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Emergency Department

Pride Month

PMH is proud to celebrate #Pride & the 2SLGBTQQIA+ community.

Celebrations in Our Region

  • Brandon Pride is celebrating during the week of June 11-17. Visit their Facebook page at Brandon Pride.
  • Pride Winnipeg is hosting events and activities from May 27 – June 5. Visit for more info.
  • Pride Winnipegosis is celebrating on Saturday June 10. Visit their Facebook page at Pride Winnipegosis.
  • Dauphin’s first Pride Parade will take place on June 28. Visit the Northwest Metis Council Facebook page for more info.

If you are hosting an event in your community, please share those details by emailing [email protected], and we would be happy to share that information on our website and on our social media channels.

Support Services

Visit our Transgender Health webpage for information on services available to you within Prairie Mountain Health.

Celebrating Our Staff: The Bailey-Morrison Story

Originally written & published by Shared Health

Visit the Shared Health 2SLGBTQQIA+ Community page for more stories, resources.

Chandel (left) and Crista (right) Bailey-Morrison

“You fall in love with a person, not a gender. You love a person for who they are, not their parts,”

Crista Bailey-Morrison, Patient Services Manager, Dauphin Regional Health Centre

A twist of fate brought Crista Bailey-Morrison to Winnipeg, enrolling in the Paramedicine program at Red River College. There she would meet her future wife, Chandel, who was studying to become a nurse.

“We tell our kids now, how Mommy and Momma met,” explains Chandel Bailey-Morrison, Care Team Manager at Dauphin Regional Health Centre. “The story starts with how two girls met during lunchtime at a microwave, they fell in love and got married.”

At the time, Chandel didn’t expect to fall in love with another woman. She had never been in a same-sex relationship before and wasn’t sure how to navigate her new-found feelings.

“Honest to goodness, it was like something you’d see in a movie,” says Chandel. “Once we kissed, it was like nothing I’d ever felt before in my whole entire life – all I could feel were butterflies! There were sparks and fireworks and everything was going off!”

After keeping their relationship a secret, for what felt too long, Chandel finally gathered up the courage to come out to her parents. Knowing how traditional her father was, Chandel wasn’t sure how he would take the news. Unexpectedly, he answered back with “I’ve known. I’m not comfortable with it right now but I love you so much and I see how happy you are – that’s all that matters to me.”

“I lost it and instantly teared up. I had been terrified to tell him and had so much fear stored up because I didn’t want it to change our family dynamic. We’re all about family in our house, we had dinners together every Sunday and were always doing things together as a family unit. For him to say ‘I will be okay with it someday’ was a huge relief,” shared Chandel.

From that moment on, Crista became a part of Chandel’s family and was included in everything, even Sunday night dinners; and not just as a friend.

“It happened so fast for us because it felt so natural,” explains Chandel. “I knew she was the one.”

The couple proposed to each other only 8 months into their relationship. Understanding their dream destination wedding wasn’t going to be accessible for everyone, Crista and Chandel made a trip out to Alberta to visit Crista’s family before the big day.

“My dad accepted me and who I loved right off the bat. He’s not with us anymore, but he didn’t care who I was with, as long as I was happy,” shares Crista.

During that trip, Chandel surprised Crista with a small wedding in Banff to have Crista’s dad be a part of the celebration.

“Having Chandel arrange everything for us to get married in the mountains was one of the most thoughtful things anyone has ever done for me,” says Crista. “Having my dad, my biggest supporter, there to give me away was unforgettable.”

When Crista found a job as a paramedic in Dauphin, Manitoba, Chandel followed and found a job as a nurse in their new hometown. As the couple settled into their new lives, it wasn’t long before they started to dream about growing a family together.

“At first moving to Dauphin was a big culture shock and we didn’t really know anyone,” says Chandel. “We met another gay couple in Dauphin, two men – and when you meet another same sex couple, you gravitate towards them because it’s so few and far between, especially in a small town.”

Finding common ground over dinner one night, Crista and Chandel were talking to their new friends about how starting family can be extremely difficult and costly for them as a same sex couple and felt quite discouraged.

