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Emergency Department

Mental Health Promotion and Prevention Programs within PMH

May 1st to 7th is Mental Health Week. This week is an initiative of CMHA and this year the theme is: My Story. Everyone experiences mental health and each person’s mental health story is unique.

This year, CMHA will focus on mental health community programs and champions, while challenging people across Canada to tell their story using the hashtags #MyStory and #MentalIllnessAwarenessWeek.

CMHA has a toolkit that you can use, with virtual backgrounds and social media messaging and pictures.

Mental Health Promotion and Prevention Programs also exist within Prairie Mountain Health, facilitated by various departments including Health Promotion Community Development, Mental Health, and Dietitians.

Prairie Mountain Health has Mental Health services across the lifespan for children and youth, adults , and seniors. If you would like to make an appointment to speak to a mental health worker, call the intake line. If you are in crisis, call the crisis line for your area.

 CRISIS – SOUTH DISTRICT (formerly Brandon, Assiniboine)

  • Adult crisis line, 24/7:  1-888-379-7699
  • Youth Under 18 crisis line 24/7:  1-866-403-5459
  • Crisis Stabilization Unit:  1-855-222-6011 or 204-727-2555
  • Mobile Crisis Services: 204-725-4411

CRISIS – NORTH DISTRICT (former Parkland)

  • Adult and Youth Crisis Line, (24/7):  1-866-332-3030


  • Adult Community Mental Health Intake: 1-855-222-6011 (M-F 8:30-4:30)
  • Youth (17 and under) Community Mental Health Intake, see resources here.


  • Mental Health Intake (all ages)
    • Roblin:  204-937-2151
    • Ste. Rose du Lac:  204-447-4080
    • Swan River:  204-734-6601
    • Dauphin:  204-638-2118

Committees such as the Suicide Prevention Implementation Network (SPIN)  and the Mental Wellness and Suicide Prevention Committee (MWSPC) facilitate mental wellness and suicide prevention initiatives across the region. The Expressions Committee also is another important committee to mention and promote; it is a collaborative effort of people recovering from mental illness; people submit expressions of their art and this year a Book Sale will happen that showcases people’s art.

Across the region Community Volunteer Income Tax Programs are available that allow people to file their income tax and therefore receive various government credits and benefits. There is also a project that encourages people to file their income tax called Get Your Benefits. Poverty can have a negative impact on people’s overall health; programs such as the Community Volunteer Income Tax Program and Get Your Benefits  provide a way for people to access their income tax returns, credits, and benefits that increase their income and can therefore improve their overall well-being.

If your organization or group is planning an initiative to promote Suicide Prevention or Life Promotion and require some funding support, please see the attached forms. Each year SPIN provides funding to a maximum of $1500 for groups/organizations to offer programs or events to make Brandon and area suicide-safer, under the following categories:

  • Mental Health Promotion/Activities that build healthy, resilient communities
  • Suicide Prevention and Life Promotion Initiatives
  • Suicide Intervention or Post-Intervention Initiatives 
  • Other (specify)

Applications are being accepted until May 17th 2023

In the Prairie Mountain Health region there are many mental health organizations and initiatives that facilitate people telling their story through programming, education, and peer groups, including: the Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA) , Peer Connections Manitoba, Huddle , Indigenous Mental Health services, SERC,  the Buddy Up Campaign , Kids Help Phone , Mood Disorders Association of Manitoba (MDAM), Addictions Foundation of Manitoba (AFM) , and Immigration. There are many more mental health supports across our region.

Manitoba 211 is a free confidential service that can be used to help people navigate this web of community, government, and social services support. This service is not just for mental health navigation. Text/call 2-1-1 or visit

What’s going on around Prairie Mountain Health this Mental Health Week?

  • Swan River HERO Club BBQ May 5th from 11am-2pm at Extra Foods
  • Roblin HERO Club BBQ May 2 from 11:30am-1:30pm at Co-op Food Store
  • Dauphin HERO Club Fundraiser May 5th 11:30am-1:30pm, catered by Irvings Catering. Caesar salad and pudgy fries and coffee. Cost is $15/ticket.
  • Annual Clinician Workshop by SPIN and United Way (see poster image)