Every Vaccine Counts! PMH, it is time to get vaccinated

We are heading into Respiratory virus season. Respiratory viruses are common and tend to spread more easily during cooler weather when Manitobans spend more time indoors with others. Influenza (Flu) and Covid viruses are contagious and can have similar and overlapping symptoms.
The BEST ways to reduce your risk and potential complications:
- Get vaccinated, stay home when sick, wash your hands frequently, cover your cough/sneeze, and wear a mask in high-risk situations.
This respiratory virus season, updated Covid and Flu vaccine doses are recommended for all Manitobans 6 months and older. It is especially important for individuals who are considered high risk, those over the age of 65, and children under 5 years of age.
Manitoba Health offers Pneumococcal and High-Dose Flu vaccines to people 65 years and older.
In 2023/24, approximately 25% of the population received flu vaccines and 19% received COVID-19 vaccines. A significantly higher rate was seen in the 65+ age group (54% for COVID-19 and 60% for flu). This year, our goal is to prevent missed opportunities and reach those individuals at risk for severe illness sooner. We will offer vaccines at more access points; more providers will be offering vaccines.
You can get your Flu, Covid and Pneumococcal vaccines at a local community clinic, pharmacy, or your Primary Care Provider. All vaccines can be given safely at the same visit. It is recommended to receive your Covid vaccine 6 months since your last dose. Talk to your healthcare provider to determine the best time to vaccinate you.
Prairie Mountain Health (PMH) Flu and Covid Vaccine Clinics will start October 24th. Starting October 5th visit our website for a full list of flu/COVID vaccine clinics and locations throughout the region, or follow us on our Social Media pages (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter).
Once again, this year, you can book your vaccine appointment online or call toll-free at 1-844-626-8222 starting October 5th.