“I didn’t know if I was going to have kids have because I didn’t know how we would do it. I accepted that it might not be in the cards for me,” shared Crista.

“I’ve always wanted to be a mom. It was hardwired in me,” explains Chandel. “The next morning when our friends told us ‘we’d like to help you start a family’, I remember being in in utter disbelief. Tears filled my eyes and wouldn’t stop. This kind of gift really was unimaginable. It takes a really special person to do this for someone. To have them both offer was truly a blessing.”

Nine months later Crista gave birth to their first daughter and 16 months later Chandel gave birth to their second. Surrounded by love, the girls now have a ‘mommy’, a ‘momma’, a ‘daddy’ and ‘dadda’ in their lives as well as five sets of grandparents. 

“We all decided to be honest with the girls right from the start. This is your ‘daddy’ and this is your ‘‘dadda,” explains Chandel. “They know who their dads are and as they grow up there isn’t any confusion. We celebrate and visit with extended family as often as we can too!”

Chandel and Crista’s story has inspired others within their small town to live their lives authentically. Many have thanked them, including the parents of queer children, for being an example of what queer can look like, both being respected in the workplace and out in the community raising a family.

“My story and background in the rainbow community as I like to call it, gives me an advantage working in health care,” says Chandel. “I gravitate to those who identify under the rainbow. When I care for them I often mention my wife in conversation and you can physically see their anxiety melt away. I’m almost a type of invisible support for them and help to create a safe space in the hospital.”

“We’re just us; it’s not any different,” says Crista. “To those struggling with coming out and the social pressures I’d say, be who you are and don’t try to hide it, that’s only hurting you. The most important people in your life will stick around.”

“In a sometimes-lonely society, coming together during pride and seeing how many people belong to our community, you realize there are more of us out there,” says Chandel. “I feel proud of who I am and who I’ve become on the journey I’ve taken on with my lovely wife.”

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National Indigenous Peoples Day | June 21, 2023

With the arrival of June 21 comes the summer solstice, the longest day of the year.

Annually, June 21 is National Indigenous Peoples’ Day (NIPD).

Indigenous people acknowledge the teachings of the four seasons by their representation on the medicine wheel. Summer is a time of growth and warmth. NIPD provides the experience to grow in awareness and understanding and build relationships as people come together to celebrate the culture of Indigenous people.

Prairie Mountain Health (PMH) acknowledges the history, heritage, traditions and experiences of First Nations, Inuit and Métis peoples within our health region.

Prairie Mountain Health provides health services on the original lands of Treaty 2 & 4, territories of the Dakota, Ojibway and Cree people and the Red River Métis. We acknowledge the traditional territories and treaties that confirm recognition and respect for the Indigenous populations – past and present.

PMH encourages all who deliver health services on the original lands of First Nations people and on the homeland of Métis citizens to recognize the ongoing obligation to provide culturally safe care. As an organization, we will continue to embrace the distinct cultural knowledge, practices and traditions of Indigenous Peoples and continue efforts to strengthen relationships with the Indigenous communities and peoples who we serve.

The Brandon National Indigenous Peoples’ Day Committee will host an in-person event at Riverbank Discovery Centre on Wednesday, June 21, 2023, from 12:00 to 8:00 pm. The outdoor event will include a tipi village, cultural displays, Indigenous entertainment, powwow demonstrations, children’s activities, a bannock demonstration, a food tent, and more. All of which will highlight the unique value of Indigenous culture and ways of knowing. The Brandon Urban Aboriginal Peoples’ Council will hold a tipi raising at the Riverbank Discovery Centre on Tuesday, June 20th starting at 10:30am, in preparation for the events on June 21.

National Indigenous People’s Day Events around PMH

If you are holding events in the PMH region, please share information by emailing the details to [email protected]

For NIPD events near your area, contact your local First Nation or Métis community. 

