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Emergency Department

Treatment Centre

1240-10th Street, Brandon, MB R7A 7L6 | 204-578 2700 or 1-866-403-5459 (toll free)

Hours: 8:30am – 4:30pm

CATC Fax: 204-578-2850
Crisis Stabilization Unit Fax: 204-578-2851

What is the CATC?

The Child and Adolescent Treatment Centre (CATC) provides Mental Health services to children, adolescents and their families.

Services include: mental health assessments and treatment, crisis stabilization, individualized treatment plans, individual, group and family therapy, and mental health education/promotion.

Who Works at the CATC?

The staff includes Child/Adolescent Psychiatrists, Psychologists, Social Workers, Registered Psychiatric Nurses, Teachers, an Occupational Therapist and Psychiatric Nursing Assistants.

Who Can Receive Services?

  • Day Program and Education services are available to residents Brandon and surrounding area.
  • Community Mental Health is available across the region. For contact information click on Child & Youth Community Mental Health.
  • The Crisis Stabilization Unit and Early Intervention Service provides treatment and consultation to entire region.

Consents: Clients 15 years of age and under must have the consent of parent or guardian to become involved with treatment at CATC. Clients 16 years of age and older, are able to provide consent independently. Referral Information: Referrals can be made to explore service options and suitability prior to obtaining consent. For referrals or information, please contact: 204-578-2700 or 1-866-403-5459 (toll free).

Day Program

Treatment is provided through individual and group therapies, focusing on self-esteem, social skills, communication, anger management, life skills and leisure skill development. Families are part of the treatment process and parent education and intervention is provided. Program staff also work in cooperation with school personnel and other involved agencies to provide the most appropriate treatment for each individual.

Clients are transitioned to community school on completion of the program.


CATC can provide for the educational needs of clients involved in the Crisis Stabilization Unit and Day Treatment Programs. This may include academic assessment, individualized education planning, transition to community schools and consultation.

Community Mental Health, Early Intervention Services and the Crisis Stabilization unit are also available at CATC.