Russell Health Centre addition for expanded cancer care unit taking shape
Construction is well underway on the building addition to expand the cancer care unit at Russell Health Centre. Work on the $2.5 million project began in late spring and is anticipated to be completed in the spring of 2024.
The Expanding Community Cancer Care (ECCC) committee raised $1.8 million toward construction and equipment costs related to the expansion. The committee includes membership from the communities of Angusville, Beulah, Binscarth, Birtle, Foxwarren, Inglis, Langenburg, Sask., Roblin, Rossburn, Russell, St. Lazare, Shellmouth, Silverton, Solsgirth and Waywayseecappo. The Manitoba government committed $700,000 to support the remaining costs of the project.
Once complete, the project will add another 3,300 sq.-ft. to the health centre’s existing CancerCare Manitoba chemotherapy treatment space and include:
- replacement of the existing nursing station and medication storage area;
- creation of a dedicated patient washroom, nourishment area, and a small waiting area;
- improved patient privacy.
PMH has collaborated with health partners and stakeholders for the necessary building planning, construction costs and associated timelines for this important capital project. The regional health authority will contribute annual operating costs for the expansion, including staffing and supplies.
Watch for updates over the next few months related to the Expanding Community Cancer Care project.