For more information on NIPD, check out the Government of Canada’s link

About National Indigenous Peoples Day (

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June is Men’s Health Month

During the month of June men and boys are encouraged to take charge of their health.  Get screened, eat a healthy meal, exercise, get outdoors and check in with a friend.  Use this month to set good habits in motion, and carry them throughout the year.  There are a variety of websites with resources full of everything from healthy recipes to exercise tips to mental health pod casts as well as testicular and prostate cancer checks.  Check them out.  Find what works for you and get started today. 

Canadian Men’s Health Foundation

The Canadian Men’s Health Foundation is a national, registered charity providing information, tools, and motivation for men and their families to live healthier. Canadian men are dying at an alarming rate from chronic illness and leaving their loved ones behind. Yet, 70% of men’s health problems are preventable by living healthier. No matter how you do it—walk, jog, swim, bike, or mow the lawn—any kind of movement adds up to better physical and mental health. Sign up for a ‘Guy’s guide to eating healthy‘ or listen to the Don’t change much pod cast.

Buddy Up

Buddy Up is a men’s suicide prevention communications campaign: a call to action to men, by men. We all have a role to play in men’s suicide prevention. Partners, colleagues, friends, and family. In Canada, men have a suicide rate three times higher than women. Why? We have socialized men to be strong, stoic and self-reliant; showing emotion is a sign of weakness, as is asking for help. Further, men are under served by our traditional health and social service sectors. Men are dying in alarming numbers, all around us, alone. How can we change this reality? Join the Buddy Up Campaign.


While the month of November is a little ways away, the Movember website is full of resources for guys all year long. Learn more about prostate and testicular cancer and how you can check for signs, early detection is key. Visit Family Man and discover parenting strategies designed with dads in mind. If you are feeling low or overwhelmed, don’t hesitate to reach out for support. Discover numerous resources on where you can get support and how you can help give support if you have a bro that might be struggling.

The John Howard Society of Brandon

The John Howard Society of Brandon (153 8th street) Men’s Resource Centre is open to all and offers a safe and supportive space for men and their families to access resources and information. The center provides programs, services and individual support on issues affecting men and their families.

Programs offered include: Anger Management, Building Healthy Relationships and a Crossroads Program – focused on developing positive life skills.

Services available: Staff can help you connect to community resources, provide information and advocacy. They offer one on one support, Protection Orders, Third Party Reporting and help with Pardons and Record Suspensions. 

Drop in services: Free computer and internet access is available. Workshops focused on Legal Issues, Health and Wellness, Art and Music! 

Mood Disorders Association of Manitoba

Mood Disorders Association of Manitoba works on building meaningful relationships and provides a space where men can open up and share about their experiences. They offer a wide variety of mental health and wellness opportunities from workshops to peer-support, and One-on-One peer support. You can book a one-on-one peer support session (online/in person) with the Men’s Program Coordinator at [email protected]. Discover more about the peer support groups and additional men’s health resources.

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World Elder Abuse Awareness Day – June 15

World Elder Abuse Awareness Day (WEAAD) was developed & launched on June 15, 2006, by the International Network for the Prevention of Elder Abuse (INPEA). WEAAD involves planning activities to bring greater recognition of the mistreatment of older adults everywhere they live worldwide and highlight the need for appropriate action. It is intended to give the abuse and neglect of older adults a global relevance that will sustain and move prevention efforts forward throughout the year and for years to come.

WEAAD involves national and international activities developed by countries, communities, neighbourhoods and organizations collaborating in multigenerational and multidisciplinary initiatives. It can encompass volunteer and educational programs, cultural and art events, and the use of information technology, all aiming to create awareness of elder abuse and neglect and how it can be prevented.

The World Health Organization defines elder abuse as “a single, or repeated act, or lack of appropriate action, occurring within any relationship where there is an expectation of trust, which causes harm or distress to an older person.” It can take many forms, including physical, emotional or financial harm, and may not be intentional. The issue is closely tied to ageism, an underlying prejudice against older people leading to discrimination and neglect.

