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Emergency Department

Blue Monday

Heard of “Blue Monday,” but not sure what it is or what it means. Blue Monday is a term applied to the third Monday of January (January 20 this year!) and has been labelled “the most depressing day of the year.” A UK travel company conceived the idea in the early 2000s. A psychologist was commissioned to generate a formula to promote this day as the most depressing time of the year. The travel company’s goal was to sell more vacation packages to warm and sunny winter destinations. The formula looked at factors such as shortened daylight hours, bills coming due from holiday spending, cold and gloomy winter weather, and the point on the calendar where most people tend to give up on their New Year’s resolutions. Though there’s little scientific evidence to claim that it is the most depressing day of the year, in the years following, many mental health organizations capitalized on the idea to promote awareness about seasonal depression and the need for support and other self-help strategies to beat the winter blues.

Frowny face drawn
in snow on windshield

Manitoba’s winters are long, dark, and cold. People must take care of their mental health this time of year. Research suggests that up to 35 percent of the general population experience the “winter blues,” which can include changes in appetite and increased lethargy as the daylight hours grow shorter. The winter blues differs from Seasonal Affective Disorder, or SAD, which affects about three to five percent of the population and is a serious form of depression. Symptoms of SAD include feeling significantly depressed most days, decreased energy, difficulty concentrating, weight gain, loss of interest or pleasure in activities previously enjoyed, and disrupted sleep patterns.

People experiencing the winter blues or SAD can benefit from several strategies and practices to help mitigate the effects of seasonal depression. These include:

  • Maximizing exposure to sunlight.  Spend more time outdoors during the day and arrange indoor environments to receive maximum sunlight. The use of light therapy lamps has proven benefits as well.
  • Exercise. Exercise relieves stress, builds energy, and increases mental and physical well-being. Make a habit of taking a daily noon-hour walk. Physical activity and increased exposure to natural light can raise spirits.
  • Social support & Connection. When feeling down, it’s natural to want to withdraw and isolate, but strong social networks and frequent connection with others will reduce isolation, a key risk factor for depression.
  • Stress reduction. Make changes in your life to help manage and reduce stress. Too much stress exacerbates depression and puts you at risk for future depression. Take the aspects of your life that stress you out, such as work overload or unsupportive relationships, and find ways to minimize their impact.
  • Take Vitamin D – Low levels of Vitamin D have been linked to depression and seasonal affective disorder in adults. There is sufficient research to show that not having enough of the vitamin can lead to depression-like symptoms. Eating food rich in Vitamin D or, taking a Vitamin D supplement and getting adequate sun exposure can help reduce the risk of developing depressive symptoms.

While it may not be scientifically accurate to designate the third Monday in January, or any day of the year for that matter, as the most depressing day of the year, it does offer the opportunity to engage in healthy conversations about mental wellness, especially at this time of year. Talking openly about seasonal depression and the support that is available for those who struggle helps reduce the stigma around mental illness and opens pathways for support and recovery. This year, a number of special events have been planned in the region to highlight the effects of seasonal depression and the support available. Check out the list below to see what’s happening on January 20 in your area:

Swan River: The Canadian Mental Health Association will have a display set up from 9:00 am-4:00 pm (January 20) at the community booth in the Swan Valley Co-op food store. Drop by to pick up information on mental health and chat with a CMHA representative.

Roblin: HERO Club West will be going to the Roblin Residence and playing Blue Bingo with Blue Prizes, Blueberry muffins with Blueberry Tea and Coffee.

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Managing Mental Health During the Holidays

In the film Meet Me in St. Louis, Judy Garland sang the line, “Have yourself a merry little Christmas, let your heart be light. From now on, our troubles will be out of sight.” Unfortunately, many people struggle with heavy hearts and numerous stressors over the holidays. The term “holiday stress” reflects increased symptoms of anxiety, impatience, fatigue, and depressed mood that many people experience over the holiday season. Several factors contribute to holiday stress, including financial concerns, tight schedules and heavy demands, loss of loved ones, isolation, and unrealistic expectations. And when stress is at its peak, it can be very hard to stop and regroup.

