Current Outbreaks
The following Outbreaks have been declared in the corresponding facilities within Prairie Mountain Health.
Facility / Unit | Date Declared | Type |
Boissevain – Evergreen Place | March 17 | Respiratory |
Boissevain – Westview Lodge | March 6 updated | COVID-19 |
Brandon – Fairview Personal Care Home (1st Floor) | February 19 | Influenza |
Brandon – Fairview Personal Care Home (2nd Floor) | March 13 | Influenza |
Brandon – Fairview Personal Care Home (4th Floor) | March 12 | Influenza |
Brandon – Fairview Personal Care Home (5th Floor) | March 17 updated | Influenza |
Carberry Personal Care Home | March 10 | Influenza |
Dauphin – St. Paul’s Home | March 17 | Respiratory |
Gilbert Plains Personal Care Home | March 19 updated | Influenza |
Glenboro Personal Care Home | March 17 updated | Influenza |
Melita Personal Care Home | March 21 | Influenza |
Ste. Rose du Lac – Dr. Gendreau Personal Care Home | March 5 | Respiratory |
What is an Outbreak?
An outbreak is the spread of the same illness (e.g. influenza or norovirus) among a group of people living or working in the same place at the same time.
Outbreaks of illness in health care facilities can be very stressful for clients, staff, visitors and family members. However, for clients, outbreaks can be more than just stressful, they can be life-threatening. For the health and well-being of all it is important to control and stop outbreaks as quickly as possible.
Please follow these steps to help stop the spread of illness.
Check-In At The Nursing Station
Control measures may change several times during an outbreak. Staff at the nursing station will provide you with information on control measures that are being used at the time, and help answer your questions.
Keep Your Hands Clean
Wash hands using soap and water or use hand sanitizer:
- Immediately when you enter the facility and as you leave
- Before entering and as you leave a client’s room
- Before and after feeding or providing care to a client
- Before eating
- After using the washroom
Do Not Visit If You Are Ill
Visiting a client when you are not feeling well puts everyone in the facility at risk. Keep infants and children at home if they are not feeling well.
Do not visit if you have a cold or any of the following symptoms:
- Fever, cough, runny nose, sneezing, stuffy nose, sore throat, or a new rash not yet diagnosed
- Diarrhea, upset stomach, vomiting or nausea
If A Client Is Ill, Visit In Their Room Only
- Ill clients should remain in their rooms. Avoid taking an ill client to a common area during your visit
- When visiting any client, follow the facility’s infection prevention and control instructions
Do Not Visit More Than One Client Within The Facility
- After visiting, leave the facility immediately
- To protect yourself, avoid common areas (e.g. dining room)
Get Your Flu Shot (Influenza Vaccine)
- Influenza can cause serious complications such as pneumonia or death for the elderly
- You can pass influenza to others before you start to show any symptoms. To protect yourself and your family, get your flu shot
Follow The Facility’s Infection Prevention And Control Instructions
- Follow instructions for precautions or personal protective equipment (e.g. gloves, masks, eye protection or gowns), if required
- Participation in control measures is required by everyone to assist in containing an outbreak
Click here for more information about Infection Prevention and Control.
Hand Hygiene (Hand Washing)
Washing your hands is the best way to help stop the spread of infections. Cleaning your hands with hand sanitizer and washing hands with soap and water are both called hand hygiene. Good hand washing helps to reduce the number of germs on your hands. It also helps to keep you healthy and stop germs from spreading to your family, friends, coworkers, and others.
Hand hygiene is important in healthcare settings because clients are often at risk of getting an infection. Good hand washing involves using hand sanitizer and rubbing it into your hands until they are completely dry, or washing your hands with soap and water for 15 seconds. Hand sanitizer is the first recommended option for hand hygiene. Wash your hands with soap and water if they are visibly dirty.
Use hand sanitizer when you enter and as you leave a healthcare facility, unit or room.
Outbreak Types
Gastrointestinal Illness Outbreaks
Gastrointestinal illness is caused by viruses or bacteria invading the bowel. Common viruses include norovirus, rotavirus, small round virus (SRV). Common bacteria include Salmonella or Campylobacter. Symptoms for these infections are usually nausea, vomiting and diarrhea that can last approximately 2 – 3 days.
You may find signs on the door about the infection prevention and control precautions you should take.
Please check with the nursing staff about how you can help stop the spread of infection. The best way to stop the spread of these bacteria and viruses is to wash your hands.
Respiratory Outbreaks
Respiratory outbreaks are caused by viruses such as influenza A, influenza B, respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) or common cold viruses.
Symptoms of these infections are usually coughing, fever, sore throat, exhaustion, and body aches and pains. The length of time the symptoms last depends on the type of infection causing the outbreak.
You may find signs on the door about the infection prevention and control precautions you should take.
Please check with the nursing staff about how you can help stop the spread of infection. The best way to stop the spread of these viruses is to wash your hands.
Antibiotic Resistant Organism (ARO) Outbreaks
Antibiotic Resistant Organisms are bacteria that live in the skin, nose or bowel. Usually, people are not aware of these bacteria and are completely healthy. If these bacteria get “inside” the body, for example into an open wound, urine or blood, they can cause an infection. These infections are difficult to treat because of resistance to some antibiotics.
Some common AROs include Methicillin Resistant-Staphylococcus Aureus (MRSA), Vancomycin Resistant Enterococci (VRE) and Carbapenamase-Producing Enterobacteriaceae (CPE).
You may find signs on the door about the infection prevention and control precautions you should take.
Please check with the nursing staff about how you can help stop the spread of infection. The best way to stop the spread of these bacteria is to wash your hands.