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Emergency Department


What does a Registered Nurse or Registered Psychiatric Nurse or Licensed Practical Nurse do?

Registered Nurses (RN) and Registered Psychiatric Nurses (RPN) record medical history and symptoms, conduct physical exams, observe and record behaviors. They administer medication and treatment, perform diagnostic tests and operate medical equipment.  RN/RPN’s provide hands on care, perform basic bedside care and monitor health conditions. Along with managing and maintaining medical records, they collaborate with teams and advocate for health and wellbeing of individuals.  They provide education and information to individuals on their health and health care plan, along with providing education and training and leadership in a team environment.

Work as a RN in Hospitals (Acute Care), Personal Care Homes (Long Term Care), Clinical Education and Management

Work as a RPN in Hospitals (Acute), Personal Care Homes (Long Term Care), Psychiatry Units and Management

Work as a RN and RPN in Community Programs such as Home Care, Mental Health, Public Health, Primary Health Care, and Addiction Services

Training & Education:

RN: Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BScN)

RPN: Bachelor of Science of Psychiatric Nursing (BScPN)

  • 4-year Degree program
  • Brandon University (sites available in Brandon and Winnipeg) –

LPN: Diploma of Practical Nursing (DPN)

  • 2 year Diploma program
  • Assiniboine Community College (Brandon and Dauphin)
  • Assiniboine Community College Rural rotating sites include; Neepawa starting January 2024 and Virden starting September 2024.
  • University College of the North (Swan River)

Please note, there are other University & Colleges that offer Nursing Programs.

What does a Nurse Practitioner do?

Nurse Practitioners (NP) is a registered nurse who has completed advanced education usually at a masters level. NPs work with other health care professionals like pharmacists, doctors, social workers, nurses and mental health workers. All NPs working in Manitoba are registered with the College of Registered Nurses of Manitoba.

Nurse practitioners perform complete physicals, diagnose and treat acute or chronic illness or injuries, prescribe medications, order and manage the results of screening and diagnostic tests, perform minor surgical procedures, provide education, make referrals to other health care professionals such as specialists, perform pap tests, bloodwork, x-rays, and perform minor surgical procedures such as suturing and biopsies.

Work as a NP in Hospitals, Emergency Rooms, Community Health Clinics, Teen Clinics, Long Term Care Homes, Universities, Quick care Clinics, First Nation Communities and Mobile Care

Training & Education:

Full time or part time programming available:

What does a Health Care Aide do?

Health Care Aides (HCA) meet the special and changing needs of clients and assist them in reaching and maintaining optimum health. They provide and assist clients in activities of daily living task, bathing, personal hygiene, meal assistance, dressing and undressing. HCA’s provide education and information to individuals on their health and health care plan. They collaborate with teams and advocate for health and wellbeing of individuals.

Certified HCAs work in Hospitals, Personal Care Homes & Home Care

Non-certified HCAs work in Personal Care Homes & Home Care

Training & Education:

Rural communities, at times, offer the training as well.