Stress cannot always be prevented; however, the following tips can be helpful to manage stressors during the holiday season.

grownups busy on phones and laptops at Christmas time.
  • Be aware of your feelings. If someone close to you has recently passed away or if you are away from loved ones, realize that it is normal to feel sadness and grief. It is also important to express your feelings. Do not try to “force yourself” to be happy just because it is the holiday season.
  • Have realistic expectations. Too many people expect the holidays to be “perfect.” There is no such thing as perfection; having those expectations will only add to the season’s stress. An asymmetrical tree or an over-cooked turkey will not ruin your holiday; instead, it will create a family memory. Perennial movie favourites, such as A Christmas Story or A Charlie Brown Christmas, are reminders of the endearing qualities of these imperfections.
  • Stay within your budget. Before you shop for gifts and food, decide how much money you can afford to spend. Then, stick to your budget. Don’t try to buy happiness with a mountain of gifts. Some alternatives include giving homemade gifts and starting a family gift exchange. If your children’s wish list exceeds your budget, talk with them about reasonable expectations and remind them that the holidays are not about expensive gifts.
  • Manage your time and set boundaries. Saying yes when you should say no can leave you resentful and overwhelmed. Friends and colleagues will understand if you cannot participate in every project or activity. Set priorities and let go of impossible goals. Don’t spend all of your time planning activities for your family. You might end up feeling drained and unappreciated. Take the time you need to finish tasks that are important to you. Don’t try to complete everything at once; ask others to help you complete chores.
  • Keep healthy and take time for yourself. When people feel stressed-out and overwhelmed, they often forget about their self-care. Also, the holiday season is ripe with opportunities to overindulge. Make sure that you are eating regularly and healthily, getting a decent night’s sleep, and getting enough physical activity into your day. This can be difficult when the weather turns cold. Finally, pace yourself. Give yourself opportunities to rest and replenish. By slowing down, you will have more energy to accomplish your goals.
  • Do something for others. By volunteering or assisting others, we can get out of our experience for a while. Helping out at a food bank or a shelter can also give us some perspective regarding our worries and concerns.
  • Practice mindfulness. Often, just the act of focusing on our breath and the present moment in a non-judgmental way can help create emotional and cognitive space, which helps us stay grounded, focused, and regulated. One quick strategy is to take three long, deep, nourishing breaths—breathing in through your nose and out through your mouth. Then, you let your breath settle into its own rhythm as you follow it in and out, noticing the rise and fall of your chest and belly as you breathe. If you find that you have a wandering mind or negative thoughts, simply return to the breath.
  • Be patient with yourself. ‘Tis the season for self-judgment! Instead, engage in self-compassion during the holiday season. Can you talk to yourself gently instead of critically? Aspire to go into the holiday season with the intention of accepting your mistakes, pains, and tender places. Engage in self-nurturing practices: a bubble bath, soft music, scented candles, and a favourite tea. Is there a way you can remember to practice kind words to yourself? A reminder note on your calendar? Perhaps buy an advent calendar for yourself, and every day in December, as you open that little door, you can remind yourself to be kind!
  • Stay connected and seek support. When we feel sad or overburdened, we often isolate or avoid others, which can add to our burden. Ensure that you are connected with others and seek support if needed. Getting things out in the open can help you manage your feelings and find solutions for your stress. If you continue to feel overwhelmed, consider seeing a professional, such as a mental health counsellor, to help you manage your holiday stress. In Brandon and surrounding Westman area, the 24-hour crisis line number is 204- 725-4411, or you can call toll-free at 1-888-379-7699.

By Anastasia Gibson, Ph.D., C. Psych
Registered Psychologist, Prairie Mountain Health

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International Overdose Awareness Day – IOAD

International Overdose Awareness Day logo

International Overdose Awareness Day (IOAD) – held on August 31 every year – is the world’s largest annual campaign to end overdose, remember without stigma those who have died and acknowledge the grief of family and friends left behind.