Did you know that:

  • 1 in 2 people is prejudiced against older people (Global Report on Ageism, World Health Organization)
  • 1 in 5 Canadians say older people are a burden on society (Report on Ageism, Revera, 2012)
  • An estimated 7.5% of Canadians 55 and older experienced abuse (Into the Light National Survey on the Mistreatment of Older Canadians, National Initiative for the Care of the Elderly, 2015)
  • 1 in 6 people over the age of 60 are victims of elder abuse (World Health Organization)
  • In 2021, Women aged 55 and older represented 28% of all victims of femicide (Call it Femicide Report, Canadian Femicide Observatory for Justice and Accountability, 2021)
  • Nearly 8 in 10 seniors report age discrimination in healthcare (Report on Ageism, Revera, 2012)

Each year on June 15, many communities within Prairie Mountain Health recognize World Elder Abuse Awareness Day as an opportunity to recognize local and regional efforts to raise awareness of the abuse towards older adults. Raising awareness of elder abuse and neglect is challenging, and no effort is too small. Public education and awareness raising are important elements in preventing abuse and neglect.

If you are being abused or neglected or know of someone who is, the MB Senior’s Abuse Support Line 1-888-896-7183 is available 24-7. Calls are free and confidential. You can speak to a trained counsellor who will provide one-on-one support to older adults experiencing abuse and other concerned community members. 

For more information and resources on Elder Abuse, please visit WEAAD Manitoba at or The International Network for the Prevention of Elder Abuse at websites.  

Let’s all “Wear something purple” and celebrate World Elder Abuse Awareness Day on June 15 to show the world we care about ending elder abuse and neglect.    

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June 3rd is National Health & Fitness Day!

National Health & Fitness Day (NHFD) is an initiative to make Canada the Fittest Nation on Earth, starting with marking one day, the first Saturday in June as the day when Canadians get out and get active in any way they wish. Communities across the country have proclaimed the day and the National Health and Fitness Day Act, Bill S-211, became law in December 2014.

Current Canadian Physical Activity Guidelines for ages 0-4 recommend at least 180 minutes of physical activity of any intensity per day; at least 60 minutes of moderate-to-vigorous intensity physical activity for children and youth (aged 5-17) per day; and at least 150 minutes of moderate-to-vigorous intensity physical activity per week for adults and older adults (all those over 18 years of age). Data from across Canada shows that only 15% of adults and 9% of children and youth are meeting current physical activity guidelines. The good news is that 84% of 3-4 year-old children are meeting the guidelines. As you can see, intensity of physical activity matters! Moderate-to-vigorous intensity activity includes all activities that make you huff and puff. Moderate means you should still be able to have a conversation but are starting to work up a sweat; vigorous intensity means you’re out of breath and can’t maintain a constant conversation.

Children and youth who meet the activity guidelines are less likely to be overweight, have better bone health, do better in school, and have better scores for mental health. Meeting the activity guidelines for adults is associated with significant reductions in the risk of cardiovascular disease, stroke, high blood pressure, colon and breast cancer, and type 2 diabetes. Other benefits include higher energy levels and better sleep, better mental health and higher brain function and memory.

On Saturday June 3rd get your kids, spouses, parents and friends outside and get active! A family that plays together stays together! Here are some activity ideas for you and your family:

  1. Let your kids plan the activities for the day! If you’ve never played Grounders or Octopus, you’re missing out! Check out these fun, no-equipment outdoor games from Active for Life.
  2. Head to the park or playground and set up a fun obstacle course.
  3. Make a splash at your community pool, splash park or local recreation centre.
  4. Get together with neighbours for a game of all-ages ball hockey, races (egg-on-a-spoon, three-legged and sack races); a scavenger hunt; a pool party; or a game of soccer.
  5. Play walking bingo! Find the game card here.
  6. Go for a walk – walk around the neighbourhood and discover a new park or ravine.
  7. Tour the community … on bikes!
  8. Take your dog for a long walk. Or, if you don’t have a dog – take your neighbour’s dog for a walk!
  9. Introduce the kids to something new. Bocce ball? Ladder golf? Cricket?
  10. Crank up the tunes and have a crazy outdoor dance party! See who can make up the best new dance moves.

