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Emergency Department

Nurse Practitioners

A Nurse Practitioner (NP) is a Registered Nurse (RN) who has completed advanced education at a master’s level. NPs are registered with the College of Registered Nurses of Manitoba (CRNM). NPs are primary care providers who provide a comprehensive, engaging, responsive, respectful service.

Nurse Practitioners work independently and can provide many services including:

  • Completing assessments and physical exams, including pap tests and pre-natal exams;
  • Diagnosing and managing common issues and chronic conditions;
  • Prescribing medications and therapies;
  • Ordering diagnostic tests like blood work, x-rays, ultrasounds, CT scans and MRIs;
  • Performing minor procedures like suturing, biopsies, wart and mole removal; and
  • Referring to other health providers including specialists.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can an NP be my regular primary care provider?

Yes. A NP can be your primary care provider – the person you see to receive most of your health care.

NPs have access to many resources to support working in partnership with clients for the treatment and management of their health care needs, whether acute or chronic. NPs work in collaboration and consultation with physicians and other health-care providers and can be found working in a variety of settings, including primary care clinics and personal care homes.

What communities have NPs?

Prairie Mountain Health (PMH) employs 19 NPs. NPs are currently based in Baldur, Birtle, Boissevain, Carberry, Erickson, Glenboro, Grandview, Melita, Minnedosa, Roblin, Rossburn, Ste. Rose du Lac, Swan River, Wawanesa and the 7th Street Health Access Centre in Brandon.

NPs also provide service on the PMH Mobile Clinic, which has been seeing patients in the region since February 2014. More information on the Mobile Clinic or how to book an appointment with an NP on the Mobile Clinic.

How do I know if a NP is accepting new patients?

Call any NP office or Family Doctor Finder, where you will be connected with a primary care provider (including Physicians or NPs).

Are you an RN interested in becoming an NP?

The Nurse Practitioner Education Grant (NPEG) competition opens each fall. Interested students/new NPs can learn more about the timing and requirements by checking on the Manitoba Student Aid (MSA) website.

PMH also works closely with universities to support education of NP students, with practicing NPs mentoring these students during their practicum placements.

Many of our NPs and students have benefitted from grants, scholarships, and bursaries available to NP students. Local community foundations have also supported NP students. This is an important source of support and a good return on investment for communities to consider.

NP services in the region have been growing and evolving during the last decade. PMH is a leader in Manitoba, and the region will continue incorporating NPs into the health care team.

Are you interested in a career within Prairie Mountain Health?

Associated Links

Call for an appointment with a Nurse Practitioner near you

BirtleBirtle Medical Clinic204-842-3990
BoissevainBoissevain Medical Clinic204-534-3777
Brandon7th Street Health Access Centre204-578-4800
Canupawakpa Dakota NationCanupawakpa Health Centre204-854-2990
CarberryCarberry Health Clinic204-834-2126
EricksonErickson Clinic204-636-6809
GlenboroGlenboro Medical Clinic204-827-2633
GrandviewGrandview Medical Clinic204-546-2774
MelitaMelita Clinic204-522-8353
MinnedosaMinnedosa Medical Clinic204-867-2722
Mobile ClinicServes Oh-Chi-Chak-Oh-Sippi,
Ebb and Flow, KeeseeKoowenin
and Birdtail Sioux
RiversRivers Medical Clinic204-328-7941
RoblinRoblin Community Health Services204-937-6261
RossburnRossburn Medical Clinic204-859-2566
Sapotaweyak Cree NationSapotaweyak Health Centre204-587-2058
Shoal LakeYellow Head Medical Clinic204-759-2755
Sioux Valley Dakota NationSioux Valley Health Centre204-855-2690
Skownan First NationSkownan Health Centre204-628-3333
Ste. Rose du LacSte. Rose Primary Health Care204-447-4080
Swan RiverSwan Valley Primary Care Centre204-734-6600
WaterhenWaterhen Primary Health Care204-622-6252
WawanesaWawanesa Clinic204-824-2993
Waywayseecappo First NationWaywayseecappo Health Centre204-859-5080