This year’s theme for 2024 is “Together We Can,” highlighting the power of our community when we all stand together in support of those connected to the tragedy of overdose. No one should stand alone in our fight to end overdose.

While every individual action matters greatly, coming together as an international community creates a powerful collective action. One that moves us with greater speed toward our shared goal of preventing and, ultimately, ending all overdoses.

For people who use drugs and those who don’t. For heartbroken friends and family members of lost loved ones. For activists who fight for sorely needed policy reform. For healthcare and harm reduction workers. For tireless advocates. Overdose can affect anyone, and we encourage you to remember the tenacity of our community. Lean into the power that we can have when we work together.

This August 31, reach out and connect with others in your local community and join the global IOAD movement. Our collective voices are stronger, louder, and the most impactful when brought together. Join us in continuing to be a part of the change. Get Involved – International Overdose Awareness Day ( has other options for getting involved, resources, and campaign materials available if you’d like to host an event in your community.

On August 1, Brandon and Area Gone Too Soon and Substance Use Awareness will be hosting an event at Dinsdale Park at 5:30. All are invited to put up purple ribbons and pictures of those who have died due to toxic drugs and or substance-related harms.   You can also add your loved one’s name and/or photo to the local campaign by emailing [email protected]. Visit the Brandon and Area Gone Too Soon and Substance Use Awareness Facebook page.

Let’s remember, together, we can end overdose.

#TogetherWeCan #EndOverdose #IOAD2024

Events around the region

August 14 IOAD Event

August 30 IOAD Event

August 31 IOAD Candle Vigil
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Mental Health Week May 6-12, 2024

Canadian Mental Health Association recognizes May 6 to 12th, 2024, as Mental Health Week. We all can be compassionate and know that doing so can make an enormous difference. This year’s Mental Health Week is centred on the healing power of compassion. In a world plagued by suffering, we emphasize that kindness is equally intrinsic to our humanity. Compassion goes beyond acknowledging pain; it’s about embracing our shared humanity and actively caring for ourselves and those around us. Unlike empathy, compassion is more than understanding – it’s rooted in action, a resounding call to practice kindness.

The Mental Wellness and Suicide Prevention Committee will be promoting amazing Mental Health Week activities planned by partner organizations in several ways:

  • A regional campaign to schools was created and shared broadly with the invitation to participate in Mindful Moments. These brief messages and information with option exercises or quotes can be shared in a classroom setting, general assembly, or morning announcements. Though they only take a few minutes, they can foster a greater understanding of personal mental health and compassion.  
  • Creative Reflections, a Mental Wellness Suicide Prevention project, was created to work on reducing the stigma surrounding mental health and illness by creating an invitation for individuals to share their stories. We put forward an expression of interest form in 2023 and are now beginning to work with interested artisans to gather their pieces. This project was open to all: artwork, sculptures, photography, poetry, music, and short stories, all eligible to be part of the Creative Expressions Exhibit in the Fall. Stay tuned for more details to come!
    • As part of this project, we offer two in-person creation workshops during Mental Health Week. One will take place in Dauphin on May 6 and the other in Ste. Rose on May 8. Individuals will be introduced to the idea of expressing themselves via art and invited to engage in creating their self-portraits in a creative way. Engaging in art activities has been shown to reduce stress, lower anxiety levels, and improve mood.
  • The Dauphin HERO club will be celebrating their 30th Anniversary this year! A celebration event is planned during Mental Health Week on Wednesday, May 8, from
    11 am to 2 pm. Born out of a desire for a healthy community for people recovering from mental health struggles, the HERO club – which stands for Helping Everyone Reach Out – has demonstrated how empathy and compassion can create a healthy and safe space where people can flourish.
  • Keep an eye out for posters from The Canadian Mental Health Association. Titled “A Call to be Kind,” these posters present the challenge to connect with others through compassion and will direct you to CMHA Manitoba’s website for further resources and information. CMHA will also hold a free online presentation on “Radical Acceptance and Self-Compassion” at noon on Friday, May 10. E-mail [email protected] to receive the Zoom link for this presentation.

