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Emergency Department


There is full range of mental health services for children and adolescents across the region including community services, crisis services, and some specialty services in different areas.

Should I call North or South?
If you require a more urgent response, please call:
NORTH1-866-332-3030 | SOUTH1-888-379-7699 or 204-725-4411

Community Mental Health

How do I Start?

You may connect with a Seniors Mental Health clinician to discuss concerns by calling one of the numbers below from Monday to Friday, 8:30 am to 4:30 pm.

Who can access Seniors Mental Health?

Seniors Mental Health provides assessment, consultation and treatment for mental health problems that are most commonly associated with aging. We can help clarify concerns about mental health issues and provide linkage with the most appropriate resource.

The most common concerns are often related to the onset of or changes in psychiatric conditions such as cognitive disorders (dementia), anxiety disorders or major depression.

We can assess and help with concerns related to:

  • Memory loss
  • Increased confusion
  • Challenging behaviours
  • Thoughts of self-harm or suicide
  • Problems related to substance use/gambling
  • Elder Abuse or vulnerability
  • Care-giving concerns
  • Questions of risk or safety
  • Coping strategies
  • Social isolation/withdrawal
  • Impact of multiple losses
  • Environmental modifications
  • Ongoing treatment and follow-up

It is important to discuss concerns with your local health care provider.

What Do We Offer?

Our team of mental health professionals have specialized training and expertise working with older people experiencing mental health challenges. We work closely with other health care providers and the Centre for Geriatric Psychiatry to address these concerns.

Our interdisciplinary team of psychogeriatric clinicians include:

  • Psychiatry
  • Psychology
  • Psychiatric Nursing
  • Occupational Therapy
  • Social Work
  • Activity Instructors
  • Other Allied Professionals

Our Clinical Services

Mental Health Resource Nurses
MHRNs provide mental health clinical support and assessment to patients, residents and staff within assigned rural facilities. This resource is available within several Personal Care Homes, Hospitals and Emergency Rooms.

Mental Health Assessment and Treatment – Community
Seniors Community Mental Health clinicians provide clinical provide specialized consultation, assessment and short-term treatment ; individualized treatment plans; education and support both in the home and office setting.

Community and Residential Supports
Community Mental Health Workers will provide Mental Health Case Management for older people at risk for relapse of their psychiatric illness. There is a focus on symptom monitoring and follow-up; daily living skill preservation and teaching; leisure and social support; and group interventions such as the Prime Time Day Program located in Brandon at Fairview Home. (open weekdays from 8:30 am – 3:00 pm.)

Most costs are covered under provincial insurance through the Manitoba Health Services Commission.

What Happens Next?

When we receive a referral, someone will contact you or your family to gather additional information and to schedule an appointment. One or more members of our team will meet with you within or as close to your own home as possible. The use of Telehealth may be available to reduce the need for travel. We often provide our findings to the physician or other health care provider and in some instances we may continue to see you to ensure your mental health needs are addressed. In some situations, we may recommend that you first see your family doctor or another provider.

Your information is confidential

We are required by law to protect the confidentiality of the information you provide as part of your care. We only share this information with others who are directly involved in your care or where we are required to by law.

Please ask a member of the Seniors Mental Health team if you have any questions about your right to examine your information or if you have concerns about confidentiality and the sharing of your personal health information.

Contact Information

Brandon Mental Health Services
Unit B13 – 800 Rosser Avenue, Brandon, Manitoba R7A 6N5
204-578-2400 | 1-855-222-6011 (toll free) | Fax: 204-578-2822

Dauphin Community Health Services
625 3rd Street South West, Dauphin, MB R7N 1R7
204-638-2118 | Fax: 204-629-3406

Swan Valley Community Health Services
1011 Main Street, Swan River, MB R0L 0Z0
204-734-6601 | Fax: 204-629-3477

Tab 2

The Centre for Geriatric Psychiatry provides specialized assessment and short term treatment for individuals 65 years and over who are experiencing difficulties with day to day functioning due to mental health problems.

Service is provided within an interdisciplinary model in collaboration with the patient and his/her family and caregivers.

It is a 22 bed acute care unit located at the Brandon Regional Health Centre, and is a designated psychiatric facility under the Mental Health Act of Manitoba. It is the inpatient referral centre for Parkland, Assiniboine, Brandon and the west half of the Central Regional Health Authorities.

How is Someone Admitted?

Contact your family physician who will make arrangements with a psychiatrist at the Centre for Geriatric Psychiatry for admission if needed.

The on-call psychiatrist can be reached through the Brandon Regional Health Centre 24 hours a day at 204-578-4000.

What Treatment and Services are Offered?

Our Geriatric Psychiatry Service provides you with specialized assessments and treatment in a safe, caring environment. Our goal is to work with you, your family and significant others to stabilize your condition and help you return home or prepare you for a longer-term placement of your choosing.

Your health care team includes:

  • Program Manager
  • Unit Clerk
  • Attending Psychiatrists
  • Physician
  • Mental Health Clinician
  • Pharmacist
  • Psychiatric Nurses
  • Psychiatric Nursing Assistants
  • Activity Instructor
  • Spiritual Care Advisor
  • Occupational Therapist
  • Psychologist
  • You and your Family!

Clinical Services:

  • Assessment and diagnosis
  • Short to intermediate term treatment
  • Pharmacotherapy
  • Counseling/education/support for the individual and family
  • Activity and recreation therapy
  • Linkage with community resources/health care professionals
  • Discharge planning
  • Referrals to consulting specialists/rehabilitation therapists as needed.

What you need to know

Contact Information

Pamela Gulay, Program Manager
204-578-4560 | Fax: 204-578-4948