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Emergency Department

Food, Family and Traditions

Food is part of celebrations across the globe. Regardless of culture or religion food is part of our cultural identity and has a way to strengthen bonds within our own families and our community , helping us to connect with one another.

To celebrate the diversity of our community, bring awareness to the importance of food celebrations and family traditions in our lives, we encourage you to take time this holiday season to enjoy a family meal together, involve family member’s in the preparation of a family meal and discuss why eating with others is important.

Here are some discussion questions you may want to explore over the winter holiday break with your child:

  • What are our family favourite foods?
  • What family mealtime or food traditions do we have to help celebrate special occasions? (Christmas? Birthdays? Weddings?)
  • What is the role of food in families and their traditions?
  • Is there a new meal time tradition that we could create in our family?  If so what would it be?

The best part of any holiday is enjoying the opportunity to connect with family and friends. If you feel some of the holiday traditions need a refresh, re-imagine the holiday with a new tradition and enjoy!!

Here is a tasty recipe to try this holiday season!

Texas Caviar

1/2c sugar
½ tsp garlic powder
½ tsp cayenne pepper
1/2c oil
3/4c vinegar

1 yellow pepper, 1 red pepper, 1 orange pepper, 1c celery, 1/4 of a 4oz jar of jalapenos (chopped)
1 can corn
1 can black beans
1 can chickpeas


1)  Make brine- add sugar, garlic powder, cayenne pepper, oil & vinegar in sauce pot; bring to a boil & cool
2)  Finely chop vegetables & add these to the brine along with the 1 can corn, 1 can black beans & 1 can chick peas.
3)  Stir all together & refrigerate overnight. 

Serve with taco chips, over rice or place filling into a lettuce leaf and enjoy!