Whether it’s lending a listening ear, offering a helping hand, or simply being there for someone in need, every act of kindness matters. In a world where kindness sometimes takes a backseat to busyness, it’s important to remember the impact that even small acts of kindness can have. By spreading kindness, we make a positive difference in the lives of others and also nourish our souls.

As we celebrate Mental Health Week, honour the HERO club’s legacy, and anticipate the Creative Reflections exhibit, let’s recommit ourselves to spreading kindness wherever we go. Together, let’s create a world where compassion and creativity flourish and everyone feels valued and supported on their journey toward healing and wholeness.

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‘Mental Health on the Prairies’ conference looking to build hope and renew connections

Talking about mental health is important every day of the year, and the entire community is invited to come together this spring to join a conversation about building hope and renewing connection to support good mental health.

The Mental Health on the Prairies Hybrid Conference and Community Conversation will be held April 24th, 25th, and 26th, and is hosted by Brandon University. The meeting will bring together researchers, professionals working in health and social care, educators, community groups, and lived experience experts to have critical conversations about mental health research, services, and experiences.

The conference includes three keynote presentations designed for the whole community. Chris Beaudry – Former Humboldt Broncos Coach—will talk about the “heroes and dragons of mental health” sharing his experience of working with trauma. Dr. Jan DeFehr from University of Winnipeg will share extensive research and community practice in a presentation about breaking down psychiatric divisions. Finally, Sera Davidow—a filmmaker, author, activist and Director of a peer-to-peer support and training organization—will talk about mental health through a harm reduction lens. Each of the keynote presenters offer different perspectives on mental health that are critical to building hope and renewing connections. Please register to participate.

The conference and community conversation will help share important information about mental health and support services with a wider audience.

“Connection is so important. We know that people who feel more connected report better mental health and they can cope better with mental health problems,” said Dr. Catherine Baxter conference co-chair and Professor in the Faculty of Health Studies.

The event planning team also includes community co-chair, Maria Kent, as well as mental health advocates, educators and researchers from the faculty of nursing, arts, and science at Brandon University.

Ultimately, the event aims to draw together a broad range of individuals from academic experts across the country to share knowledge and engage in critical conversations about community-based mental health research and solutions, to engaged community members who want to share their thoughts and experiences around mental health.

“This conference and conversation is an ongoing priority for us, and an important objective of our Centre for the Critical Studies of Rural Mental Health,” said Dr. Linda Ross, Acting Dean of Health Studies at BU. “I look forward to hearing the conversations and actions it generates.”

Mental Health on the Prairies is open to everyone. Anyone interested in participating in the Mental Health on the Prairies Conference and Community Conversation should go to the conference website for more information.

Success is built at Brandon University. Our growing, progressive campus welcomes a diverse and inclusive community that combines proud tradition with shared ambition. Through our excellence in teaching, research, and scholarship, we educate students to make a meaningful difference as engaged citizens and leaders. Join us at


Rob Henderson

Marketing Communications Officer
[email protected]

Grant Hamilton
Director, Marketing and Communications
[email protected]

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Blue Monday

Have you heard of “Blue Monday” but are not entirely sure what it is or means? Blue Monday is a term applied to the third Monday of January (January 15 this year!) and has been labeled “the most depressing day of the year.” Its origins, however, had little to do with mental health. A travel company in the UK initially conceived the idea in the early 2000s. A psychologist was commissioned to generate a formula to promote this day as the most depressing time of the year. Obviously, the travel company’s goal was to sell more vacation travel packages to warm and sunny destinations. The formula looked at factors such as shortened daylight hours, Christmas bills coming due, gloomy winter weather, and the point on the calendar where most people tend to give up on their New Year’s resolutions. Though there’s little scientific evidence to claim that it is the most depressing day of the year, in the years following, many mental health organizations jumped on the idea to promote awareness about seasonal depression and the need for support and other self-help strategies to beat the winter blues.

