need support, don’t hesitate to reach out for help. There are resources available.

In an emergency, always call 911 or contact your local hospital or health office.

Suicide Crisis Helpline: Call 9-8-8 for support, available to all Canadians in English and French, 24/7.

Manitoba Suicide Prevention and Support Line: Reach out at 1-877-435-7170, a crisis line available 24 hours a day.

Westman Crisis Services: For local support in the Brandon area, contact 204-725-4411 or 1-888-379-7699.

PMH-North: You can also reach 1-866-332-3030 for services in the PMH-North area.


Online Presentation – What is Mental Illness?

Tuesday, Oct. 8

12:00-1:00 pm

What is mental illness? What kinds of mental illnesses are there and what do they look like? What are some common myths about mental illness, and how can we reduce the stigma around mental illness? As part of Mental Illness Awareness Week (October 6-12), join us for a free online lunch-hour presentation that looks at these questions and more.

Visit to register.

Online Course – Insights into Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)

Wednesday, Oct. 9

7:00-8:30 pm

This free online course will define seasonal affective disorder (SAD) and present practical strategies and skills for better health & well-being during the winter months.

Visit to register.

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Employee Wellness a priority for PMH

Sunglasses on rock at beach

“Health and Wellness for All” is the vision for Prairie Mountain Health, and the Employee Wellness team believes that vision starts with our own staff!  Our committee’s expressed goal is “Healthy employees, healthy workplace, healthy community”.  Boosting staff morale was assigned a significant priority in 2023-2024 and a new committee was formed to assist with this task.  The PMH Social Committee consists of staff representation from across the health region and plans and hosts fun activities and events for PMH staff, physicians, volunteers and Shared Health staff working out of PMH facilities.  This past year, the two teams came together to bring our staff larger free events such as;

Family Beach Day.  All staff were invited to bring their families to Minnedosa Beach for a free barbecue, face painting, activities and free admission to the Splish Splash Water Park. 

PMH Day at the Movies. Movie theatres were rented out in Brandon, Dauphin and Swan River and staff were invited to sign up to bring their families for free movie admission and popcorn.

Prairie Mountain Regional Museum Family Day.  All staff were invited to bring their families to the museum located near Shoal Lake where they could enjoy free mini golf, a petting zoo, pony/wagon rides, museum tours, and a wiener roast.

Over the past year, staff may also have noticed food trucks parked outside their facilities offering staff a discount, dipped their toes in the water at the free family fun swim in Swan River, played a round of indoor golf in Souris or won free tickets to the Westman yoga festival. 

Pizza Party at Chez Angela

The PMH Employee Wellness committee has been successfully supporting teamwork and comradery across the region through a special funding initiative whereby staff can apply for financial support to plan fun activities and events for their department or program.  Over 100 applications were received in 2023-24 and staff from over 60 different facilities enjoyed team-building experiences such as:

  • Corn mazes
  • Flower picking
  • Paint nights
  • Bowling nights
  • Golfing/golf simulators
  • Spin classes
  • Pizza making & cupcake decorating workshops
  • Pottery painting
  • Gardening workshops and many more.

The Employee Wellness committee recognizes that by prioritizing our staff’s mental, physical, emotional and spiritual wellbeing we are helping them to better care for you, our clients. 

people sitting on a couch in workout clothes
People enjoying a BBQ
Group at Fun Time Pottery

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Every Vaccine Counts!   PMH, it is time to get vaccinated

Every vaccine counts. Lady with bandage from vaccine.

We are heading into Respiratory virus season.  Respiratory viruses are common and tend to spread more easily during cooler weather when Manitobans spend more time indoors with others. Influenza (Flu) and Covid viruses are contagious and can have similar and overlapping symptoms.

The BEST ways to reduce your risk and potential complications:

  • Get vaccinated, stay home when sick, wash your hands frequently, cover your cough/sneeze, and wear a mask in high-risk situations.

This respiratory virus season, updated Covid and Flu vaccine doses are recommended for all Manitobans 6 months and older. It is especially important for individuals who are considered high risk, those over the age of 65, and children under 5 years of age.

Manitoba Health offers Pneumococcal and High-Dose  Flu vaccines to people 65 years and older.

In 2023/24, approximately 25% of the population received flu vaccines and 19% received COVID-19 vaccines. A significantly higher rate was seen in the 65+ age group (54% for COVID-19 and 60% for flu).  This year, our goal is to prevent missed opportunities and reach those individuals at risk for severe illness sooner.  We will offer vaccines at more access points; more providers will be offering vaccines.

You can get your Flu, Covid and Pneumococcal vaccines at a local community clinic, pharmacy, or your Primary Care Provider. All vaccines can be given safely at the same visit. It is recommended to receive your Covid vaccine 6 months since your last dose. Talk to your healthcare provider to determine the best time to vaccinate you.

Prairie Mountain Health (PMH) Flu and Covid Vaccine Clinics will start October 24th.  Starting October 5th visit our website for a full list of flu/COVID vaccine clinics and locations throughout the region, or follow us on our Social Media pages (FacebookInstagramTwitter). 

