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Emergency Department

Killarney Drums Alive: A Healthy Together Now Feature

Killarney recreation department got creative with Healthy Together Now (HTN) funds this past year to start Drums Alive programs in Killarney. It had been identified that the older adult population was not using the Shamrock Centre in Killarney’s programs as often as other groups. Therefore, using a collaborative community approach, recreation director April Archambault connected with the local Services for Seniors’ program to explore opportunities and barriers for participation. Drums Alive was identified as a great fit as there is already a certified instructor in the area and something the older adults were excited to try. Working together to support the needs of the senior population, they realized that transportation may be an issue for some older adults. Therefore, Services for Seniors offered transportation through the Handivan to the Drums Alive classes. Although this service didn’t end up being used, it was a great partnership to reduce transportation barriers for older adults wanting to participate in the Drums Alive program. A large and diverse group attended the Drums Alive sessions with lots of enthusiasm! In addition, the equipment was used with youth at summer daycamp programs through a partnership with Killarney Turtle Mountain Arts Council. Drums Alive connects music, fitness, mental and cognitive health and having this opportunity in the community adds to the health and vibrancy of the community. This is a great Healthy Together Now project showcasing community groups working together to offer accessible programming for all ability levels.

Healthy Together Now (HTN) is a government supported program coordinated by the health promotion team in PMH. Community Healthy Together Now (HTN) funding is available 4 times per year in PMH. Community groups or organizations can apply for funding for projects that support community-led health promotion activities that focus on one or more of healthy eating, increasing physical activity, supporting mental well-being or tobacco/vaping reduction. The next grant intake deadline is February 1, 2023. Please visit our website for more information.