Let’s do our part in making Canada the Fittest Nation on Earth and on Saturday, June 3rd get up, get out and get active!

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When passion meets opportunity.

By Alexandra Wenger, Winnipeg Free Press

As a rural nurse, you’re so much more than your job title. There’s a certain kind of flexibility in rural nursing that allows you to develop your skills in different ways.

Chandel Bailey-Morrison

When Chandel Bailey-Morrison’s kindergarten teacher asked what she wanted to be when she grew up, Chandel already knew her answer. She wanted to become a nurse.

“I always knew nursing was my calling,” Bailey-Morrison said. “As a kid I was always helping people. To this day, when I care for people, it reminds me of my purpose on this earth and it makes me feel whole.”

Bailey-Morrison’s health-care career started early, with those kindergarten dreams, and continued on into high school when she became a health-care aide and worked in both hospice and palliative care environments.

“Palliative care was the most rewarding job I’ve ever had. It’s such an honour to care for people in their final stages of life,” she said. “I have some truly heartwarming memories, including a patient who asked me to give her a bath while listening to Louis Armstrong’s ‘What a Wonderful World.’ She got me to dance around the room singing at the top of my lungs. We laughed until we cried. It was the best day — and literally her very last day on earth.”

Originally published in the Winnipeg Free Press as part of a National Nursing Week special feature

Her goal of becoming a nurse was realized when Bailey-Morrison graduated with a nursing degree in 2014. From a dream planned out and pursued from the early age of five, Bailey-Morrison’s career path has taken her to some unexpected places, including to Dauphin, where she is care team manager at the Dauphin Regional Health Centre (DRHC).

“While I was in college, I met the love of my life,” Bailey-Morrison explained. “She was in school for paramedicine and when she got a job in Dauphin, I took the leap with her. We were engaged nine months later.”

Together, the couple started their new careers in Dauphin with the intention of staying for two years to gain experience before returning to Winnipeg. Years later, they haven’t left and no longer have plans to.

“I never thought I’d live outside the city borders far from family. At first, Dauphin was a big culture shock and rural medicine had a significant learning curve,” Bailey-Morrison said. “Out here, our scope is a bit broader so I’ve had more opportunities than I would have in the city. Where Winnipeg sites might have specific IV or code teams, here in Dauphin we are those teams.”

During her five years working at the DRHC, Bailey-Morrison has explored many different opportunities and worked in a variety of specialties, including medicine, surgery and maternity while using her experience to help both new and existing staff expand their education in her current leadership role.      

“As a rural nurse, you’re so much more than your job title. There’s a certain kind of flexibility in rural nursing that allows you to develop your skills in different ways. You have the ability to jump in and get orientated on different units and if you show interest and want to learn, you can try it,” she added. “All your career goals can be made possible here. There’s just so much room to grow.”

As care team manager, Bailey-Morrison is responsible for half the Dauphin facility, including three of its largest units, overseeing everything from staffing, hiring, recruitment, finances and budgeting to patient safety and operations.

“I’ve been given great opportunities to climb the ladder in my career. I think my journey would have looked a lot different if I had stayed in Winnipeg,” Bailey-Morrison said, crediting the mentors she had along the way for inspiring both her interest in leadership and her approach to her current role.

“When I was a health-care aide, Monika Warren (now chief nursing officer for Shared Health) was one of the people who encouraged me to become a nurse. I’ve always said if I was ever in a leadership role, I would want to be like her. The way she speaks to people and her calmness during crisis is just so remarkable. It really stuck with me and inspires me to this day to be a great leader.”

These days, Bailey-Morrison’s everyday tasks are quite different from those she was responsible for in a direct care nursing role, but she has found her calling in leadership and is known around the facility for her commitment to staff, ability to bring teams together to succeed and willingness to be an extra set of hands whenever they are needed.

While Dauphin wasn’t in the original kindergarten dreams, it has become home for Bailey-Morrison and her family, offering small-town charm and big opportunities.

“Living in rural Manitoba offers the best of both worlds. Dauphin is beautiful and economical, my commute is convenient, and there are tons of outdoor activities and a diverse and supportive community. My definition of family has changed, and it’s here. Dauphin is home.”

