PMH CEO extends warm wishes for the holiday season
November 2024

It’s hard to believe we are less than a month away from the holiday season and the start of 2024! The mild weather has certainly masked the countdown to the holidays. This ‘El Nino’ climate effect has undoubtedly flipped the script weather-wise. Here’s hoping the nice weather continues and we still get a white Christmas!
Since announcing my intention to retire in April 2024, it’s given me pause to realize this will be my last festive season message to you as CEO of Prairie Mountain Health. I think back to a few years ago, around this time, when we were still deeply mired in the COVID-19 pandemic. Although it seems like a blur now, it was a difficult time for everyone. Each of us had to navigate through that intense and strenuous time, though we continue to feel its impacts to this day! Thankfully, we are not in such difficult pandemic circumstances right now, though we continue to experience COVID and respiratory outbreaks at several of our sites.
We have many facilities that operate 24 hours a day, seven days a week. I greatly appreciate the staff that provides care over the holidays. Many times, our staff are the ones who are there to lend an extra hand and extra ear to those who are in our hospitals, personal care homes and the community and are not able to be with their families during the holidays.
Our tremendous staff continue to give of themselves and do what they do best ‘all year long’ — provide quality care to the people we serve. We really can’t say thank you enough! We know residents within our health region remain incredibly grateful for the dedication, commitment, and compassion you bring to work with you every day!
When considering visitation at our sites, if an ‘in-person’ visit isn’t possible, PMH encourages families to consider providing a personal device, such as a cell phone or iPad, to their family member that allows for a direct connection. You can also let health centre patients and personal care home residents know you are thinking of them by visiting the PMH website and filling out the “well wishes” information. By making this well wishes request, it will be delivered directly to the person on your behalf. A direct link can be found here.
For those who have lost loved ones or for those facing other stressors and challenges, the holiday season is an extremely difficult time of year. Prairie Mountain Health provides mental health services and support for those in need. We all have mental health, and we have to continue to make our well-being a priority. Remember, ‘that if you don’t make time for your wellness, you will be forced to take time for illness.’ To learn about the available resources and supports, please visit our website.
Here’s to a holiday season filled with love, happiness, fellowship and memories.
Decorating the tree, exchanging gifts, singing or listening to songs, celebrating traditions, watching heartwarming movies, enjoying a festive meal, playing games, volunteering —whichever ways you choose to celebrate or recognize this time of year —our wish is that you make it as enjoyable as it can be!
On behalf of the PMH Board, our Executive Management Team and our staff, we wish everyone a safe, healthy and happy holiday season and all the best in 2024.
Brian Schoonbaert, CEO
Prairie Mountain Health