Manitoba’s winters are long, dark, and cold. People must take care of their mental health this time of year. Research suggests that up to 35 percent of the general population experience the “winter blues,” which can include changes in appetite and increased lethargy as the daylight hours grow shorter. The winter blues differs from Seasonal Affective Disorder, or SAD, which affects about three to five percent of the population and is a serious form of depression. Symptoms of SAD include feeling significantly depressed most days, decreased energy, difficulty concentrating, weight gain, and disrupted sleep patterns.

People experiencing the winter blues or SAD can benefit from:

  • Maximizing exposure to sunlight. Spend more time outdoors during the day and arrange indoor environments to receive maximum sunlight. The use of therapy lamps has proven benefits as well.
  • Exercise. Exercise relieves stress, builds energy, and increases mental and physical well-being. Make a habit of taking a daily noon-hour walk. The activity and increased exposure to natural light can raise spirits.
  • Social support and connection. Strong social networks reduce isolation, a key risk factor for depression.
  • Stress reduction. Make changes in your life to help manage and reduce stress. Too much stress exacerbates depression and puts you at risk for future depression. Take the aspects of your life that stress you out, such as work overload or unsupportive relationships, and find ways to minimize their impact.

While it may not be scientifically accurate to designate the third Monday in January, or any day of the year for that matter, as the most depressing day of the year, it does offer the opportunity to engage in healthy conversations about mental wellness, especially at this time of year. Talking openly about seasonal depression and the support that is available for those who struggle helps reduce the stigma around mental illness and opens pathways for support and recovery. This year, several special events have been planned in the region to highlight the effects of seasonal depression and the support available. Check out the list below to see what’s happening on January 15 in your area:

Dauphin: The Dauphin HERO Club will spread cheer with uplifting inspirational quotes and blueberry muffins in the community. If interested in helping, contact Lori at 204-638-7104 or e-mail [email protected]

Swan River: The Canadian Mental Health Association will set up a display from 9:00-4:00 at the community booth in the Swan Valley Co-op food store. Drop by to pick up information on mental health and chat with a CMHA representative.

Roblin: The Roblin HERO club will be sharing blue treats in their community

Ste Rose:  Spiritual Care & Health Promotion – We will share a “sweet“ blue treat, to brighten people’s day.  Encouraging everyone to take extra care of themselves by connecting with others, doing something special for someone else to help brighten these winter days. If interested in helping out contact Susan Denhard at 204-447-4360 or email –  [email protected]

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PMH Programs to start your health journey

Welcome to a new year! A clean slate, full of hope for the year ahead. January is a time of resolutions – often focused on improvements in health. Too often, New Year’s resolutions are well-intentioned but set goals too high to be attained, are not action-specific, and lack insight into why an individual is seeking Change. Resolutions made without clearly defined steps and understanding of barriers to success lead to frustration and abandonment of the plan before seeing any success. Long-lasting change starts with discovering why changes have not yet been made. Goals are attained when solutions to barriers are considered before they arise, and an alternate plan is ready to implement. Finally, sharing your plan with others provides accountability and leads to greater success.

The Health Promotion team offers programs that provide information and techniques to guide participants on their health journey. By delivering virtual programs, the barriers of winter weather, road conditions, and transportation have been removed while offering contact with others during the winter months. Three programs that align well with health goals are Get Better Together, Craving Change, and Strive to Thrive. 

Get Better Together is a session-based program (6 sessions over 6 weeks) suitable for people with a range of chronic health conditions. Program goals include improving personal skills as a self-manager of health concerns through goal setting, communication, problem-solving, healthy eating, physical activity, sleep, and medication use. 

The focus of the Craving Change® program is to help individuals understand their relationship with food. The program takes a look at our eating environments as well as explores how emotions and learned behaviours influence the decisions we make around food. By understanding why it is hard to change how you eat and identifying personal triggers, participants can learn to respond differently and maintain changes in eating habits. The program is one weekly session for three weeks (two hours per session). 

Are you thriving or just surviving? Through the Strive to Thrive program, participants will develop skills, knowledge and practices to thrive. The five-session program covers how physical and mental stress is related, thriving versus surviving, life transitions, resilience, and building connections. 