This article was originally published in the Winnipeg Free Press as part of a National Nursing Week special feature. Click here for the full feature to read about more nurses and their careers throughout Manitoba.

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International Harm Reduction Day | May 7

Harm reduction can be defined as an understanding that drug use has been and continues to be part of our world.  Working with client’s where they are at to minimize the harmful effects of substance use promotes health autonomy and personal choice.  The guiding principles include non-judgemental care that does not promote or expect abstinence as the goal of our clients. Provider-client relationships are prioritized through trauma informed and client driven care.  Harm reduction approaches within PMH include safer injection and safer smoking kits, overdose recognition and response, opioid agonist therapy, working towards reducing stigma, health inequalities, racism, and cultural safety.

Discover a Harm Reduction event in a community near you, where testing and free supplies will be available.

  • Brandon | May 5th | 12-2pm | Princess Park
    • Condoms,  Safer injection supplies, Safer Smoking supplies, and Naloxone Training (no testing)
  • Swan River | May 9th | 1-4 pm | 524 Main Street E
    • Condoms, STBBI urine & blood testing, Safer injection supplies, Safer Smoking supplies, safer sex supplies and Naloxone Training
  • Russell | May 9th | 11-2 pm | Medical Clinic Parking Lot Shell River Ave  
    • Condoms, STBBI urine & blood testing, Safer injection supplies, Safer Smoking supplies, safer sex supplies and Naloxone Training
  • Minnedosa | May 11th | 10 am-12 pm | 48 Main Street South  (East Entrance) 
    • Condoms, STBBI urine & blood testing, Safer injection supplies, Safer Smoking supplies, safer sex supplies and Naloxone Training
  • Wuskwi Sipihk | May 11th | 1-3 pm | Cultural Building  
    • Condoms, STBBI urine & blood testing, Safer injection supplies, Safer Smoking supplies, safer sex supplies and Naloxone Training
  • Rossburn | May 12 | 11-2 pm | 23 Main Street  
    • Condoms, STBBI urine & blood testing, Safer injection supplies, Safer Smoking supplies, safer sex supplies and Naloxone Training

Learn more about Harm Reduction

Chief Provincial Public Health Officer Position Statement: Harm Reduction

Manitoba Harm Reduction Network

Toward The Heart

National Harm Reduction Coalition

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World NO Tobacco Day: May 31 Grow Food, Not Tobacco

May 31 marks the 36th annual World No Tobacco Day.  This day, established by the World Health Organization serves to “draw global attention to the tobacco epidemic and the preventable death and disease it causes” (WHO 2023).  The theme this year is Grow food, not tobacco and aims to encourage governments to support farmers to switch from growing tobacco to growing food thus improving food security and nutrition around the world.  To find out more about this global advocacy work visit the WHO World No Tobacco Day webpage.

Closer to home in Canada, a number of organizations are regrouping to identify key actions to bring us closer to Canada’s target of less than 5% smoking rates by 2035.  Significant strides have been made in the past couple of decades to substantially decrease smoking rates and the associated harms.  However, the recent rise in vaping threatens to stall the progress we have made and create a new generation of nicotine users.  The tobacco industry which owns most of the vaping products continues with heavy marketing to attract new people to use their products.  If you are a parent, consider talking to your child about the harms of both smoking and vaping.  More information can be found at Health Canada or the Consider the Consequences campaign website.  

If you smoke or vape and are ready to make a quit attempt, we can help!  Quitting smoking is one of the best things you can do for your health.  There are several options available in Manitoba to support individuals making a quit attempt from one-on-one counselling and quit aids to online, phone and text support and we encourage you to check out our website for a full list of options.  You can also call PMH’s Chronic Disease Education Program Toll-Free line – 1-877-509-7852, to arrange an appointment with a nurse educator and to enroll in the Tobacco Quit Card and Counselling program. 

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MAY is Speech and Hearing Month

Speak well. Hear well. Live well.

