Declaration of Patient Values
Our goal is the best possible patient experience. We depend on patients and families to be our partners in achieving this. Our patients have identified the values important to them.
It is the loyalty, professionalism and dedication of staff that really make the difference to patients’ quality of care and experience.”
Patients – includes all patients, clients and residents
The purpose of a Declaration of Patient Values (DOPV) is to:
- ensure patients are at the center of their care,
- to inform the public what they can expect from the Health Care system;
- that patients have a say and a voice in the care they receive from the programs, services, and health care professionals that serve them
- reflection of the public’s collective patient values
Health care professionals and patients all have a role to play in health care. This helps promote a culture of patient safety.
Where our Patient Values come from
- Guidelines and procedures were developed by the Minister of Health,
- An extensive process of engagement and consultation with patients, community focus groups, and the public at large.
Why a Declaration of Patient Values?
A Declaration of Patient Values is intended to:
- Reflect what really matters to our patients.
- Ensure patients are put first in their care
- Clarity for the public what they can expect from Prairie Mountain Health programs and services
- Ensures Patients have a say and a voice in the care they receive from our programs & services
As a patient (or family member), what are your rights and responsibilities?
- Patients have a right and responsibility to participate, as you are able, or interested, as a partner in making decisions about your health care. Health care professionals are to respect patients, and encourage and support the patient (and, as required, the patient’s family/support person) in participating in care and decision making.
- Tell your health care provider what you need. Discuss concerns or questions about your care and services that you do not understand or agree with. Provide feedback on care and services through Client Experience Questionnaires, as available.
- Respect for confidentiality and personal health information.
- Treat staff with respect and courtesy
As a Regional Health Authority, what are our responsibilities?
- Board and Leadership support to:
- Ensure that the Declaration of Patient Values language is included in all Prairie Mountain Health’s documents, resources and guides.
- Ensure that staff are educated on the patient values and that they are supported to help meet these values.
- Monitor compliance of values through program client experience questionnaires.
Health care provider’s responsibilities
- Remember that values are personal to each individual. Listen to each patient and family member attentively and include them in decisions whenever possible.
- Consider and respond to patients needs
- Promote Patient Values with staff and patients