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Emergency Department

Philippine Recruitment Initiative – Last Arrivals

Larissa, Mae, Garry & son holding welcome sign at Winnipeg airport.
Pictured L-R: Larissa, Mae, Garry & son

With mixed emotions,  Prairie Mountain Health embraced the last arrivals from the Philippine Recruitment Initiative (PRI). It has been a journey over the past few years for 28 healthcare workers who have travelled from the Philippines to settle in various areas of the Region.  The last of the candidates arrived on January 21and 27. 

Felicia Morales and her husband, Carlo Jay Pundol, along with Jackline Daguman all arrived on January 21and have settled into Dauphin.  Felicia will be working as a Health Care Aide at the Dauphin Personal Care Home and Jackline as an Internationally Educated Nurse – Undergraduate Nurse Employee (IEN-UNE) until she completes the necessary training to be licensed as a Registered Nurse, also at the Dauphin Personal Care Home.  Both began work on January 27.

Mae Flor Pamonag her husband, Garry, and 4-year old son arrived in Winnipeg on January 27. They will be settling in Brandon where Mae will work at the Brandon Regional Health Centre as a Supervised Internationally Educated Nurse – Licensed Practical Nurse (SIEN-LPN) position until she finishes the training to obtain a license as a Licensed Practical Nurse.  Mae will begin work in early February.

PMH Recruitment Manager Larissa Kominko says as part of the overall Philippine recruitment initiative, 11 registered nurses, two licensed practical nurses and 15 health care aides (for a total of 28 new employees) were recruited to work in the health region. They have been located in various communities which include Dauphin, Brandon Hartney, Minnedosa, Neepawa, Russell, Swan River and Virden.  The first arrivals to the health region under the initiative were in November 2023.

Larissa, Jackline, Felica & Carlo holding welcome sign at winnipeg airport
Pictured L-R: Larissa, Jackline, Felica & Carlo