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Emergency Department

Unified Referral & Intake System (URIS)

URIS is a provincial program which supports children who require assistance with health care needs while attending community programs including schools, licensed child care facilities, respite services, and accredited recreation programs within Prairie Mountain Health (PMH).

URIS is a partnership of PMH and the Government of Manitoba Departments of Health, Family Services and Education.

How do I apply for URIS?

Your community program will give you an application to complete and return. If a qualifying health condition has been indicated, the community program will forward the application to the URIS program.

What does the URIS Nurse do?

With the parent/guardian’s assistance, the URIS Nurse will complete an Individual Health Care Plan for the child. This Health Care Plan outlines the child’s health history and the necessary interventions to support the child’s health care needs while attending the community program. The URIS Nurse will train community program staff for procedures specific to the child’s health care needs (eg. how to administer an inhaled medication to a child with Asthma).

The URIS Nurse also provides training to community program personnel to respond to your child’s specific health care needs and provide an emergency response plan should it be required. PMH URIS Program partners with Manitoba Health care professionals to ensure your child is receiving the best support available.

What health care conditions qualify for URIS support?

Health care procedures may be safely delegated to non-healthcare personnel when the child’s health status is stable and response to the procedure is predictable. Non-healthcare personnel must receive training and ongoing monitoring by a URIS Nurse. The URIS program may provide support for the following conditions:

  • Life-threatening allergy (anaphylaxis)
  • Asthma (when medication is present at the community program)
  • Seizure disorder
  • Diabetes
  • Cardiac condition
  • Bleeding disorder
  • Steroid dependence
  • Osteogenesis Imperfecta (brittle bone disease)
  • Gastrostomy care and feeding
  • Ostomy care
  • Clean Intermittent Catheterization
  • Pre-set oxygen
  • Suctioning (oral and/or nasal)
  • Administration of medications

What is the responsibility of the parent/guardian?

  • Inform the community program of any medical or special health care needs of your child
  • Complete the URIS Group B application form provided by the community program
  • Talk with the URIS Nurse to develop your child’s individual health care plan for the community program
  • Sign your child’s complete health care plan for use at the community program
  • Inform the staff at the community program as well as the URIS Nurse of any changes to your child’s health information at any time.
Download our brochure

Contact URIS

URIS applications can be obtained by contacting the director of your community program or resource teacher at your child’s school. For program specific questions, please contact:

Kim Speers

Administrative Assistant