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Emergency Department

Weight to Wellbeing


What is Weight to Wellbeing?

Weight to Wellbeing is an educational program developed and led by a variety of healthcare professionals.
This group program will help participants make changes in their lives to improve their overall health and wellbeing.
A Lifestyle Program to Create a Healthier You!

Why Choose Weight to Wellbeing?

  • Would you like to improve your eating habits?
  • Would you like to be more active but don’t know where to start?
  • Do you have trouble managing stress?
  • Are you having trouble sleeping?
  • Do you find it hard to stay present? In the moment?
  • Do you wonder if medications are leading to weight changes?
  • Learn ways to make changes in your life to improve your health and wellbeing!

When is the program offered?

  • For a current schedule of all of our free classes, visit our Public Classes page. Our public classes page is updated frequently as courses are available, so keep checking!
  • You may also call 1-877-509-7852 to ask when Weight to Wellbeing will be offered next.

Who should attend?

Weight to Wellbeing is a new program offered in Prairie Mountain Health (PMH). It is intended for individuals interested in making changes in their lives to improve their health and wellbeing. It is suitable for individuals who are over the age of 18, do not have any previous eating disorder history or diagnosed eating disorder, and who are able to do some amount of light to moderate physical activity during each session.

How long is the program?

  • 7 Classes once a week over 7 weeks
  • Group classes are offered virtually and in-person throughout different communities across Prairie Mountain Health.

Does this sound familiar?

Register for the Weight to Wellbeing program offered in the Prairie Mountain Health region.

What are some of the activities in Weight to Wellbeing?

  • Personal Goal Setting
    • Record your goals throughout your journey.
    • What were some barriers?
    • What can you do to overcome them?
  • The Hunger and Fullness Scale
    • Mindful eating includes listening to your hunger and fullness cues.
  • My Meals
    • Menu planner and grocery list.
  • Exercise Videos
    • Strength & Endurance
    • Cardio
    • Flexibility and more
  • True or False
    • How much do you know about healthy eating and weight loss? i.e. Is dieting the same as having a healthy diet?

Weight to Wellbeing will help you to improve your health and wellness:

  • Understand what health is beyond weight.
  • Set goals to help with healthy lifestyle changes and learn how to maintain these changes.
  • Establish what healthy eating looks like to you.
  • Acquire new skills on how to move more and sit less.
  • Develop new skills on how to include mindfulness into your day.
  • Increase your knowledge on how to be body positive.
  • Discover new strategies to identify and manage stress.
  • Learn strategies to improve your sleep habits.Gain some understanding about some medications and their effects on weight.

No Cost to Attend!


Contact Us

To register for upcoming classes or for more information please call: 1-877-509-7852