Once again, this year, you can book your vaccine appointment online or call toll-free at 1-844-626-8222 starting October 5th.

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PMH welcomes additional Filipino health-care workers

Ariane Jadraque, a registered nurse destined for Swan River, arrived with her family at Winnipeg International Airport on Sept. 9  She is pictured with her family members who include husband  Jenneson Jadraque, daughter Elisha and son Jansen.
Ariane Jadraque, a registered nurse destined for Swan River, arrived with her family at Winnipeg International Airport on Sept. 9.  She is pictured with her family members who include husband  Jenneson Jadraque, daughter Elisha and son Jansen.

Prairie Mountain Health (PMH) continued to welcome additional Filipino health-care workers to the region. Internationally-educated registered nurses Ariane Jadraque  and Saul Almonicar arrived in Canada earlier this month. Jadaraque accompanied by her family, began working at Swan Valley Health Centre in Swan River on September 16. Almonicar, whose family will join him later, commenced duties at Dauphin Regional Health Centre on Sept. 23.

“We’re very pleased to welcome Ariane and her family, and Saul, and eventually his family, to Manitoba and our health care region!” stated Treena Slate, CEO of Prairie Mountain Health.”

“We sincerely thank members of our recruitment team for their ongoing work to ensure these new members of our care teams are welcomed and oriented to our health system and their communities.”

As part of the overall recruitment initiative, and effective October 1, PMH has recruited 10 registered nurses, one licensed practical nurses and 14 health care aides. They have been located in various communities which include Brandon, Dauphin, Hartney, Minnedosa, Neepawa, Russell, Swan River and Virden.

PMH Recruitment Manager Larissa Kominko shares a minute to welcome Saul Almonicar, Internationally-educated registered nurse, to Dauphin. Saul began working at Dauphin Regional Health Centre Sept. 23.
PMH Recruitment Manager Larissa Kominko welcomes Saul Almonicar, Internationally-educated registered nurse, to Dauphin. Saul began working at Dauphin Regional Health Centre Sept. 23.

PMH anticipates the arrival of two more internationally-educated registered nurses in early October. One will be located at Minnedosa Health Centre and the other will work at the Virden Health Centre.

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National Day for Truth and Reconciliation | September 30

National Day for Truth and Reconciliation resources
Click on image to enlarge

Prairie Mountain Health is located on the original lands of Anishinaabeg, Cree, Oji-Cree, and Dakota peoples and the homeland of the Métis Nation.

Prairie Mountain Health has committed to begin the work of reconciliation with the Indigenous people and communities in our region.

Many generations of First Nations, Métis and Inuit children were forcibly placed in more than 130 residential schools in a calculated effort to eradicate Indigenous languages and cultures from the 1870s to 1996.

In June 2021, the Government of Canada passed Bill C-5 to name September 30 the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation to recognize the past harms and wrongs inflicted on Indigenous children in residential schools by making it a federal statutory holiday.

September 30, also known as Orange Shirt Day, acknowledges Phyllis Webstad’s story that started the movement.

To commemorate the children who never returned home, survivors of residential schools, and those impacted by this legacy, WEAR ORANGE to show your commitment to reconciliation. 

Take a moment to reflect on what reconciliation means to you and how you can advance reconciliation in the workplace and in your community. 

Reconciliation is inevitable, though it is how we choose to make the relationship with Indigenous people that matters.  

Nellie KopitzRegional Manager of Indigenous Health, Prairie Mountain Health

Events Throughout Our Region

This is a small list of many events happening within our region. We encourage you to participate in events in your community. If you are an event organizer, please email [email protected] to have your event added to this list.


National Day for Truth and Reconciliation – Government of

National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation

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Summer 2024 Donations for PMH

Manitoba Women’s Institute- Made in Manitoba Project

Country Meadows residents receiving blankets
From Left to Right – Jocelyn Scheper (Manager Health Services), Diane Cottingham (Resident), Tamika Baron (Client Care Coordinator), Lynne English (Resident), Heather Cummings (Manitoba Woman’s Institute)

The Manitoba Women’s Institute chose a Made in Manitoba project which provided a dozen lap quilts for distribution to Country Meadows Personal Care Home in Neepawa. Each quilt was unique with the creator’s personal touch. The quilts have been donated to those residents who are in wheelchairs who had the greatest need for comfort. The residents receiving the quilts are overjoyed with their donations. The quilts have brought smiles to the faces of many.

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Stay Safe This Harvest Season

Harvest is just around the corner in our prairie region.  We encourage everyone (farmers and the public) to take precautions and stay safe this harvest season.

On the Road

  • Take precautions when driving past or near slow-moving farm equipment.
  • Ensure all lights including brakes and turn signals are working and properly adjusted before moving farm equipment on public roads.
  • Keep mirrors and windows clean both in and out of the field.
  • Be aware of height, length and weight restrictions on farm vehicles and when permits may be required.

