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Emergency Department

Nutrition Services

Nutrition is a very important part of each person’s overall health, healing and quality of life.

The Nutrition Services team is comprised of Registered Dietitians (RDs), Nutrition Services Managers and Supervisors, Diet Clerks, Cooks and Dietary Aides.

The Nutrition Services departments in PMH hospitals and personal care homes are responsible for providing safe, nutritious, high quality meals to the patients, residents and cafeteria customers that attend our facilities. Our Registered Dietitians work at each facility to complete nutrition assessments, and also see clients on an outpatient basis in co-operation with the Chronic Disease Education Program.

Please see the Registered Dietitian section for more details on dietitian services throughout PMH.

General Information

Diet Order

If you or your loved one is admitted to one of our facilities, a diet order is written by a prescribing practitioner such as a physician, Nurse Practitioner or Registered Dietitian. Our Nutrition Services team will ensure the food provided follows the written diet orders and avoids any identified food allergens.

We will also accommodate food preferences to best of our ability. If you or your loved one has questions about the food or diet order please ask the nurse.


A Regional Menu is in place at all PMH sites. It is a 35 day cycle menu based on Eating Well with Canada’s Food Guide and meets guidelines for standard, texture modified, therapeutic and gastrointestinal diets. The menu is planned by a team of Registered Dietitians and Nutrition Services Managers with input from staff and clients.

The team welcomes feedback from clients and staff about suggestions for menu ideas as any time.

Food Safety

Nutrition Services has a comprehensive Quality Assurance Program to monitor and improve all aspects of our service.

Our kitchens are inspected by Public Health Officers on a regular basis to ensure compliance with the Food and Food Handling Establishments Regulation under The Public Health Act.

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