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Emergency Department

Patient Relation FAQs

What happens when you contact a Patient Relations Representative?

It is our goal to contact you, as soon as possible, but this could take up to five business days. The Representative will review your concern and act as your contact person.

The time needed to review your concern will vary according to the type of concern. The outcome of the review will be shared with you where possible.

Share a compliment

Would you like to provide a compliment about a service, or recognize someone who has made a difference to your healthcare experience?

Please share your compliment with a Patient Relations Representative by calling the Patient Comment Line. We will pass the compliment along to the staff involved.

Why should concerns be brought to the attention of Prairie Mountain Health?

Prairie Mountain Health (PMH) is committed to providing high quality patient care. PMH values patient feedback from patients about their care. Complaints, compliments and suggestions are welcomed as an important part for the region to understand the first-hand experience of the patient as way to learn and improve patient safety and quality of care and services.

Your health care will not be affected by bringing a concern forward.

How soon should concerns and complaints be reported?

The sooner a concern is raised, the easier it is to find an answer or solution. Your experience helps us to learn, and improve the care that is provided.

When you have a concern about your care, start by talking to your health care provider (nurse, doctor, other provider). If you still have questions, please ask to speak with the Manager of your unit / health centre or community program.

If your concern is still not addressed, speak with a Patient Relations Representative. You may be asked to leave a message, but someone will get back to you. In order to review your concern, it is important to have your name and tell us how we can reach you. Otherwise, we are limited in how well we can review your concern and speak to you about it.

Sometimes concerns need the involvement of others.

A Patient Relations Representative will be happy to speak with you about all types of concerns or complaints. The process used to review your concerns will be shared with you.

We will work directly with you, or with someone who has your consent, to review your concern. Information related to your concern will only be shared with the appropriate authorized individuals in order to resolve your concern. We may need to review your health record and talk with others involved with your care.

When you share a concern your privacy will be protected according to the Personal Health Information Act (PHIA).

What if I am still not satisfied?

If Prairie Mountain Health’s review of your concern has not been resolved to your satisfaction, you may contact:

Resolving Concerns within Manitoba’s HealthCare System

Phone: 1-800-392-1207 (toll free)

Manitoba Ombudsman

Phone: 1-800-665-0531 (toll free)

Physicians are independent practitioners licensed by the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Manitoba. If you are not satisfied with the regions review of your concern, you can also forward complaints concerning physicians to their licensing body at:

The College of Physicians and Surgeons of Manitoba

1000 – 1661 Portage Avenue
Winnipeg, MB R3J 3T7
Phone: 204-774-4344