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Emergency Department

Home Care Services

Based on the assessment completed by the Case Coordinator, the following Home Care services may be available.:

  • Assessment and Care Planning for Home Care services, including Palliative Care, and/or Personal Care Home Placement, including Supportive Housing.
  • Case Management/ Case Coordination
  • Assistance with Personal Care and Activities of Daily Living
  • Nursing Care – ie treatments, dressing, etc
  • Respite Care – to relieve primary caregivers through in home respite or respite in a designated bed in facility.
  • Adult Day Program – a structured community based program providing social stimulation to individuals and respite to caregivers.
  • Therapy Services – assessment in client’s home by physiotherapist or occupational therapist.
  • Equipment/Medical Supplies – to support the provision of care at home
  • Home Oxygen Program – the provision of oxygen concentrators and professional follow up for eligible individuals who require continuous oxygen.
  • Supportive Housing – provides access to 24-hour support and supervision within a group setting for frail and/or cognitively impaired persons who can no longer safely manage in the community with the support of family and the Home Care programs but are not yet ready for Personal Care Home placement.

Seniors Services

Support Services to Seniors programs are community based programs (grant funded by Prairie Mountain Health) for seniors that support health and well being and provides support and assistance for seniors and individuals living with disabilities to maintain their independence in the community.

Based on the needs of the community, a wide range of support services are developed such as meal programs, volunteer opportunities, grocery shopping, transportation, friendly visiting, foot care, personal emergency response systems, escort to appointments, counseling, ERIK, filling out forms, support groups, socialization, advocacy, assistance with errands, snow removal and home maintenance.

  • Community Resource Councils are non-profit organizations, which help ensure that support services are available and accessible to the seniors and person with disabilities by assisting them in maintaining their independent living status.

  • Congregate Meal Programs are a community based meal service that is intended to increase opportunities for seniors to enjoy well-balanced affordable meals in a social setting. Nutritious meals are offered to seniors three to seven days per week.

Senior Supports in Group Living (SSGL)

SSGL provides a range of services in group living/elderly persons housing that will assist the resident with Instrumental Activities of Daily of Living (IADLs) in order to remain independent with support in the community and “Age in Place”. IADLs are life management skills such as shopping, telephone use, meals, banking procedures, assistance with filling out forms, setting up appointments, making travel arrangements to the appointments and in the development of group socialization , rec activities and exercise programs.

  • Some Examples of Group Activities – crafts, games, exercise groups, bingo
  • Health Promotion Sessions – Falls prevention, diabetes and heart health, healthy Brandon, emergency response information kits (ERIK), wellness programs.

Supportive Housing

The supportive housing program provides access to 24 hour support and supervision within a group setting for frail and/or cognitively impaired persons who can no longer safely manage in the community, with the support of family and the Home Care program, but are not yet ready for personal care home placement.

For more information or for general questions please call: 1-855-474-3338