If this is not the time to participate in a structured program, there are many free and accessible options that meet the goals of improving physical, mental, or financial health. Look for these programs and individualized programs on the Prairie Mountain Health website under the “Programs and Services” tab. Additionally, find a link to “Public Classes and Activities” on the home page. Find out more about loaner kits for Physical Literacy and geocaching to put the fun into movement for kids and families. This year, make your health a priority.

Reference:  GBT-Pamphlet-ENG-2019-WEB.pdf (

Reference:  I’m a Member of the Public – Craving Change®

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Coping for December

It’s that time of the year again. Winter and the holiday season are upon us.

This holiday season can be a great time to reconnect with others, make family recipes for holiday dinners, and spread holiday cheer.

However, this time of the year can be very challenging: days are short with little daylight, finances get stretched to make holiday food and gift purchases, and routines change to attend holiday get-togethers.

So, how can we cope with these challenges during the holiday season?

There are a few suggestions on ways to cope during the busy holiday season1 2:

  • Set boundaries and manage expectations– The holiday season can be busy and socially exhausting. To manage, you decide how the holiday season will look for you and delegate when you can.
  • Recharge your batteries – Attending personal and professional holiday gatherings can be tiring. Take time to rest after social gatherings and understand that attending (or not attending) holiday gatherings is up to you. You could also be feeling left out from these gatherings over the holidays as well; this can be an opportunity to volunteer, take care of yourself, and work on building your community.
  • Maintain healthy coping – The holidays can change routines and prevent you from using healthy coping. Try to maintain your healthy coping skills when it comes to eating, sleeping, and budgeting. 
  • Acknowledge grieving loved ones – Attending holiday social gatherings surrounded by your community may leave you missing loved ones. Talk about lost loved ones, acknowledge missing your loved one, take care of yourself, and create traditions that include your lost loved one.

Resources Across PMH

  • PMH Employee Wellness Committee- The PMH Employee Wellness Committee promotes activities that keep employees well. Check out the webpage for information on celebrating our staff, healthcare worker recognition, Employee resources (Employee assistance plan, benefit plans, and BlueCross), and PMH Perks. Funding is also available through the PMH Employee Wellness Initiative. You can also send a coworker a token of appreciation for all they do by completing a Say It Card form. 
  • Mental health resources- Seek mental health support if you need it. If you are experiencing a mental health crisis, call the crisis lines. For adults north of Riding Mountain, dial 1- 866-332-3030 and south of Riding Mountain, dial 1-888-379-7699. If you are under 18, dial 1-866-332-3030 or in all PMH areas, dial 1-866-403-5459.
  • Grief recovery- Working through grief is not something you need to do alone. There are grief support groups and resources available across Prairie Mountain Health.
  • CBTm for Employees- If you are feeling stressed or overwhelmed and want to build skills to help you manage these feelings, there is also a program called CBTm for employees.

  1. Canadian Mental Health Association- British Columbia Division. (2023). 15 tips for holiday peace of mind and coping with grief this festive season.
  2. Canadian Mental Health Association- National Site. (2023). Five ways to protect your mental health from holiday stress.
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International Day for People Impacted by Suicide Loss | Nov 18

Image by Canadian Association for Suicide Prevention

International Day for People Impacted by Suicide Loss (November 18th) is a day where people impacted by suicide loss, no matter where they live, can come together as communities to find and offer comfort and to remember their loved ones as they share stories of loss, healing, and hope.

For Brandon and the surrounding area, the Brandon Suicide Prevention Implementation Network (SPIN) has observed this day by collecting cards and having them on display.  The cards hold messages commemorating a loved one who has died by suicide, and/or a message of hope to those that have been impacted by suicide loss.

This year, SPIN has attached a fillable card for members of our community to complete.

Once you have filled out your card and sent it back to [email protected], your message will be transferred onto a physical card and will join the display of cards that have been collected in the past.

The physical cards will be on display in the Health Studies Building at Brandon University the week of November 13th

Also watch our social media platforms for a video where the facilitators of the Brandon and Area Suicide Bereavement Support Group will share the completed board and read a few of the messages from the community.

