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Emergency Department

Early Intervention Services

The Early Intervention Service (EIS) is an initiative of the Brandon Regional Health Authority, developed to identify, support and treat individuals experiencing psychosis for the first time. It is modeled from, and similar to, other “first break” programs around the world utilizing evidenced-based, best practice guidelines.

EIS will work with people between the ages of 15 to 30 who have experienced psychosis for the first time.

How do I Start?

Individuals between the ages of 15-30 can be referred to EIS. Referrals can be made directly to the intake workers attached with either adult or child/adolescent mental health services (depending on the age of the client). If it appears that EIS should be consulted, an EIS clinician will be contacted and screening will be initiated within 1-2 weeks. A seamless and rapid access to service is a guiding principle of EIS.

Early Intervention Services accept referrals from many different sources including:

  • Parents
  • Caregivers
  • Doctors
  • Counsellors
  • School Staff
  • Child Welfare Agencies
  • Or yourself

Who can access EIS?

EIS will work with people between the ages of 15 to 30 who have experienced psychosis for the first time.

What is Psychosis?

The word “psychosis” is used to describe conditions that affect the mind, in which there has been some loss of contact with reality.

Psychosis affects an individual’s thoughts, feelings, and behaviours. The experience of psychosis varies greatly from person to person and two individuals experiencing psychosis may have very different symptoms.

Early symptoms may include:

  • Reduced concentration & attention
  • Reduced drive and motivation
  • Lack of energy
  • Depressed mood & anxiety
  • Sleep disturbance, social withdrawal
  • Suspiciousness
  • Deterioration in role functioning
  • Irritability

The acute phase may also include:

  • Hallucinations and/or delusions
  • Behavioural disorganization

What Do We Offer?

EIS staff consists of two full time EIS clinicians, and two part-time activity instructors. Psychiatric and psychological consultations are available as needed.

Treating a serious mental illness can involve:

  • Medication
  • Individual counselling
  • Family support and counselling
  • Practical support
  • Involvement in a recovery program which focuses on helping people get their life back on track.

The focus of treatment is to control symptoms, assist the person to make sense of and overcome the trauma of their illness, and prevent relapse through decreasing risk factors such as stress, substance abuse, family conflict and stigma. Along with this comes the ongoing promotion of protective factors such as:

  • Secure accommodation and income
  • Engagement in work or study
  • Strong networks and family support
  • Adherence to medication

What happens next?

The Access Worker will talk with you on the phone or in-person to help decide the services best suited to meet your needs. Anyone is welcome to call the Access Worker to start the process. The worker starts by asking some questions. Then they will go over the reason that you want mental health services.

It is important to also go over risks, such as thoughts of suicide, drug and alcohol use, and aggressive behaviors.

The questions asked, help to find the best services and decide how quickly they are needed.

Contact Information

If you have any questions regarding EIS, please feel free to contact an EIS clinician directly at 204-578-2434 or 204-578-2436.