November is Falls Prevention Month

November is Falls Prevention Month; however, fall prevention is a priority all year long. Prairie Mountain Health has a Regional Falls Prevention and Management committee that works together to promote, create and educate on fall interventions and injury reduction strategies. The team consists of managers, nurses, and staff from hospitals, personal care homes, home care, primary care programs, and members from therapy services, pharmacy, and Indigenous Health.
Over the past few months, this team has been working hard to promote and educate staff on various ways to incorporate fall prevention into everyday life. Through educational materials and fun activities, the region has been improving communication. Neepawa Hospital, Shoal Lake Health Centre and Sandy Lake Personal Care Home were three facilities that participated in a fun “Spot the Hazards” activity where a simulated room with multiple “risks” was put in place for staff to “spot.”

Staff at Sandy Lake PCH participated in a fall prevention activity called “Spot the Hazard” (pictured above). Our rehabilitation aide and recreation worker arranged the activity. All staff were encouraged to participate, and the response was great. This was a fun learning exercise in which the staff could discuss with each other regarding how falls could be prevented. There were two donated prizes, and the participants’ names were entered in the draw for the prize.

How can you “spot the hazards” at home? Check out the Prevent Falls Check-Up – This online questionnaire helps you learn what puts you at risk of falling. After answering each question, you will learn about your personal risk factors and what you can do to prevent falls and reduce injuries related to falls! For more information on falls prevention and resources such as checklists, videos, and exercises, check out PMH’s Falls Prevention Page!