You can find additional resources and virtual events on the Canadian Association for Suicide Prevention (CASP) website.

Follow Brandon SPIN on Facebook and Instagram for more information.

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Manitoba Substance Use and Addictions Awareness Week

In conjunction with National Addictions Awareness Week (NAAW), Manitoba Substance Use and Addictions Awareness Week (MSUAAW) focuses on promoting awareness around the effects of alcohol and other drugs, check out some of the events happening. This year, MSUAAW runs from November 19th to 25th, and the theme is Inspiration, Innovation, and Inclusion. The theme highlights the drive to create new research, best practices and emerging trends and issues, treatment and prevention initiatives and other innovations that affect the health and safety of people. The MSUAAW committees consist of members in multiple areas throughout the province that focus on providing resource information, community events, lunch and learns, and campaigns promoting the week. This opens opportunities for conversation, questions, information, and community involvement. Within the Prairie Mountain Health region, the MSUAAW Committee is in the process of planning events specific to the region, so please stay tuned for more information. The Committee is always looking for additions to the team, so if interested, you can contact your local members for more information.

As a part of the MSUAAW Committee, the Addictions Services (formerly Addictions Foundation of Manitoba) Team offers their knowledge and expertise in the addictions field. The Addictions Services Team includes Community Addictions Workers, Rehabilitation Counsellors, Youth Workers, Residential Care Workers, Cooks, Building Service Workers, Prevention and Education Consultants, Nurses, Admin Assistants, Supervisors and Director.

Some of the services the Addictions Services Team offer include Community-based Counselling, Family Programs, School Based Services, Youth Services, Education and Training, Non-Residential Treatment Programs, RE/ACT Program, In House Treatment Programs, MOST Clinic, RAAM Clinics, Impaired Driver’s Program, and Aricular Acupuncture. Addictions Services has 8 Community Office locations within Prairie Mountain Health and 2 In-House Treatment Centres.

How to Access our Services:

Individuals wanting to attend community based or in-house treatment programs must first meet with a Community Addictions Worker to do the intake and assessment process. Information is gathered to determine level of involvement with alcohol, substance use and/or gambling and information is provided for services available and/or recommended.

Currently in the Brandon-Parkwood Community Office, intake services are available by phone appointments only during the following times: Monday and Wednesday 9am to 4pm and Friday 9am to noon. In person intake appointments are available upon request.  The drop-in in person intake group will be offered soon.  In all other locations (including, Dauphin, Swan River, Virden, Rossburn, Minnedosa, and Boissevain) intake services are assigned to next available counsellor and are scheduled appointments.

Should the client decide they are interested in accessing one of the in-house treatment programs the community addictions worker will make the referral to the program.

578 Cook Street | Box 58
Boissevain MB R0K 0E0
Phone: 204-534-2100
Fax: 204-534-2101
510 Frederick Street
Brandon MB R7A 6Z4
Phone: 204-729-3838
Fax: 204-729-3844
404-1st Ave NE
Dauphin, MB R7N 1A9
Phone: 204-622-2021
Fax: 204-638-6077
Box 1079
Minnedosa MB R0J 1E0
Phone: 204-867-6102
Fax: 204-867-5140
10 Main Street | Box 399
Rossburn MB R0J1V0
Phone: 204-859-4000
Fax: 204-859-4001
Ste. Rose du Lac
Ste. Rose Health Centre
603-1st Ave E
Ste. Rose du Lac, MB R0L 1S0
Phone: 204-622-2266
Swan River
126-6th Ave N | Box 141
Swan River, MB R0L 1Z0
Phone: 204-734-2030
Fax: 204-734-9509
283 Nelson Street W | Box 2500
Virden MB R0M 2C0
Phone: 204-748-4720
Fax: 204-748-4721

In-House Treatment

Willard Monson House
540 Central Ave | Box 490
Ste. Rose du Lac MB R0L 1S0
Phone: 204-447-4040
Fax: 204-447-4050
510 Frederick Street
Brandon MB R7A 6Z4
Phone: 204-729-3838
Fax: 204-729-3844
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