Many of us take our speech, hearing and swallowing for granted. We often do not think about it until something happens to our own health, or that of a loved one.

Have you worked with a Speech-Language Pathologist or Audiologist before? We have a wealth of knowledge and experience, and can help you understand the challenges you may be facing with your communication, hearing or swallowing. We can help find a solution that works for your life, and gets you back involved in the things you love to do.

Think about some times you use communication, hearing or swallowing:

  • Eating Christmas dinner
  • Chatting to a friend in a noisy restaurant
  • Reading and making a family recipe
  • Calling your mom on the phone
  • Drinking your morning coffee
  • Texting your friends
  • Listening to music
  • Reading stories with your grandchildren
  • Listening to the birds

Now imagine…

  • What if you couldn’t swallow without coughing and choking?
  • What if you couldn’t hear your friends?
  • What if you could never think of the right w… w… w… oh, I give up.
  • What if your speech was slurred?

How would that impact the things you love to do, and your connections with the people around you?

Speech-Language Pathologists (SLP)

SLPs are regulated health professionals who have a master’s degree in speech-language pathology. They provide individualized care to meet the needs of people with communication and swallowing difficulties. They focus on prevention, evaluation and management of communication and swallowing disorders across the lifespan. Services may address a range of concerns including difficulties with speech sound production, voice, resonance, fluency, language comprehension and expression, literacy, cognitive-communication, augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) and feeding and swallowing.


Audiologists are regulated health professionals who have a master’s or doctorate degree in audiology. They provide individualized care to meet the needs of people across the lifespan with hearing and balance issues. They focus on the prevention, assessment, diagnosis and management of hearing and balance disorders. Services may address a range of concerns including hearing loss, central auditory processing, tinnitus, sound tolerance disorders and balance (vestibular) issues. Audiologists also provide guidance on hearing loss prevention.

If you know an Audiologist or Speech-Language Pathologist, please take the time to thank them for the good work they do. If you feel you may require their services, please discuss the possibility of a referral with your family physician.

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National Volunteer Week | April 16-22, 2023

This year, National Volunteer Week falls during the week of April 16-22. Volunteers continue to make a significant difference in the health and well-being of our residents and the patients/clients we serve. 

Recognizing and highlighting this special week provides Prairie Mountain Health (PMH) with another opportunity to celebrate and thank all of our volunteers for all they do, year-round!

This year’s theme for 2023 is ‘Volunteering Weaves Us Together.’ This reveals the importance of volunteering to the strength and vibrancy of our communities through the interconnected actions we take to support one another. These diverse forms of sharing our time, talent and energy strengthen the fabric of our community. Through volunteering, we experience our interconnectedness, making our lives more meaningful. By getting involved in various ways, we find friendship, develop trust and link our relationships. Threading these connections, we come to a sense of belonging as we contribute towards the same goals.

Prairie Mountain Health is graced with volunteers that support Long-term care, Acute care and Community Health programs across the region. We have volunteers participating on Boards, Foundations, Auxiliaries and various other community meal and harm reduction programs.  All work effortlessly to further support and assist collaborative health efforts across our large region.  I’m sure you have noticed through various publications and social media, how much volunteers contribute towards the purchase of approved equipment for facilities and sites. We have dedicated volunteers that support the Community Volunteer Income Tax Program and  Palliative Care program. It would be difficult to cover all the examples how people selflessly give of their time.   Amazingly, over the last year, our volunteers have put in a collective total of over 23,000 hours!

We very much appreciate our volunteers who dedicate their time, knowledge, compassion and heart to helping Prairie Mountain Health. On behalf of our Board, Staff and Physicians, we sincerely thank you for all you do from the bottom of our hearts. If you see a volunteer, thank them for “weaving us together”.