In the field

Combine dumping into grain cart.
  • Inspect equipment regularly and ensure everything is in good working condition.
  • Ensure guards and shields are in place on all equipment.
  • Ensure first aid kits/fire extinguishers are stocked/full and in good working condition.
  • Clear plugged equipment after the power is turned off and keys removed.
  • Never trust hydraulic systems when working under a machine. Always use a safety prop if you must work under a header or other heavy machinery.
  • Check your tow ropes and chains when pulling out stuck equipment – try to use tow ropes in good condition instead of chains.
  • Have operational fire extinguishers mounted on equipment and everyone trained to use them. (recommended to have one in cab and one accessible from ground)
  • Have a shovel accessible on farm equipment for fires.

In the yard

  • Create a safe, separate and supervised play area for children on the farm.
  • Before moving a piece of machinery, do a walk around check to ensure no one is near the equipment and warn anyone in the immediate area that the machinery will be moving.

Do not ignore your health during the harvest season. It is important to try to get adequate sleep which will help you rejuvenate from a hard day and prepare you for the next busy day.  Stay alert and take breaks! Take a break to eat your meals, even a short one.  Get out of the cab and walk around every few hours. 

hand running over wheat heads.

If harvest becomes stressful for producers and their families, free confidential support is available through Manitoba Farm, Rural and Northern Support Services at 1-866-367-3276 (toll-free) or online at

Discover numerous videos on farm safety here.

Resources: Iowa State University

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Prairie Mountain Health and Shared Health Joint Employee Family Fun BBQ: A Day of Sun, Fun, and Community at Minnedosa Beach

Story courtesy of the Minnedosa Tribune

PMH Staff enjoying wellness day at Minnedosa Beach

On July 14th, from 11 am to 4 pm, Minnedosa Beach was the place to be as hundreds of Prairie Mountain Health (PMH) and Shared Health employees, along with their families, gathered for a delightful day of sun, fun, and community at the Employee Family Fun BBQ. The event which included physicians, nurses, and volunteers, was blessed with partially clear skies, warm weather, and a light breeze – perfect conditions for a day at the beach.

The picturesque Minnedosa Beach, known for its serene waters, boating, waterskiing and beautiful surroundings, provided the ideal backdrop for the event. As families arrived, the beach quickly filled with laughter and excitement. The highlight of the day was undoubtedly the awesome Splash Waterpark, where children of all ages could be seen enjoying the various water features and slides. The gigantic floating inflatable, with its diverse waterscape of activities, was a huge hit with kids of all ages, offering endless entertainment and a refreshing escape from the summer heat.

In addition to the waterpark, a wide array of games and activities were organized to keep everyone engaged. The chillaxing and friendly banter among colleagues and their families added to the festive atmosphere, fostering a sense of camaraderie and community.

PMH Employee Wellness Team members

No BBQ is complete without delicious food, and this event was no exception. Attendees were treated to free drinks, chips, hotdogs, and cotton candy ensuring that everyone had the energy to participate in the day’s activities. The aroma of grilled hotdogs wafted through the air, enticing even the most reluctant eaters. The picnic tables, set up under the shade of nearby trees, and beach blankets provided a perfect spot for families to relax and enjoy their meals together.

The event’s organizers ensured that there was a well-rounded experience for all ages. For the younger children, there were face painting stations, balloon animals, and a variety of beach toys.

Meanwhile, adults could unwind and socialize, taking in the scenic views of Minnedosa Beach and catching up with colleagues outside of the work environment. The event also featured a playlist of summery tunes that set the perfect mood, adding to the overall relaxed and joyous ambiance.

The Prairie Mountain Health Employee Family Fun BBQ was more than just a day at the beach; it was a celebration of the hard work and dedication of PMH and Shared Health employees. It provided a much-needed opportunity for healthcare workers and their families to unwind and enjoy some quality time together. The event highlighted the importance of work-life balance and the value of taking time to appreciate and connect with loved ones.

Sunglasses on rock at Minnedosa Beach

Community support played a crucial role in the success of the event.

Local businesses and organizations generously contributed, helping to make the day memorable for all attendees. Their support underscored the close-knit nature of the Minnedosa community and its commitment to recognizing and celebrating the efforts of healthcare professionals.

As the day drew to a close, families began to pack up their belongings and shared stories of the day’s adventures. The smiles and laughter that filled the air were a testament to the event’s success. It was clear that the Family Fun BBQ event had achieved its goal of providing a day of relaxation, enjoyment, and community building to our heroic health care providers.

In the end, the event served as a reminder of the strength and resilience of the healthcare community. It brought together individuals from a wide variety of roles within PMH and Shared Health, reinforcing the bonds that unite them in their shared mission to provide quality healthcare. The Employee Family Fun BBQ at Minnedosa Beach was a shining example of the positive impact that a supportive and connected community can have on the well-being of its members.

**Thanks to the members of the PMH Employee Wellness Team for organizing and supporting this fun event.**

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