Volunteers at Fairview PCH – Brandon

“Here are three examples of Fairview’s many wonderful volunteers. Arlene & Grace both play piano at Fairview, entertaining the residents.  Music is a very popular program! Kathy is one of our recreation assistants—she assists regularly with birthday parties held on each of the units. Since the pandemic, our programs in long term care have changed as needed due to guidelines…but one constant is the importance of our friendly volunteers. Thank you to all of our awesome volunteers for sharing your time & talents!” – Maxine Brown, Coordinator Volunteer Services – Fairview

Volunteers at Westman Lab – Brandon

Westman Lab would like to take this opportunity to celebrate the hard work and dedication of our volunteers! We have 7 wonderful volunteers that choose to help us!

Hazel has been with us since the fall of 2016
Cheryl started in the spring of 2017
Barb started in the fall of 2018
Penny started in the fall of 2020
Heather started in the winter of 2020
Aleeta and Amna both started in December of 2022. 

We want to let you all know that we couldn’t do it without you!
Thank you so much for all you do!

Healthy Baby Program

The Healthy Baby Program would like to recognize our Volunteer Hailey Pringle! Hailey is a volunteer childminder with the Healthy Baby Program in Brandon. The PMH Healthy Baby program is a community support program for parents who are expecting and for those with little ones under 1 year of age. Hailey provides childminding for parents who attend session with their preschool aged children. This allows the older children to socialize and play with other children while the parents have an opportunity to learn and spend one on one time with baby! Playing, reading, drawing and crafting are all things Hailey does in the childminding room! Hailey has been with us since September and we appreciate her dedication to the program!

Steppin’ Up with Confidence

The Steppin’ Up with Confidence program runs in many communities across PMH.  It is an older adult exercise and falls prevention program, peer-led by volunteers in the communities.  These Steppin’ Up leaders are all trained in the program and dedicate much time and energy to keeping our senior population moving.  Classes meet once a week for an hour and along with some good exercise it is also about socialization and many laughs are had! Thanks to all of you!

Centre for Adult Psychiatry – Our Volunteers 😊

Ngaire & Tai – Pet Therapy – Ngaire has offered Pet Therapy at the Centre for Adult Psychiatry since 2016! Tai has been part of our CAP family for almost 6 years.  His trading cards are a hit among the patients.  A visit with Ngaire and Tai always boosts the mood rating and brings a smile to people’s faces.  We cannot thank Ngaire enough for going above and beyond in providing opportunities for patients to interact with Tai during their stay at CAP.  Ngaire brings a wealth of knowledge and compassion in meeting our patients needs.  Thank you!

Be sure to check out one of Tai’s videos :

Celebrating Grand Championship

How to Retrieve a Hot Dog

Olubukunola Otaiku ( Bukky ) – Recreation Assistant – For the past 6 months Bukky has been our weekend activities volunteer at CAP.  She provided patients with the opportunity to engage in art on the weekend.  Her welcoming nature and cheerful disposition are appreciated by our patients and staff.  Thank you Bukky and good luck in your nursing studies.

Greeting Card Volunteer – Patients at CAP are very fortunate to receive creative and hand-written greeting cards for many occasions throughout the calendar year.  Our heartfelt thank you to this thoughtful individual.  You have no idea how much positive impact these cards have for individuals.  Thank you!

Lyndon Bournon – Music Therapy – Lyndon offers live music at CAP a couple times each month. He often has people tapping their toes and singing along. In addition, he has also offered to provide information sessions about Adult Education opportunities in Brandon, which is his day job.  Thank you Lyndon!

Debbie Fisch – Anxiety Disorders Association of Manitoba (ADAM) – Debbie has been coming to CAP for 20 plus years to provide education and information about anxiety and the support opportunities available.  We value her monthly visits and her commitment to helping people who struggle with anxiety disorders.  Thank you Debbie!  Please check out

Mood Disorders Association of Manitoba (MDAM)( Susan Spiropolous, Brent Rosnoski, Marian Goldstone )

CAP is fortunate to have monthly informational/educational presentations from Marian, Brent and Susan.  They share personal experiences and promote living in wellness.  They provide support, education, and advocacy for those living with mental illness through a wide range of peer support and other services.  We value the relationship we have formed.  They are always available to connect with patients in between their visits. Thank you!  Be sure to check out their website:

Brandon Regional Health Centre Volunteers

Thanks for everything you do!

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